Wednesday 12 February 2014

Rave Review - Hydraluron


I have so much love to give to this product that I am feeling slightly overwhelmed. I want you to understand how great this product is and am worried I won't do it justice.

*deep breath*

Ok, this is Hydraluron by Indeed Labs and is available exclusively at Boots. It rrps for £24.99 for 30ml. (I got mine while it was on a promo for £16).

Let's just deal with this now - it is pricey for 30ml but knowing what I know, I wold pay even more for it. In fact, after 3 days of using it, I got myself 2 more tubes of the stuff. If that doesn't tell you all you need to know then I don't know how else I can show my love. Putting my money where my mouth is!!!

It's a moisture booster. On all the reviews I read prior to parting with my money had basically copied and pasted the whole official spiel and it's like who cares! I am not a scientist, I am not trying to make it myself at home, WTF is it supposed to do and does it work!?

What does it do? MAGIC! On my face I have some broken skin and cracks from when I had an allergic reaction that literally tore my face a part. Thank god it is managable nowadays, no weeping or bleeding (jeez, sorry) but it is bone dry. I am constantly rubbing vaseline and 8 hour cream on it. I just thought it was dead skin. I put Hydraluron on my nose/mouth area and BAM! after 3 days I notice that my skin is....getting better. I don't want to say it's healing, but it hurts less, looks less angry/raw and it's not as discoloured. So that's basically why I love this and stocked up. It boosted life into my skin! (And it's silicone free which is great for me.)

It's a colourless watery gel type texture (serum!) and when you apply it on your face (I also use it on my whole face a few times a week - I'd use it everyday but it is pricey lol) it feels slightly tacky for about 2 seconds. You then put on your normal face cream (this is important, Hydraluron is not a moisturiser) and that is when you feel the magic happening.

Like I said before, I am not a scientist, and there are loads of great reviews/information out there if you are interested, but I think (very very very very) basically that hyaluronic acid can hold 1000 times its own weight in water. It is already in our bodies/skin? but hey extra help is always a good things. So anyway, you put it on your face and your other stuff and it just holds moisture. It's like a supercharger. Gummy bear juice for your face (if you get that reference then you are old enough to be using this regardless of the state of your skin!).

A little of this goes a long way. If you have dry or dehydrated skin you need this in your life. Apply it to your whole face, problem areas, whatever. Even if you buy this just to have for days when you're having a not so great skin day, or you've been partying too hard - it is worth it.

If you buy it, tell me what you think!

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