I purchased this about a month ago and thought it'd be time to review it.
First things first though - I am not pregnant!
The product:
Palmer's tummy butter for stretch marks/pregnant bellies with cocoa butter and lavender oil.
It was £4.59 but I got mine at Boots in the 3 for 2 baby promo, so I got 3 tubs for £9.18, which equals £3.06 each.
What can I say? I started off absolutely loving it, it was really moisturising and it was good to get back on the wagon (I got put off moisturising with anything other than baby oil after my latest allergic reaction to fake tan).....and then...........it gave me a frigging rash!!!
After about one weeks usage I just broke out in a rash and silly me I just kept using it for about another week by which the rash had spread :(
After stopping all usage for one whole day (cos I was applying this stuff about 5 times a day on my tummy - I used up one whole tub and half of another tub and then a 1/3 of another tub - I liked to have a tub in each room!) the rash started to subside!!!!!
The thing that pisses me off majorly is the fact that I read up loads of reviews on this and a lot of the mothers said that it broke them out in a rash. Why did I ignore this?!
So now I am back using baby oil and my home made sugar scrub cos now that the rash is gone its left me with dry skin - so I am back at square one again!!!!
Score? It's not really their fault I am allergic to it, if I hadn't broken out in a rash I'd give this 7-8/10
I am looking for something a) cheap b) ultra moisturising and long lasting
- any recommendations?
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