Saturday 14 December 2013

Ikea haul and ootd

Hi Guys

Went to Ikea with my brother and Cee. Techically to get me my xmas presents - but I've got them at home and most of the stuff is in use on the same day.

OOTD in Ikea - ignore the bearded man. Awkward. 

Big lips pillow. I didn't buy this. But I enjoyed posing with it. No shame, no gain!

It is with great sadness and regret that I announce that I did not have a hotdog. I had just eaten KFC. First world problems. Absolutely gutted though!

One of the main items I wanted - a lamp for my bedroom side table. (Astrid lamp - £21)

Light bulb innit. Was £7 a good price?

The lamp in action - at first I wasn't sure - I wanted something with more of a wow factor but strangely enough it's simplicity makes it stand out in the corner of my room. I'm very happy :)

Fake grass! Wanted this for my kitchen sink but it's been moved onto the coffee table. Sometimes I feel a bit crap about having fake plants but I like having green around and I don't like being a plant serial killer so there ya go!
I have a set of these containers in all sort of sizes - pasta, rice, sugar, tea bags - they all go in here. I broke my sugar jar the other day so have a replacement, and the spice jars are for my sumac. I'm not the biggest fan of this style but since i already have a set it's cheaper to stick with the same style. 

It's a tray. It's huge. I wanted to have a box tray with handles - you know pintrest style - but thought this might look hipster on my coffee table. It doesn't but it's ok I guess. I;m still hunting though. 

This is my tray in action! I don't know how to style it. The nail polish isn't part of the set up - I just forgot to move it. Do you like my fake grass? I don't like how cutesy the set up is. I wanted a more organic look. I don't know. That candle though omg
Oven glove! Really needed one. Not happy with the colour but it was the only option. 
This! THIS! OMG! I was looking for vanilla tea lights and saw these which were neutral (for my colour scheme) and smell sweet. And wow they are ice cram scented. And I can smell them (me!) even when they are not lit. One big candle is on my tray, and one is near my bedside lamp. It smells yummy. Might be a bit too sickly sweet for some people, but you can just gtfo my house if that's the case. 

Got 2 packs of napkins for my napkin holder. Just looked at the receipt and realised I should have gone to Tiger instead. These were £2 per pack. Tiger do them for £1. Damn.

This is a long plant pot type thing - £4.50 - I was thinking of putting my hair products in this and placing it on my shelf but it didn't fit on my shelf so.....

....I popped my toilet and bathroom cleaning products in it. Apologies for the toilet pic. Keeping it real. 

This was an impulse buy and to be honest I don't like it. It's suppose to be a rest or support for your laptop or tablet. But it's too big for me and I can't put it on my lap. If possible I would like to return this. 

This was the second reason why I wanted to go to Ikea - faux fur sheepskin rug - £10. I've always wanted something like this growing up but my brother has asthma and these cheap shit gets all up in his grill and lungs so it was a no go situation but now I'm alone in penny palace I can have furry air all night long :)

I don't know where to put it though. Under my make up table would be nice but the mess the mess oh my days. And this is handwash only so that's just too much stress. Possibly near my bed so when I wake up my feet are greeted by a pretend dead sheep? 

A drainer. I dunno, I thought it was pretty lol

I've already got one of these and it's so handy (for plastic bags) so I've gotten another one and I think I'll put wrapping paper in it. So compact.

I also repurchased some more skubb shoe boxes and some of the wonderful shoe horns.

And that was that. Had a great time :)

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