Sunday, 16 November 2014

Penny loves Pumpkin

Hi Guys!

This is just a random post but I'm feeling all type type type so here I am :) I've missed so many days with y'all! I can't believe I missed the whole of Summer and most of Autumn! Just going to update you on random bits of my amazingly boring life.

 I celebrated 100 days and 200 days at my 'new' job already.

My hair has grown out a bit (as you can see in the pic?). I'm on my way to missing two haircuts but that is due to a lack of time and not avoiding the hairdresser....not consciously anyway....I'm not too sure....

I am currently on Day 6 of Operation No Eyeliner. Which is me attempting to wear less eyeliner (because a naked eye isn't going to happen.) My mum says the amount I wear on a daily basis isn't 'appropriate'. It isn't the first time it's been mentioned but I decided to take it on board this time round. It makes getting ready in the morning quicker but I feel really exposed and fugly. Lets see how long I can keep this up for!

I'm conflicted over my eyebrow situation. I'm still growing them out but I'm bored.....I dunno.
 Brow routine post to come soon  ;)

As always, I'm loving A/W fashion. Breaking my coat/shoe ban last year has been an exhilarating experience. I think I might need to reinstate the ban in 2015. Penny Palace is not coping with the amount of stuff! I have also discovered jumpersh this year. I'll be sharing my Primark sweater season haul with you soon :)
I am in love with pumpkin.

I made my first ever pumpkin pie, inspired by my first ever pie at L's house many moons ago. Good stuff!

I had my first ever pumpkin spice late #psl from Starbucks with V and it was......ok. I prefer pie!

But then I discovered pumpkin spice frappucino with my mum and I love it. Sweetness and spice and all things nice mmmmmmmm

And that is it. Eyeliner, eyebrows, some clothes, coffee and some pie. My life!


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