Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Hello! Is it me you're looking for?

Hello hello there beautiful people!

I can't believe its feb already!!! 2011 is flying by and i hope that
its been going well for you all so far.

My 2011 has been good, just the usual boring stuff but can't complaint.

Apologies for lack of posts, been either sleeping or swearing at my
internet connection!

My project is coming to an end earlier than anticipated which is sad
cos i really enjoy it and love the team and even getting used to the
travel despite the few tears shed! So I'll be goin back to my usual
office which i do look forward to cos i miss everyone there and the
extra time sleeping will be much appreciated! But its kinda scary too
cos i dont know what i'll be doing and it will be an abrupt change for
me, at best i'll know 1 week before i rejoin which is just enough time
for me to freak out lol

Anyway, lets talk new year resolutions!
Hows it going for you?! Me....erm.


My credit card is maxed but also expired so i spent loads but no
longer able to so it balances out lol(to be fair about 1/2 my limit
was spent on travelcards, thieves!!!) I

ve been eating like a horse who swallowed a pig. Sausage roll for
breakfast (ok fine, rollS cos i have 2) and lunches have been biiiiig
and greasy.

Penny palace...to be fair is looking good but thats cos i blitzed it
the other day cos parents were due round
Lol If i'm being honest the 'tidy as you go' resolution didnt go to
well either. Oops

I am trying though...i think my timekeeping has improved and hopefully
it will stay like this when im back at the usual office.

Ive got 11 more months to better mysef and my life (deeeep!) so i have
faith! If you are doing as 'we'll' as
me, dont give up, keep trying!!!

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