Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Fun foods

Hi Guys!

This is just a really random post but the stuff makes me smile so thought I would share with you.


My lovely lovely friend at work brought me this for my desk. I like cute things, and I love post its. So my friend got me this post it apple!!!!! How cool is it!? (Available from Amazon, also comes in a pear theme).


Another gift from my friend (he's my work neighbour) - it's a cadbury's SCREME EGG!!!!!!!! I dedicate this egg (in my tummy) to V, a fellow lover of the original creme egg.


*DISCLAIMER - I saw/got this online*

Spooning banana's. Nuff said!

[BELOW PIC - Skittles: Crazy Cores]

OMG Have you tried these!? Courtesy of SF I have tasted the new rainbow in town and I love. IMO much yummier than the original skittles (and the sour skittles make my face hurt). The shells and the inside have different flavours (for example: mango and peach, cherry and lemonade, and watermelon and strawberry).

If you don't know, GET TO KNOW!!!!

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