I said mentioned doing this a few days ago my mind was ablaze with
things to write about and now my brain is empty but I need to
perservere as the end of feb (edit: crap! Got 43mins til its march!)
is drawing near so here goes:
Nutella - I am loving this at the moment. And especially loving the
glass jar it comes in. My friend ate tons of the stuff and washed them
out and now she has a set of 6 and uses them as drinking glasses.
That's my aim, I'm on 2 so far :) but eating the nutella with ready
made pancakes and icecream. Very nice :)
Pretty umbrellas - I love pretty umbrellas, makes me feel part of a
different era twirling one around. But then I always end up leaving it
some place which is crap, or forgetting to let it dry properly.
Treseme Intense conditioner- can't remember the full name but it comes
in a huge tub and u leave it in for 5 mins. The first time I used it I
hated it. Didn't do anything for me at all. But for the past week I've
gone back to using it cos I ran out of my beloved patene that I got
from Thailand and it's really good (still not as good as the Thai
pantene though). I think ur only suppose to use these types of
conditioner about once a week but tbh I use it every time I wash cos
my hair is so dry.
Chicken thighs- so easy to cook!! Chicken breasts always worry me cos
their so fat and I'm scared I'll kill myself one day. Chicken thighs
look ugly but i find it much simpler to cook. Chuck on some seasoning
etc and chuck it in the oven and ta-da!
Bubble gum pink nail varnish - these last few months due to weather
and work I've been sticking to naked nails but now that it's getting a
bit lighter my talons are back to their trademark tacky :) my manager
hates pinks, he's goin to freak out tomorrow lol
Wet feet- hating the rain especially cos it seems to only fall when
I'm wearing crap footwear. If I wear boots it stays dry, if I wear
pumps it start pouring. Argh!
John freida/frizz ease thermo protect spray - suppose to do the same
job as my loreal hot spray but sucks. Much more expensive and it
stings my head!!! Used it twice and thinking of binning it. Can't even
give it away cos I don't want to inflict pain on others!!! Shite!
End of festive socks - it's nearly march now so I guess it's time to
put away my festive socks. Had my reindeers one on yesterday and L was
not impressed and asked why I was wearing out of seasons socks :( I
might be a rebel and wear them all year round. Why should we
discriminate against penguins and reindeers and snowflakes etc and
banish them to only Xmas time?
Getting ur hair cut - why can't hair just know it's loved and
cherished and just grow grow grow?! I spend so much time and money and
all I get are crispy bits and major split ends. Gimme a break!!
Ironing bedsheets - holy cow. Washed my sheets and duvet cover etc the
other day and finally dry. This is actually the first time I've done
them cos I usually do the stereotypical drop off at my parents. Now I
need to iron them. I've never ironed before and can't imagine getting
to grips with the sheets. I mean, how am I even going to start? (and I
don't have an ironing board..)
Days getting lighter - yes that's right. I'm not happy about the days
getting lighter. I still don't hav any curtains in my bedroom (no one
to put up my rail) so lighter days means the sun burning my retinas at
5am. It's not a nice way to wake up.
..But not light enough to wear bronzer -the lighter days made me
rethink my make up. I decided it was time to get rid of my winter face
and embrace my spring face. Bad idea. Too much bronzer (and I love to
chuck all make up on with a trowel!) in the winter makes u look like a
retard. Lucky I didn't put on my red lippie and electric blue
eyeshadow ;)
Sorry this has been the lamest in's and out's known to mankind.
Hopefully marchs will be better! And apologies for all the
exclaimation marks!!!!!!!! Lol Took nearly a week to write this crap
so everything is disjointed and I seemed to have thought that
exclaimation marks would detract you.
Hope everyone had a fantastic February and let's hope March rocks too :)
Goodnight x
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