Saturday, 15 January 2011

Saturday Night Fever

So I am no longer working on Saturdays. This is the first time I haven't had a Saturday job since 2001. And it's a bit blah tbh. It's nice not having to wake up to an alarm or to have to commute but I miss my workmates and I actually miss my customers, and I miss the clothes!!!!! :(

And I'm not doing well with my 'extra' day. I haven't made plans for a Saturday, I'm just not use to doing anything on a Saturday.

But S has suggested making a date for a Saturday so that should get me into the swing of things. 2 pj days a week would be a bit too much.

However, I'm making good use of Friday evenings and it's quite nice. I can do dinner or west end shopping without having to be back home for my bedtime.

Yesterday was L's leaving drinks (congrats on the new job and goodluck!) so after work I went to Victoria and we were in Ha Ha's for a good few hours.

[ABOVE PIC ]Do you like the pic I took inside the toilet cubicle?! I love the Ha Ha's toilets, there's mirrors eveeeeeerywhere :)

[ABOVE PIC] This was me and my hair on Thursday. I hadn't combed it at all for about 3 day so wow it was so matted I had no choice but to roll it up. I've got my doughnut to the side and received a few compliments. I did feel a bit silly and OTT (you can't really see the scale in the photo but it was biiiiiig).

The only problem with this style was that I couldn't put my hood up and it was raining on Thursday :( Vanity over practicality as always lol

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