Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Mascara review - Bourjois Volume Clubbing Ultra Black Mascara (waterproof)

Hi Guys!

Another review of a brilliant Bourjois product - Bourjois Volume Clubbing Ultra Black Mascara (~i waterproof of course).

Got this from Boots for £7.99 and as the name would suggest, it is a black waterproof mascara that gives volume.

Once upon a time I already tried a very similar mascara from the same range and I loved it (something about it being great for foam parties?!) so when I saw this I knew it would be great - and I was right.

Firstly, not sure about waterproof, I didn't get to stand under a waterfall (or attend a crazy foam party) but it took me through many sweaty tube journeys and a few crying sessions without smudging or running so bravo.

The brush is substantial in size - not those massive things bigger than my eye, but nice and chunky. Short dense hairs but they didn't go all round the wand (tried to capture that in the photo but it's just black on black Deposited a healthy amount of mascara on my short stubby lashes and definitely made them more voluminous.

As the product dried out slightly (I love a dry formula) the volume only got more intense. Admittedly, I am at the stage where my lashes are starting to clump together and I can't really see through them anymore (I know. Skank), so now I like to use this in conjunction with a lengthening/thinner mascara. BAM!

Love this and would recommend if you like a thick and slightly clumpy lash - hhhmmm that doesn't make it sound to great but it is exactly what I like in a mascara and I know I am not alone!


Saturday, 24 January 2015

Foundation review - Bourjois Healthy Mix

Hi guys,

I am here today with my thoughts on the oh-so popular Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation.

Let me start by saying that I resisted the hype for ages - the other reviews were so positive I assumed it had to all be lies. How could nearly everyone love this product so much? It honestly made me suspicious and admittedly I've never seriously considered Bourjois as a make up brand I could use on my face so I was just full of negativeness and resistance.

Well well well, I eat my words and negative thoughts. This is good stuff. Good like, the photo is an image of my second bottle!! Now, anytime an item is repurchased is proof enough that it is great, and when a blogger  repurchases (ok, no one read mine but I do like to try new stuff even if it means having to move away from a great product) that is the ultimate sign of greatness.

I got this from Boots and it's around £9.99 (and it is on promotion right now, buy one Bourjois product and get the second one 1/2 price - just saying!). I got the shade 54 - beige (both times).

Healthy Mix gives a great finish - light but with medium coverage and it fades down evenly so you're not left looking dry and patchy. The bottle says something about 16hours - that is a lie, but it does last around 7 hours so enough to get you through most of the working day. I just touch up my areas before I go home per usual.

It is really easy to work with and blend out - it isn't overly liquidy but it isn't too thick either. If you were new to applying foundation this would be a good place to start as it's consistency does give you plenty of time to work with.

The reason why I said at the beginning that I didn't consider Bourjois as a brand for me* is because I was worried they're face products would break me out. I have no idea why I thought like this, but I did. My lost! I am pleased to report that after two bottles this did not cause me any redness or break outs so bravo Bourjois.

(*That being said, regular readers will know that I absolutely love love love their mascaras! And my mum seems to love the and brand  has gifted me with a few blush pot things (not a love) and a few eye shadow palettes - massive love!)

Anyway, let's talk about the shade. This is extremely subjective but a) not impressed with the shade range generally - naughty naughty bourjois!) shade 54 is probably a smidgen smidgen smidgen bit too light for me but nothing noticeable. Let's be realistic, I always have this problem and for a tenner I'm not too bothered at all.

I usually end with - would I recommend/repurchase and I think it is quite obviously that I would say YES and YES!

I won't repurchase a 3rd bottle just because I do need to eventually move on and try new stuff, but I admit I am already sad about having to move on. Bourjois Healthy Mix - you made me eat my words, but you have proved trusty and true!

Honestly, if you are looking for a new everyday foundation to try out - try this!!


Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Product review - Neutrogena PureGlow daily cleansing cushions

Hi everyone :)

While I was babysitting my mum's house I came across this interesting box of goodies - Neutrogena PureGlow daily cleansing cushions. I've tried to look these up online but not with much luck. I think they retail around the £5/under mark (22 cushions in a box).
These cleansing cushions are basically one smooth (I say smooth, but really it has little tiny bumps on it, rougher than a cotton pad) and one ridged/ textured(?) cotton pads stuck together with room to put two fingers into - like cleansing cushion finger gloves?!

You slightly dampened the cushion and gently scrub your face (I like circular motions). The cushions release a creamy lather and cleanse and gently exfoliate. I must say they were really nice to use. Left my skin feeling clean, fresh and not dry. 

I went round my face once with the stripey/textured side and then again with the smooth side. 

These are probably gently to use everyday but I just used it 3 times in the week I was there. No problems with it at all, it was particularly satisfying around the nose area!

Even if these were readily available I am not sure if they are worth £5 as you could easily recreate the effectiveness yourself, but if it was 2 boxes for £5 I may reconsider for the convenience and  novelty. They'd also be a handy product to take on a trip.

Have you tried this product before? Do you know of anything similar I could try?


Sunday, 18 January 2015

Hello 2015

Hello Hello!

Happy New Year everyone!

It is nearly the end of January so I thought I'd better show my face now rather than later.

I hope everyone has been well and that 2015 is already proving to be fabulous.

I did have a few posts to go out but I didn't think it'd be 'right' to post without acknowledging the new year.

Resolutions and stuff aren't really my thing. I'm a simple girl with simple life goals. Survive the day; go to bed; wake up; repeat. Same set of goals every year and I must say, I'm doing ok!!!

This year, I do feel a teeny tiny bit different. This year, my baby brother is getting married. Married. My baby giant head smelly brother is getting married. Like, WTF?!

I'm probably not feeling the type of 'different' you are thinking of. The fact that as of last month I cannot tick the 25-29 box doesn't bother me, and the fact that baby bro is getting married before me doesn't bother me either because I've never wanted to get married, but it is the wedding stuff that has me coming out/needing to come out of my blanket fort of solitude and get my shit together.

The wedding is towards the end of 2015 (there will be a dress haul coming your way very soon - yes of course I've already started to purchase my outfits!) and it will involve me being in the Philippines and Thailand.

So, with all the travelling, sun, sand and anti-fat people, I am feeling a bit...apprehensive? Shit scared? What am I going to wear? I got sunburn in Kent last July and am still suffering from it in Janaury, will I die on the island resort?!

Ok. Deep breaths people.This was only suppose to be a Hello 2015 type post and I've started to spiral into the depth of hells.

So, the positive stuff is someone (kinda amazing)~ loves my baby bro, and I have a ton of brand new holiday clothes already. Holiday purchases are like free dinners - they don't really count. Not a sentiment my credit card or waist line agree with but YOLO!!!

Anyways, I will post my important mascara and foundation posts now :)

Takecare everyone. xoxo
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