Wednesday, 21 September 2011

OOTD: A medley


Had a punch of pics on my phone that never made it into an offical OOTD post but I thought I'd share with you anyway. Hope you enjoy despite some of the dodgy lighting.


I've been meaning to do a proper post on the above outfit because it features an item from my latest asos haul (that I never did a post on oops getting sloppy). I am wearing a pair of shorts, yes shorts!! that I really like, with a black bib shirt and a blazer, accessorised with my giant bun and owl pendant.

[ABOVE -me and Marilyn and BELOW - me and giant cutlery]

This is what I wore to drop my dad off at the airport. Just a casual throw on. Felt like a right lump of lard but sharing anyway ;)

Wearing a...cream cheesecloth top/capey type thing with black detailing from Primark many moons ago with black skinny jeans.


In the above outfit I am wearing:

Ochre (or maybe mustard?) top from Primark

Peg leg trousers from Tesco

Tan belt (came with the peg leg trousers)

Black Focco

Very old tan pumps from Primark


I sense a theme here....

Ochre/mustard dress from Primark

Black blazer

Pumps as previous outfit

I am trying to inject colour into my wardrobe as I've mentioned previously and I think I am doing really well. I still love my all black outfits but I am getting more comfortable wearing pops of colour - my fav being mustardy yellow (is that cheating? Cos it could be considered from the same family as beige.....? IDK)

Hope you liked my medly of OOTD's :)

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