Sunday, 17 October 2010

As good as gold...

Carrying on with the present theme, this is what I'm getting (hopefully!) my mummy for Christmas:

It is the After Hours slim compact. RRP £30 and comes filled and it is also refillable (for £13). I want to get this and have the compact engraved.
I've had a look at a few estee lauder counters and the people there don't seem to know anything about these gold compacts (but the service of every counter was beyond awful) so if I am desperate I will order it off the estee lauder website.

Below is the Golden Alligator compact, rrp £35 and I want this!!!!!! Not getting this for mum cos she hates thing's like snakes and alligators and even the pattern would put her off her dinner. Not sure if I will get this for myself because I enjoy buying different powders and so it might be a waste.

I found this bad boy (below) on google images. I wouldn't mind this in my christmas stocking :)

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