Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Challenge - Day 17: An art piece

Hello! I'm shocked that I'm actually up to date :)

An art favourite? Something that inspires me? Makes me cry? Makes me happy? Another big scope topic *scratching head as I think*

This is difficult cos I'm not an art lover. I appreciate art that looks good but any idiot can like a pretty thing. Trying to rack my brain and think of an art piece that has revolutionised my life....I'm almost tempted to write about a handbag, to me that is a real piece of art! favourite piece of art is a painting by vincent van gogh of a blossoming almond tree.

I like it simply because I think it's beautiful and looking at it calms me. The subject matter also reminds me of my childhood in my then favourite place balaam park and when I use to collect the blossoms and take them home. When I was much younger I even painted my own blossoming almond tree for a school project and it was actually quite pretty if I do say so myself haha

And there you go! I wish I could talk about something that was more intellectual but like I said, pretty is enough for me!!

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