Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Zara and H&M Coat Haul

Hi Guys!

I got two coats and so excited to share them with you. 

The first coat is from Zara - a wraparound black wool coat. RRP £89.99 and I paid £49.99 in store (this coat is not available online). Ok so let's get this out of the way - Zara does not have a plus size section but somehow (with great force and determination) I managed to fit into an XL. I tried to take a picture with it on but I can't capture the design details, it looks like just a big black thing. Anyway, hopefully from the model pics you can see that the coat has a giant collar thing and wide sleeves and most importantly, quite wide short sleeves. I lied, the most important thing is that this coat has no fastenings - no buttons, poppers, toggles or zippers. I love the way this looks (even on me), effortless and stylish. You could throw this on with skinny jeans and Converse's (sob sob not that I can do this) and look oh so cool, or you could be wearing stilettos and carrying a Chanel and the coat would still be looking good. Jesus I am in love. 

Next up I've ordered this from H&M's website and haven't received it yet but thought I'd share it with you anyway. It's from the plus size section and is a nice plain trenchcoat with concealed buttons. I am hoping that this will give off a similar vibe to the Zara coat - "I'm so cool and I have a nice coat" but the website says it's made from stretchy crepe and I can't even imagine what that would look like in so much material. The coat is also machine washable so I am imagining this is going to be really light but I'm praying that it doesn't look cheap or flammable. 

I don't really like the way it looks on the model but I think that's because the styling is a bit blah (actually it doesn't look like anyone bothered to style it at all - I put in more effort when I throw on my dressing gown!!!), but I like the way it looks in the picture above.

Let's talk money. RRP £49.99 but I did a bit of Penny magic and got it for....a really good price. There was a code online for free delivery (otherwise £3.90) if you spent £50 or over, so I added a credit card holder into my basket for £2.99, got free delivery, and also googled "h&m discount" and found another code for £5 off and then I signed up for the newsletter and got 25% off one item (obviously I took this off the trenchcoat duh!) so in the end both items came to just over £35. Crazy. Let's hope it's beautiful. 

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