Tuesday, 13 April 2010

And life goes on...

I think that one of my new years resolutions should be to be less
grumpy and more grateful. To help me
do this I am going to identify 3 blessings a day (and when I can I'll
blog about them).

There are no rules as such; if I see it fit then it counts, it's just
a resolution not a cure for cancer after all!

So today's blessings:

1. I got my sandwich back
2. I ate an eclair and cream cake
3. I ate lunch with N who I haven't seen for ages (and the she-devil A)

I have a feeling my blessings are going to be mentioning a lot of
food! Lol

I've also decided to stop babysitting the wash. I'm sick and need
sleep, plus sitting on the kitchen floor isn't going to get me better
is it?

I've left a few towels so that if the door does fly open hopefully the
kitchen won't be so bad on the AM (I hope a blessing for tomorrow is
that the wash finished without problems!!!)

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