Monday 28 November 2011


Hi Guys,

A post about plaits. Or braids; whatever you wanna call them.

And this post guest stars my friend A who has the most gorgeous long and thick hair. I mean, the plaits pictured is just plaited using half her hair and look how thick the plaits are!!!

I don't know how me and her ended up plaiting but x factor was on and anything is more entertaining than x factor (but thank god Janet is gone!! - not a fan).

So what I did was put her hair into two pigtails because I knew that I couldn't handle all her hair and we were only messing around so she wasn't about to rock pigtails in public or anything like that!

First up we had the two strand plait aka fishtail braid:

(sorry about the washing in the background lol)

Kelly Rowland was also rocking the plait on X factor. I don't know why I typed that. Mine was better :)

Next up I attempted the 4 strand plait:

What do you think? At first glance doesn't look like anything special but I think you can tell there's something funky going on....

....which leads us to the 5 strand plait:

This took a while (understatement) for me to get the hang of but really excited I've added this plait to my skill set - very very cool when done properly (as opposed to my slap dash attempt).

As I hope you can see, it gives a really cool weaved effect (weave like a basket weave, not like fake hair weave!)

Below is an earlier attempt but because I didn't braid it tight enough the weave effect isn't quite so obvious.

A's hair is soooo thick and long my arms were aching after all the plaiting and dealing with so many strands is mind boogling but a massive THANK YOU for A for being my life sized Barbie and also for letting me post her on my blog :)

Let me know if you've tried any of these plaits, or share with me more plait ideas!


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