Saturday, 5 February 2011

Valentines Wishlist 2011

Valentine's Day is just around the corner. In case I find a guy by the 14th, I will direct him to this post ;)

Hopefully he will be a generous millionaire/professional thief and be able to get me everything on my wishlist.

But in the wise words of Destiny's Child, I am an independent women, so if I don't get these for Valentine's then my aim is to get some/all by the end of the year. No harm in dreaming!

Let's get started! Credit cards at the ready....and GO!

Continuing from my random and sudden perfume obsession I really want this:

The Fragrance collection from Next, £12 for four 12ml bottles of: Just Pink, Cashmere, Diamonds and Define. I've had Just Pink and Define before and liked them, smelt Cashmere and it's cool, and the one I really want is Diamonds. Why? Because it's another Miss Dior Cherie dupe!! Y'all know how obsessive I get!!! The reason why i didn't pick a bottle of Diamonds as my 'want' is because I thought I'd go for a variety. Quantity over quality.

Next on my list is this:
It's a gold ring from Tiffany's, £250. I like it because it's just plain and simple but the hammered gold gives it a bit of a twist.

Otherwise, I love this one (maybe even more) but it's £405 *gulp*

Last time I wore rings worth more then £10 was when I was in primary school and it fell in the toilet and I flushed them down the bog. My mum never fails to remind me of this. I think it's silly to let a little girl wear a ring to school. Just saying.

Ok, this might be pushing my millionaire/professional theif valentine's generousity but I want a Rolex! Now that I know I can 'do' gold I want want want this!!! And the silver is stainless steel so that ok too....supposedly. Not sure how much this watch is but doesn't matter since it's a pipe dream!
Next up is the coolest thing ever!

Scrabble cushions! You can get any letters and make up any words. Price wise....the 'love' set is between £47-72 depending on where you get it from.

And carrying over from last year, I also want an iphone (hopefully in march when I upgrade), and a louis vuitton card holder £100.

I'm not asking for too much am I? :)

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