Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Bra-vo darling

Hi guys!

How's your Wednesday? I'm currently on the jubilee line on my way to
woolwich (getting off at north Greenwich and catching a bus the rest
of the way).

What a grey sad say we're having in London! Quite disappointing; I've
got my winter coat back on. And I have a feeling that when I exit the
station it's going to be raining or at least drizzling which is shite
cos my hair is straightish and shinyish.

(oh Jesus a buffalo has just sat on me!)

So today I went into work, attended a stand up meeting that I was
invited to and I did not say a single word and then left to go to
victoria. I had printed the directions from tfl using the post code I
got from the intranet but for some reason the directions were wrong.

And how did I know they were wrong? Because at 12:10pm I could see big
ben and I should have been seated at 12pm. Called my boss on a panic
and luckily he knows the area well and was able to give me directions
over the phone.

Got there and signed in at reception and then had to wait for someone
to escort me to the room, by the time I joined the lunch meeting I was
sweaty and worried that my hair was growing (but luckily it wasn't).

I've never been to a network lunch thing before and found it a bit
strange. There was about 15 attendees plus the VIP and her assistant
sat around a big big table and there were jugs of orange juice and
platters of fruit and sandwiches on the table. No agenda. And we were
all strangers so it wasn't a happy tea party! But a great experience.

.....ok I'm actually at home in bed now, just gone 10pm.

After the lunch I went to my Saturday work just to say hi and try on a
few things. There was a navy blue print cotton maxi dress that I tried
on and it didn't too bad actually but when I tried to take it off I
got stuck!!! After much struggling I had to come out of the changing
room and shout for help *cringe*

Then I went into monsoon. Very disappointing. The store was a mess.
Only two members of staff busy talking to each other. No
acknowledgement at all. And the size range was a joke. Primark has a
better atmosphere!

Next stop was marks and spencers (bear in mind I was on victoria
street so these stores aren't humungous). They had the limited
collection stuff that vv brown wears in the ads which was nice but for
July wedding no good. They had a few bright linen dresses in the
normal m&s stuff but a bit granified unsurprisingly. One thing that
caught my eye was a cropped 3/4 sleeve jacket with massive navy and
white horizontal stripes and gold buttons. Really really want it but
that's definitely a want rather than a need so no go til I win the
lottery :(

I've been thinking for a while of buying a new bunch of bra's so I
ended up in the lingerie section. I thought that since the store was
empty I'd take some time to try on some bras (I feel bad trying stuff
on and knowing i'm not purchasing if there are queues).

First the service sucked. No greeting, no offer of help and when I
went into the fitting room I wasn't offered a measurement which I know
is part of their mystery shop so I was a bit miffed (no queue, no
other customers on the section and 3 members of staff at the fits...)
but after I tried on my chosen 2 and was going to leave one lady did
ask if I wanted help (better late them never and seemed a bit half
hearted but oh well, I'm not one to turn down help!) so I said yes,
explained what I was looking for blah blah and basically she helped
me. I tried on another 9 bras, didn't buy. At that point I was willing
to buy but tbh their size range and styles was limited, I don't want a
neon orange bra with turquoise daisies! But now I know what size and
style I might order online or go to the marble arch store.

Jesus this entry is long I need to sleep!!!!

Anyway, then I returned two skirts that I bought when with V, got back
£37 yay!

Made my way to Bond street; I was planning to go marble arch for
primark and Evans but I was running out of time so skipped that. got on the jubilee line and started this blog! Yay we've come
full circle :)

Evening spent with A will have to be recounted another time cos it's
way past my bedtime now.

Sweetdreams x

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