Saturday, 29 October 2011

Wear it pink

Hello Everyone!

Hop you are all well and had a good week. I'm so thankful it's the weekend, totally knackered and grumpy. But anyway!

Yesterday was 'Wear it pink' day at work where we got to dress down (and wear pink if you wanted) to raise money for Breast Cancer Awareness. Only got the email on Wednesday so didn't have a chance to buy a proper pink outfit in honour of a charity close to my heart.

Face of the Day: Normal make up plus some nina ricci lippie. By 11:34am all traces were gone. I couldn't be bothered to reapply but most of my work colleagues appreciated my effort to add a bit of pink to my outfit I think.

Sorry about the mess in the clothes rail collapsed (first time, it also fell on me whilst I was in bed :()

OOTD: I am wearing one of my bargains from Tesco. Technically I don't think it was pink, mabe a peach? But it was a good enough effort and just about passes for a very pale pink (chiffon, pussybow).

In honour of it being Friday and to help me get through the work day a bit less grumpy I had fish and chips for lunch. And a sausage in batter. Oink oink in pink! lol

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