Sunday, 17 October 2010

No skinny minnie, no nothing

Hi Guys, hope you are all well and having a nice weekend,

So after work last night I quickly went to Oxford Street with 2 aims :

1. Buy my brother a birthday present
2. Buy a pair of black skinny jeans


I went home empty handed barr a bottle of diet pepsi, paracetamol and some exfoliating face scrub from superdrugs. Exciting(!)

1. In regards to my brother's birthday present, he wants a belt. Which sounds cool and easy, but my brother is not like me. My brother like's big brand names and luxury brands aka expensive shizzle. Prior to penny palace I loved buying my brother presents, his birthday and xmas were the only times I went into the flashy stores and left loaded with bags a la pretty woman on rodeo drive. Since penny palace, the quality (and quanitity) of gifts has rapidly gone down hill.

The belt I wanted to get him was a D&G (I think he'd prefer LV or Gucci but you get more bling for your buck with D&G lol) belt, but it cost £235. Erm, no. But then even the 'cheaper' one's that fit the specification are still around the £150 mark and that's still a no.

So I am in a dilemma. I don't want to get him a belt from the high street for the sake of it, or even get a middle range brand belt (aka CK or Hugo Boss) cos he won't love it, so should I just get him a Selfridges gift voucher to put towards the belt of his dreams? Or is that copping out? Personally, I LOVE getting gift vouchers as a gift, I prefer it to a 'real' gift (unless I specifically told you the product number lol). His birthday is on the 20th so....ARGH!

2. I went into Evans and Dorothy Perkins to look for black skinnies. DP didn't have a good size range and Evans...well the customer service was beyond crap.

I went into the fitting rooms with 2 jeggings and 2 harem pants. Turns out the jeggings weren't jeggings, just elasticated bootcut jeans so....

Me: "Excuse me, do you have these *point to black jeggings*?"
Shop Assistant: "I don't know. Maybe. If we have it, it'll be on the floor. Why don't you have a look?"
Me: "Erm....ok, thanks"

So I just left the store.

Then DP....despite my hatred for them I was feeling desperate because I've got two teeeeeny holes in the inner thigh area which is cool generally but an absolute no-no for saturday work so need need a replacement.

Anyway, my shop dash was crap, I was really disappointed but not surprised. I can't imagine what it would be like to be a 'normal' size and be able to just pick stuff off the rails. Oh well.

This is me in the Evan harem pants......£22 or £25. I liked them actually, but could have maybe done with a bigger size but they didn't have it in stock. I looked like I'd swallowed a canon ball from the side lol

Moving on to DP....before I tried on the jeans I had to try on this cape with leather buckle detail:

It was ok but it was not love. Which is just as well since I can't afford it anyway.

Next was the 'skinny jeans' which were not skinny. Come on now!

Skinny jean mission shall continue until I'm successful. Belt mission need to be ended v. soon. I'll let you know what happened.


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