Saturday, 5 February 2011

Retail Therapy

I've been wanting this for a while, and I am embarrassed about this but whatever, I am the proud owner of the perfume, 'Stunning' by Katie Price.

Now, you may be wondering about how and why an anosmic would be want want wanting a perfume; basically I read a review that Stunning was a dupe for Miss Dior Cherie and I wanted me some of that. But of course, I don't know what Miss Dior Cherie smells like either lol So basically I am a sheep following a cloud of perfume :)

I got a good deal, 50ml for £19.99 (30ml would have cost £18.99!!) from The Perfume Shop. And initially I nearly had a heart attack when I opened the box to have a spray because the nozzle thing came off and I couldn't get it on for ages and then pop! problem solved, spray spraying yay yaaaaay! Not sure if I like it or not; I can't make out the 'notes' but I can sense that it is really sweet, hopefully not sickenly so!

I have also just right this minute finished purchasing another perfume, this time from the online The Perfume Shop as the actual store did not have this in stock....Intimately Beckham. A absolute steal at £14.99 for 75ml!!! Again, not really sure what it smells like but my friend at work carries this round in her handbag and she seems the sort who smells nice and like nice smells lol Very excited to have this.

I also brought 2 black eyeliners from a little market stall, £3.50 for both. Not the best quality (swatched it on the black of my hand) but for that price, I can't complain! And I needed some eyeliner to just dump in my handbag so yay!

I got the coolest handbags from Primarni when I went to Romford with SF but argh no mobile no blog photos :( My new phone has a camera, 1.3megapixels (!) but no lead to load onto my laptop.....any ideas?

Consequently,that basically means that this blog will have no pictures until at least march 9th :( I'm sad because I enjoy taking the pics and blogging about them.

Well, I smell good and I feel a bit happie; I hope you smell good and you are happy to this weekend lol xoxo

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