Monday, 19 April 2010

Carrot cake

Hello :)

Hope you've had a nice day. I had in my winter coat today as the sun was
dipping in and out. My manager was convinced we were surrounded by
volcanic ash but I think it's smog.

Anyway, my 3 blessings for today:
1. I ate carrot cake and have a slice in the fridge for tomorrow too
2. My hair has reached the length where it's wavy again which is
easier to handle
3. I got 2 of the latest patricia cornwell novels.

Work was busy. I had two bad dreams over the weekend and it's left me
unsettled. 1st dream I dreamt about work and the 2nd dream I was in my
work but it was school and ...blah blah blah. All my nerves and
anxiety coming to life. Hopefully tonight I have sweet dreams!

Thanks to V my new aim in life is to get beanie nail polish by no7.
It's a Chanel dupe and has been sold out everywhere in London,
Especially cos a while ago there was a voucher where you could get it
for under £2!!! I was obsessed but then kinda forgot but now that V
mentioned it I've got the itch again! (V says if i can't get it here
her local boots has loads and she'll get me one, it's nice to be
friends with an angel!!) And it seems she went on a nail polish spree
and I'd like to imagine it's because she was inspired by my blog post

It's (blog) gaining momentum slightly I must say. Well, like a snail
running rather then crawling. So that's my 4th blessing!

I wore my new turquoise ruffle top today with a grey long cardi type
thing and black pencil skirt. I got one compliment. I do like the top
but I do feel self conscious in something do does match my
work badge and lanyard though which makes me happy lol

Tomorrow is crap clothes day cos I'm going to spend the whole day
reading and practising saying "prioritising" cos I keep stumbling on
the word and one of the modules I'm delivering is called 'prioritising
critical issues' and it takes me about half an hour to say the title
lol saying that, there was another module called "sxxxxxxx and
sxxxxxxx" (haha even modules are anonymous!) and that's just a stutter
galore but thank god I refused to deliver it and one of my managers is
kindly doing it.

I went to the library today. The jodi picoult novel I lost out on last
time was borrowed this time but I was expecting it so i didn't throw a
hissy fit. I was happy as I mentioned in the blessings because I got
hold of the 2 latest patricia cornwell scarpetta novels (2008 and
2009). Once I've read these two I would have read all 17 novels in the
series. I love many authors but none as much as cornwell and her
scarpetta series. (I must admit I enjoyed the earlier stories much
more though....)

Oooh it's 09:02pm. Going to bed early to make up for my late nights
and the time lost having bad dreams (I never feel rested if I have a
bad dream, or if I dream of exercising lol).

Sweet sweet dreams!

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