Thursday, 25 February 2010

Train spotter

On the way to L's. Not sure if I'm running late or not, which sounds
odd but it's cos I'm connecting to an overground train and I'm awful
with them so even if I was early but then couldn't find the gate I'd
end up late anyway (last time I visited we got onto the wrong train).'s 11:16pm now! Just got in a bit ago. Had a fantastic day.
Technically I was late cos I missed the 10:19 train to streatham hill
(I got to vic tube at 10:17 and by the time I reached the platform
train was gone) but I managed to get on the 10:23 to streatham common
and L picked me up from there so that was groovy.

We went to costco to stock up for the rugby party she's throwing on
Saturday. (I wanna go so bad, it's American themed party food!) And
now I officially know that there'll never be a housewarming party
(everyone still asks) cos I am not spending that much money on food
and drink. Even if people came bearing gifts I'd still be spending at
least £200 (but maybe I'll throw a one year anniversary party,
hopefully by June I'll be more settled, and I'd have English party
food aka sausage rolls and cheese on toothpicks!! Lol u wanna come?!

And then we went to 2 sainsburys (very long shopping list but we were
good and the only things we got that weren't on the list was: a big
bar of galaxy cookie crumble (I needed a sugar fix), olives (me again,
impulse crave) and chipolata sausages (we ate samples at costco and L
like them).

Then we reached home and she made us amazing blts for lunch and we
watched 'the holiday' which I chose and enjoyed despite refusing to
watch it with R and hating Kate winslet (argh her face! Her voice!)
Yet another day being mocked about my need for subtitles. Why r people
hating?! Lol

I even walked (well not much walking but we were outside) P, Ls pooch.
He was so well behaved and understands finger pointing.

Then we had chicken wrap thingies for dinner and I have some pieces to
P after scrapping off the marinade (it was spicy) but then he didn't
eat his proper food. Can't hate him for having good taste!!

Originally I was going to leave after dinner but Ls bubbie said he'd
drop me to Brixton tube once he got home so I did that instead cos it
was raining and I would have had to get a bus to the railway station
and I hate the railway (cos I'm train illiterate) and I feel much more
competant on the tube (and it turned out to be much quicker).

And now I'm home. It was such a nice day. I was very well watered and
fed and it was nice to just lounge with a friend and talk loads of
waffle. I wish I could be paid to just sit at home!!!

It's just gone 11:30pm now and I should sleep so that I don't mess up
my body clock but I need to wind down so I'm going to read a bit now.

I hope you all had a nice day too. I'm looking forward to day 2 of my
annual leave :)

Goodnight x

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