Friday, 10 September 2010

Random stuff: asos haul, wedding cake, I heart my mum

Hi Guys,
So I've posted a few entries today so I hope I've been forgiven for my absence.

Before I go to bed (bed sweet bed!) I thought I'd quickly do a random post with some photo's I had on my phone, and then I think I'm up-to-date.

First photo shows my latest asos haul - first haul after my self-imposed ban. I had to get my Walk 10 outfit, and I had to order a lot to get my free next day delivery but I did send back quite a lot of the stuff shown.

When I did Walk 10 I wore a long white peacock t-shirt with leggings, and in my bag (prada across the body - the rucksack my brother lent me was just not cutting the mustard!!!) I had a blue festival poncho with the tags still on - it didn't rain so I've returned the poncho :) wasn't really a poncho by the way, it was just like a normal lightweight waterproof but it had no fastenings, you put it on/off like a hoodie.

The next pic just made me laugh. Before I went to Cambridge my mum and brother came round to drop off a suitcase and stuff and bless my mum she had on these shoes and I had to take a pic to show you.

The last pic is of the gorgeous wedding cake L made for a mutual friends wedding. And L said she'd do one for me all I need now is someone to marry.....any offers?!

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