Saturday 20 February 2010

Walking on sunshine

Welcome to part 2 of the 'happy' blog.
Things that fill my heart with sunshine aka things that make me smile/

It's a cliche but for me it is often the small things that count so
these things might seem a bit random:

I love when I finish a product. My heart leaps with joy when I
squeeeeze the last of the toothpaste out of the tub or when I've used
my last babywipe. I always feel such a sense of achievement!

Painting my toenails. I always feel a bit naked if my toenails aren't
painted so I do feel so happy while I'm painting tem and for me I feel
that it's the easiest way to pamper yourself and to show ur feet
that you care. And I always feel that much better knowing that I've
got pretty toenails.

Getting my favourite seat on the bus/tube/plane/coach. I know my
journey/day is going to be great if I get my favourite seat. And if I
get it on the way home it usually brightens up a not so good day.

Being with people who I feel comfortable around and who know my
habits. I don't like being with people who question what I'm doing and
shine a spotlight on my weirdness. I'm happiest when I can just be me
and if I start howling at the moon the people I'm with just keep on
doing what they're doing!

Blogging fills my heart with sunshine! Even the mega boring ones.
Blogging at the end of the day is like talking to a friend on the
phone. And it's free!!!

Backstreet boys! I've got a handful of they're sons on my penny pod
and everytime I hear one my heart skips a beat. Soooooo many memories,
happy and sad. And remembering how I felt in 'those' days makes me
laugh at myself.

I heart getting into a cool bed. I cannot sleep in a bed that is warm,
it makes me feel dirty. When I was younger and my mum did the whole
tuck into bed routine I use to always get into an argument with my mum
because she use to sit on the edge or end of the bed and that meant
that I couldnt get in until the bed had cooled down lol

Which leads to my next one; arguing with my mum! Me and my mum are
always arguing or talking rubbish. I was/am such a little madam and
she just ain't having non of it. My mum doesn't take any crap from me
and takes no notice of my quirks. One of the things I miss most about
living at home is the dialogue with my mum. We use to chat some breeze
lol Now we talk on the phone but it's not the same because at the end
of the day I live alone in my own home so I can howl at the moon all I
want (ps I do not howl at the moon!!). But it's great when we meet up
cos we just get right into the flow.

Eating dinner at home with my brother. When we were younger I was a
pig and my brother was quite a fussy eater (we're both pigs now lol!)
and when we ate dinner sitting opposite together I'd always stare at
him and psych him out into giving me his food. So even now at age 23
and 25 when we eat together and make eye contact he'll go running to
mummy, "penny's looking at me!!!!!!". Nothing tastes better then food
from someone elses plate! Especially sausages ;)

Well it's 3:44am now so I think I should stop blogging and start
sleeping before the sun comes out and fills my eyeballs death rays (I
have no window coverings in my bedroom cos there's no one to put up
my curtain pole).

Well, night!! Sweet sweet dreams :)

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