Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Just a quick ramble before bedtime. It's just gone 9pm and it's still light out, and the birds are still chirping away.
The most shocking thing is that I haven't eaten dinner yet!!! Well, i say 'yet' but realistically i won't eat dinner now other i might puke while i'm sleeping (sorry!). I've eaten some pringles though so that should keep me going til tomorrow :) [Update - it's 9:49pm and I just added a fried egg sandwich to the pringles, was scared i'd starve to death in my sleep]
I had a really nice day at work today. As you know I was a bit nervous about going in due to my orangeness but everyone was really nice about it (especially A, she was probably lying but i love her for it). I'm no longer neon orange which is great and you can only tell I've had a run in with the tan when you're in talking distance (that's what i hope...!). And I also enjoyed the day because loads of people complimented me on my new black asos dress (see previous post for rave and photo) - by the way, the reason why I didn't post a pic of me in my fav dress was because in my photo you couldn't see how nice it looked whereas in the official photo the lighting is much better. I think wearing that dress today was a genius idea because it's gorgeousness took the focus away from my orangeness lol
Tomorrow my aim is to buy hair serum and also tackle the post office to return my ASOS stuff. I've just been on the phone to SF worried about what i'm suppose to do and if i have to pay and she wisely pointed out that it wouldnt be 'free delivery' if i had to pay..........*ahem*
I must say, i hate the post office. HATE. I always have a bad experience (self fufilling prophecy!) and more often than not end up in tears (i'm such a cry baby). They're always so rude and I'm so stupid, not a good mix. Fingers crossed tomorrow is ok (not expecting a fun time but please no more tears!!)
Just letting some time pass in order for my fried egg sandwich to digest.....
When i was with my mum the other day she convinced me to get measured (height, weight, BMI, body fat) at Boots and after all these years it turns out I'm exactly 5'3, not 5'3 1/2. The weird thing about my height is the way clothes fit me. Considering that I am officially petite (even with the extra 1/2 inch) dresses are always too short/not the length they're suppose to be on me. This is probably because my big arse and stomach make the dress ride up and possibly because i have a long torso and short legs so my knees are much lower than they're suppose to be lol I'm a fat crazy orange/yellow midget!!!!!!!!!
Ok, that's enough digesting, goodnight everyone x
As promised: here is my ASOS haul. Sorry the picture's aren't great, crap camera, crap photographer, crap model, crap lighting, crap mirror, crap location (love you really penny palace!)
So I got:
2 'party' dresses for the wedding (10th July argh!!!)
2 work dresses
2 black skirts for work
The photo below show's me wearing it, looks all right doesn't it? Looks like the way the model on the website is wearing it. Well, take a look at the photo 3. What the F*CK is that?! It's like I've got a bloody poncho tent on :( So I would look ok standing in a pose, but if I was to move my arm I could catch large wildebeast in the extra material FFS. I paid £45 for this (i will be returning it) - if they changed the shape of the dress they could just charge £25!
I tried to take a pic of me wearing the pink dress (£32) but after 13424245 tries I gave up, it doesn't photo well, probably because it looks awful on. I actually quite liked it; a simple shape, nice block colour and frills, totally my thing, but then when i tried it on for my mum her facial expression told me that I should never be seen wearing that. Didn't help that the pink (kinda a flamingo pink) totally clashed with my neon orange skintone!!!!! The material was also very flimsy and, well, for want of a better word, it was a bit plastic! Stay away from open flames lol
So photo 4 is a terrible pic of the two skirts I got, both pencil skirts, one in a standard material and one is linen. Not sure whether I am exchanging them for a bigger size or returning them....
Finally, my absolute favourite out of the stuff I ordered, and my now most favourite item of work clothing in my wardrobe (actually, i think it's my favourite thing full stop!)
PHOTO 5 [below]

I think one of my next posts will be about ASOS and about the Curve range, so please come back soon to have a read :)
Clutch bag
Just a quickie, this is the clutch bag I brought last week from House of Fraser (Linea). It's a black grainy leather clutch bag with slight detailing at the front (you can kinda make it out in the phot0).
The bottom picture is just the inside (hot pink as you can see - i would have preferred a black lining but last minute shoppers can't be choosers!!) and I put my precious tin of vaseline in there so you can get an idea of size.
It's got a little zip compartment on the inside. It fastens with those metal button things (sorry, braindead). It was originally £25 but it was in the sale for £14.50 and then I got an extra 10% off for using my HOF store card, and an extra 20% (i think) off because it's a staff card. So that works out to idea, but i know it's a bargain- YAY!
I wrote the other day that I am looking for an oversized clutch - this clutch is no way near my 'dream' clutch but it will do (even though my make up bag is bigger than this lol).
If I do end up using my bag i might just do a quick post on what i took with me.
That's it for now, ta ta!
Hair today, gone tomorrow
Firstly don't worry, i haven't gone crazy in the heat and shaved my head or anything like that.
I want to talk about hair removal. In particular I want to think out loud about epilating....

- I'm really lazy when it comes to hair removal (sorry i know that's skanky but thats what opaque tights are for haha!) so if i buy it and don't use it I'll hate myself
- I am a big fat baby. I'm scared of the pain.
- Will it really work?
(*by quick i mean that for example i shaved my legs this morning and then by tomorrow morning i can't go bare legged cos the hairs are already growing back and showing...and if i shave tomorrow morning my legs will not be happy)
Would I be able to use an epilator every day or would I have them same problem?
I've used hair removal creams but again it's just not suitable for every day use and same with waxing - i do not want to wait for a millimillimilli metre to grow back. And no i'm not going to get lasor treatment, i have better things to spend my money on. Like biscuits and chicken wings.
So my question to you dear reader: do ou or have you ever epilated before? Can i use it every day? Is it effective? And how much did you spend? Does a high price = high quality?
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
The future's bright, the future's orange
and in those few days off I've changed race
and turned from yellow to orange.
I'm really nervous about going into work, I hope people don't point/
laugh/stare/throw things at me :s I work in a 'professional'
enviroment and I'm one of the younger people there, they won't
understand my vanity
and desire to look like/become a WAG. Lucky I didn't bleach my locks
over the weekend too that would be a shock lol
That's the weird thing though about this orange business. A lot of
people are frankly shocked that I would be using fake tan and ask why.
Not so many people would ask that of a 'white' person and my reason is
the same as theirs, I want to be darker/tanned!
I'm not light skinned for an oriental person but nor am I dark. I
don't catch the sun well (unlike my mum and brother who can get a tan
just hanging out in the garden - my dad is 'dark skinned') so I need
to resort to the bottle.
My timing is not great either because tomorrow I'm in a workshop with
a bunch of deputies and soccsnt just hide away on my office. But I'm
going to be orange for a few more days so I guess I should just brazen
it out.
So the big question: what do i wear?! I wore cream on Monday and
orange and cream made me look like a beacon screaming 'look at me!'.
Was going to wear my new Asos dress which is black but then I'll look
like (a fat and smiling) victoria beckham back in her hardcore queen
wag days (with the long wavy extensions).
I'll be honest though...I kinda like it!!! Albeit I was really upset
with the points and stares but if u can look past (alllllllll) the bad
bits it's not bad. My legs are better orange then they were White!!
Today (on my trip to tesco) I wore a short navy blue linen shirt dress
with my hair up, minimum make up (tinted moisturiser and eyeliner!)
and my new slouchy black primark sandals and I felt good. I wouldn't
have worn that dress without the orange (its so short u can nearly see
my knickers - oops!) and it's really weird because I nearly chucked
out the dress because I put it on in the winter with tights and deemed
it too short and yet today o was bare legged. Might be my inner
tanorexic telling me I look better
Orange but hey, it got me out the house didn't it!!
Bloody hell you guys must be praying I never fake tan again; every
blog is orange, shoes, orange, shoes, orange, shoes, orange, shoes!!
And my facebook status is similarly obsessive.
Well like I say, I'm not vain just self absorbed. A quality all
bloggers must have ;)
Wish me luck tomorrow and may all your futures be as bright as mine
hehe xoxo
Dear Josephine
Just a quick ramble about my day.
I was/am on annual leave phew! I got up early and got dressed (didn't
do hair or make up though, or put my contact lenses in) to wait for my
asos delivery.
Was nervous for hours worrying that they wouldn't come today or even
worse they come and I miss them. For that reason I didn't even begin
to watch pretty little liars incase I became too engrossed (not likey
with me but it's amazing what paranoia makes u think!)
Ran down to the lobby a few times checking my mailbox and ringing my
buzzer to check it was working (I know I was pathetically overly
excited lol) which wouldn't have been too bad bar the fact I was still
orange in a mini dress with no make up. Bumped into my neighbour and I
think he'll be having erotic dreams featuring oompa loompas haha (he's
lucky he didn't catch sight of me when I was running around in my
So the delivery man (has anyone ever had a delivery woman?) knocks on
my door at about 1:45pm, just when I am using the toilet!!! To cut a
long story short I did get my goodies :)
I'll do a separate post on what I ordered and my views later/tomorrow
since I'm currently posting via ipenny (cos my mum dropped my laptop
on the floor so I've put it into my knickers drawer for safe keeping!).
My mum came round about 3pm and we just chilled a bit and ate a late
lunch (I was starving!). Tbh it was mega lame after yesterdays fun, I
think we were both tired and also bored of each other's faces lol
Just past 5pm we went to the new tesco's. I would say it's about 1
minutes walk instead of the 2 minute
trek I estimated last night ;)
It's a tiny tesco (the building use to be a pub...) and not a lot of
stuff/range but for a single loser like me it's just right. I think I
prefer the bigger 'proper' supermarkets for the atmosphere (I love
supermarkets!!) but it's definitely convienient (too bad it's not a
24hr store).
Then my mum dropped me to the building entrance and made her way home
and I unpacked my shopping (that mum paid for!) and here I am :)
That's my major boring day. I'm going to eat dinner now, tidy up (cos
I didn't really get round to it earlier) and then an early night for me.
Back to work tomorrow and looking forward it. My 2 days off have been
great but any longer and Im in danger of gettin cabin fever!
Hope u had a nice day
Plastic Shoe Goes Oragami?
Love this! (wonder how much it will cost though?)
Basically a shoe boot made up of plastic (like jelly sandals) disks that you can cut to make your own style/shape footwear. But what if you make a mistake? Then you're screwed....
Hhhmmm, if it was £3 in Primark I'd definitely grab about 10 pairs but realistically (esp if featured on cocoperez) I bet they are around the £100 mark. Nevermind.
A clockwork orange
Thinking it would be funny to leave the post blank after this but
since I've written this it's now not blank so...
In a bit of a pickle. Can't remember if I'm actually on annual leave
tomorrow or if it's just wishful thinking. Going to have to get up and
dressed and then I'll call work at 9am and if I'm in I'll make my way
and if I'm off...hopefully i'll be able to get back to bed (once I
scrape my make up off).
I'm 99% sure I'm off hence the 1am blogging but I'm pretty screwed if
I'm in. It's going to be a coffee day ick!
Apart from the fact that er I'd prefer to be at home, i really hope I
am off cos my plan is to stay home and wait for my ASOS delivery. 1st
attempt was today and the calling card said they'd automatically try a
2nd time the next working day...which is tomorrow right? They deliver
from 7am til 5pm...hope it's a decent slot like 10-11am. I'm a novice
when it comes to home delivery, I'm actually nervous lol
Whilst waiting I plan to spend my time watching Pretty Little Liars.
Never seen it before but it's a new ABC show currently just shown it's
4th episodes and it's doing so well it's been commisioned up to
22episodes for season 1 aka it's doing better than flashforward and I
need a replacement for that and doctor who so yay!
Assuming delivery is made at a decent time I plan to see my mum and do
food shopping. (if im seeing her will also need to spend time
seriously tidying up penny palace. It looks like primark has exploded
in my living room lol It's likely we won't see each other though so I
think a quick dash to the new tesco metro is in order. It's about a
3minute walk from my place. I hope it's got a good range and good
deals - be great if it can become my supermarket (cos otherwise I have
a 6minute trek to morrisons or a 12min marathon to sainsburys ;) lol I
love my location!)
Gosh I haven't done a blog ramble for ages and it feels good. Like a
cleansing for my soul! (especially done via ipenny the crap just flows!)
Anyway it's a lovely night. I've got the window open (so where's the
frigging breeze?!) and just typing away in the moonlight.
It's cliched but let's talk about the weather: are you loving it or
hating it? If you're a lover you probably find it strange I'm even
asking but I've seen those moany facebook statuses and miserable faces
on the street.
I'm 50/50. I'm not really a fan of the heat (I'm hot when it's cold so
when it's hot I'm on weather status not lyrics from a katy
perry song lol) but I love summer clothes (ok, I also love autumn,
winter and spring clothed but whatever!) and ok pervert alert but I
love how the pretty girls dress/look in the summer. Legs out tits out
bums out it's all gravy baby. On that note, English guys in England in
the summer not so good. Thumbs down!
Erm one more thing. Really been craving sorbet for a while. Someone
hook me up!
Monday, 28 June 2010
Women Spend Over $20,000 On Shoes In A Lifetime!
To be honest if you think of it like that it's not so bad.......they are saying approxiamtely 7 pairs a year. Erm, 7 pairs a week anyone?
I probably don't spend an average of whatever $43 is in £ but I definitely make up for it in quantity!!
When I got my first ever job that was it for me. I got bitten by the spending bug and couldn't stop. And I don't think there is a cure!! I lessened my 'junk' buying for a year but it looks like I've fallen off the wagon. NM.
Everyone likes to buy something. Some people might think having so many shoes (or nail varnish, or bags etc) is silly and a waste of money but I think everyone has their 'thing', even if they don't recognise it as such! Some people spend all their money on coffee. As a non coffee drinker i don't understand it - if you drank two cups of whatever from Starbucks a day you could buy a pair of cheap shoes from Primark! Likewise buying CD's or DVD's, computer games, gadgets in general.
Each to his/her own I say! If it makes you happy, do it! (Unless torturing kittens or little kids makes you happy - don't do that!)
Speaking of thing's I like to buy, when I was living at home I had a slight obsession buying bins and containers. I love bins!!! And I don't just use them for garbage, I keep my knickers, socks, tights, and magazines in them too. I think they're pretty. Now that I live in my shoe box I have tried to lay off the bins though......I only have 4 in my bedroom ;)
And ending with what we started on....if you are a shoe lover then how about this? This London boutique lets you design your own shoe. I would love to do this but it's not in my price range. Plus I get a weird satisfaction out of cheap stuff. Makes me feel clever. IDK.
Design Your Perfect Pair Of Heels!
[Edit - I just went onto the Upper Street site and design a couple of shoes - each would cost £202 - for a shoe I can't even say someone famous designed? I don't think so somehow. Even if I could afford it, I would prefer to spend my money on a luxury brand. Plus, it can't cost them that much to make the shoes, they probably only pay the chinese kids 25p per pair!]
RIP Favourite shoe
Thank you Shoe for seeing me through casual days and dressier up days. Thank you for being easy to put on and off despite looking complicated. And thank you for not hurting my feet. You served me well. RIP.
Haul , shopping ramble and eye candy
It might be a good idea to mention that I maxed out my credit card. How do I know this? Because it was declined in Primark and my mum had to pay :)
First up the actual haul items:
From Primark I got 2 leggings (£3 each), a bra (£5), presents - i don't think it's wrong to give primark stuff...i love primark stuff (£20), my shoes which you'll see below and my mum got a pair of cute lacey pumps (she has size 3-4 feet, everything is cute on her). My maxi dress of course and then some boring bits and pieces.
I went into Gap (twice - first time round to exchange and get mum her t shirt) and got a really cute summery denim...thing. Not sure if it's a top or dress. It's a layered (but not frilly layered) light wash 'thing' with buttons down the front (not all the way down). With today's weather I could wear it has a dress (and probably flash everyone) but realistically I'll probably wear it with leggings. It is sleeveless but i'm trying to be brave and show my arms. After flaunting my orange self showing my pasty bingo wings shouldnt be too bad. It was £14.99 down from £35. Also got my mum gift cards to say thank you for paying for everything (shopping, pub, breakfast, dinner, doughnuts etc - had to use my debit card - gulp).
This is random but we also went food shopping in China Town and my mum got me chicken feet which sounds nasty but is delish. I try not to think about what I'm eating. Also got a DIY satay kit which I'm looking forward to trying out once S and R return from Orlando. I also got really long chopsticks - they are not for eating with but for cooking with. It'll be useful turning stuff in the frying pan, or even flipping over stuff on the grill. Not as great as tongs cos obviously chopsticks are a bit fiddly (esp giant ones!!) but good because if you've got a crazy spitting pan you don't have to get close. In fact, since my kitchen is so small I should be able to turn food over from my sofa lol
Below we have two sandals that I got from Primark. The black pair was £12 and the nude pair were a bargain at £8. I love both pairs, probably more so the nude pair because i love nude/tan footwear.
Next up we have my 'wish I brought' shoes:
Below are a pair of boots I've been dreaming of since Saturday. They are on sale at £45 and I'd get a further discount if I buy them from House of Fraser. The only problem is that I am in between sizes and the bigger size means my toes doesn't even show out of the peep toe (this bootie is so me: taupey colour, cone heel, girly but quirky, peep toe (it's a shoe from heaven)) and the smaller size means that...well, my whole foot doesn't fit!!!!!
Below we just have loads of random sale items from Office. How cute are those heart pumps!? Practical dupes of the Viv Westwood beauties. I want i want i want!!!
Update on shopping list/my day
Wasn't today a gorgeous day? Hope you've had a lovely start to the week.
I had today off and spent it in the west end with my mummy. We had a lovely day in the sunshine. Met up around 10am (well, probably more nearer 10:30am cos of course i was late) and didn't get home til 8:30pm which for my mum is a really really long day cos bless her cotton socks she's not getting any younger. And it was extra special cos when i was a care free youngster living at home we use to go out shopping quite often (I get my shopping bug from both parents) but since I've moved out we've only been a handful of times (to do what i consider 'proper' shopping which means several hours of pounding the pavement as opposed to a quick trip to lakeside in the car - that's for wimps).
We ate KFC for breakfast (cos that's how we roll!) lol and for dinner we ate at Wong Kei's in China Town (a day out with my mum always ends at China Town - it's our homing instinct lol!). It was so hot that I wasn't at all peckish (actually I had a jam doughnut on the tube in the morning) but we got through tons and tons of water and (Diet) coke.
The worst part of my day was when i was alone on the way to meet her. It probably didn't help that I had slathered myself in baby oil because i looked like a walking talking orange highlighter but people were staring at me, pointing and laughing. I was mortified. And then when i et with my mum I had to endure more staring and she laughed til she cried. Cow. Got more stares on the tube (i tried to hide my feet under my handbag) but once we got to the west end it was ok.
First stop was Victoria to exchange the shirts I got for my dad for fathers day and i also got my mum a t shirt. And then we got the bus to Marble Arch and that's where we got down to business.
I will do a seperate haul on what I brought but here's a quick update on the status of yesterday's 'July' shopping list....
Searched and searched every Boots for a hair doughnut but no luck. But no worries, will just grab one from Claire's Accessories. Amazingly what I did get my hands on were a maxi dress and shoes....aka the most random stuff off my list!
The maxi dress is a black strapless one, £9 from primark. Erm, not much to say really, it's long, black with no straps(!) I'm not sure if it's a keeper, only because i hate my arms and not sure if I'm confident to wear it out on the street. Definitely can't wear it at the moment because if you think the 'tan' on my limbs are bad you should check out my chest and back. Basically you can see the hand marks where i stopped applying the tan. I hope my 'tan' fades before summer ends!
Shoes....on my list I put clogs and I did see beautiful clogs,,,
[Above: Clogs from Office. Gorgeous! But not a practical buy. Can't walk in them. And what would I wear them with? And where would I wear them? And they weren't cheap either]
[Below: Clogs from Primark. Came in different colours (black, tan and a denim but slightly different style from the one below - a bargain £20 - if I'm still craving clogs I'll get these]
...but they were toooooo high so I got these.
And i LOVE them. Not sure if I can walk in them, I've got a bit of a overweight Bambi waddle when I'm in heels but nevermind they are gorg! So even though they are not clogs I think I'm satisfied - they tick my chunky clunky footwear.
That's it for now,
(Ooooh! Quick ASOS update: the deliver came just before 3pm but i missed it (got a card in my mailbox) - it says they will try to delvier again tomorrow, fingers crossed i don't miss it!!!)
Sunday, 27 June 2010
July shopping list/admission of guilt
I've not gone mad, i know it is still June but just a quick list of all the things I want (want being the key word here) by the end of July.
- No surprise, first thing on the list is a hair doughnut
- Denim shirt - I want just a really casual light (in rinse and in fabric) denim shirt that I can wear over tea dresses tied at the waist to rough up the look or open over leggings with maybe a stripey long vest or flowery cami
- Oversized black suede clutch bag- the wedding is just about 2 weeks away and still not sure about an outfit but I have a lot of stand by's as you know and I'm ok for shoes but I really want an oversized clutch (suede is preferable but not a must). I've always wanted one so if i find the perfect one I don't mind spending a decent amount (aka more than £5 lol) I bought a leather black clutch the other day from House of Fraser so that is my stand by bag.
- Light wash skinny jeans/jeggings - just another summer buy really; don't worry, I won't wear it with my denim shirt lol
- Maxi dress - I really really really want one but in two minds about it. On the one hand, maxi dresses hides all my sins and it's not hard to find one in a 'normal' shop that fits, but on the other hand I don't want to look like I'm smuggling 10 sacks of potatoes (and I do!).....I will keep an eye out but this may not be something I can tick off my list :( .....this also reminds me that I want to write a post about "just cos it fits doesn't mean you should wear it" - note to self!!
- Clogs - interestingly enough I wrote about clogs in one of my first ever blog posts and I want to jump on the band wagon please! Not actually seen a real person wear a pair but that doesn't mean I can't. I'm thinking tan leather and wooden midi heel with brass hardwear. Yeah baby!
- Peg cropped trousers - I don't think these are in fashion this season but I really want to rock the look to work (office). I'm thinking peg trousers, frilly blouse and my clogs with my giant philip lim bagel bun...? If not I can wear it to Saturday job with....whatever and nude pumps....? Note to self: good luck finding a pair fatty!!
...erm, i did something naughty last night. I spent £175 online at ASOS. Oops. And this is after my Boots spree and complaining about having 42p in my account (so I now have minus 235.42, probably less with my last minute direct debit going out). Oh feck.
I am really excite though!!! And i qualified for free shipping so it will be delivered tomorrow (but I will be leaving home at 9:45am so what will happen to my parcel!?). Cannot wait to show you :)
And to be fair, originally there was £268 worth of stuff in my 'basket' so I did 'put back' a lot of stuff - I dumped make up, and a few really OOT dresses that I would never wear.
Wish I didn't spend in Boots and ASOS though cos I went onto the Evans website and there are about 5 pairs of shoes I really want that were an absolute bargain and that order would have definitely broke the camel/credit card's back.
So I'm going shopping with my mum tomorrow (maybe i should have started by explaining that haha) so fingers crossed I get at least 2 things off my 'shopping list'.
Have a great week folks! xxx
HOW TO create the Phillip Lim bagel bun
Tomorrow I will try to get my hands on a doughnut. Lucky I brought my hairspray :)
Funny enough I've been eyeing up the hair doughnuts in claires accesories but never purchased as I was worried I wouldn't use it but looks simple enough right? And I think I'll be much quicker as I'll skip most of the hair spraying and also won't really need to back comb if I do it straight out of bed ;)
Will let you know how it goes :)
Have any of used a hair doughnut? What style were you rocking and is it a good buy? Comment below xoxo
Haul: make up, summer prep, hair stuff
So yesterday after work I decided to pop into Boots (the one in Liverpool Street station - it's great!).
Funnily enough if you read the previous post ('I've been tangoed') I went into Boots because I wanted to buy some fake tan. I've used loads of tanning lotions; everytime they go on special offer i stock up and they all turn me orange. So i went in with the aim to buy a 'posh' tan, a garnier spray tan or something like that, maybe even St Tropez. But even the decent cheap one's were £15 and to be honest the reason why i think my tans are so dodgy as well as orange is due to my slapdash application technique. So with that in mind i skipped the 'posh' tanners. The one i ending up using yesterday was one i brought last year (oops!) for about £1 from wilkinsons.
Anyway, since I was in Boots I thought it would be rude as well as morally wrong not to have a browse. I wish i bloody didn't though. I wish i picked up a £15 spray tan and left cos i ended up spending nearly £60!!!!! I only have 42p in my bank account :(
All my shopping is below:
From left to right we have:
Elnett Hair Spray in 'normal' - £1.99. I've never been a user of hairspray before. I'm not sure what the point of it was but i've been meaning to get one ever since V came to stay at my house. Her hairstyle (aka not an alaborate up-do) didn't seem the sort that require hairspraying but she did so i thought i would give it a go to. Just got a tiny spray can since i have the feeling this will be a short lived fad.
Expert Dry Shampoo - £1.95. I was meaning to pick up Batiste but i saw this and it was £1 less so i thought 'why not?'. The 'Expert' range is basically Boots' take on the most popular products on the market. At the end of the day dry shampoo is talcum powder out of a nozzle so how wrong could it be?
Satincare in sensitive - £2.99. Summer is hair. Need smooth limbs to complement my orange tan lol I was well gutted because i could see signage for a special deal on the Expert Shaving gel but the whole shelf was out of stock!
Bic Soleil Scent - £3.59 for 4. There were other much cheaper disposable razors but i'm really clumsy with a blade so this one is slightly safer for me. And I've used these before and they're pretty good. I'm thinking of buying an epilator but in my mind that's a very expensive fad (the one i want is over £100!).
All about Eyes serum - £22. This is a total impulse buy. I should stop browsing at make up counters because i always get lured into buying some random piece of crap. This is basically a 'de puffing eye massage roll on'. I have no bags under my eyes or dark circles so i can't even use it and review it so I'm going to give it to my mum. She likes eye stuff.
All about eyes - £20. Basically an eye cream. I love this, it's my favourite eye cream. And I've been meaning to buy this cos I've run out. This is my 4th pot i think. I was going to buy 2, one for me and one for mum, but then got hypnotised by all the marketing for the roll on.
And the white with red piping bag pictured is my free gift for buying two clinique products (has to be treatment product s- no make up!:
It is the 'redness solutions' kit. In my opinion this is the ugliest and skankiest free gift ever. The make up bag is ugly ugly ugly and cheap looking and a stupid shape and size. And the products are laughable. I should have bought my eye stuff at a department store so that i could get my hands on better looking freebies. And the fact that they make you buy 2 treatment products is also a joke. Usually it's one skincare product and whatever. RIP OFF BOOTS SHAME ON YOU.
I did spend a lot of money on crap but it is summer and this is my summer prep kit i guess so hopefully it's more of an investment. And apart from the shaving stuff i doubt i'l have to repurchase the other bits for a few months at least.
I've been tangoed
So last night I decided to slap on the fake tan. I have the next two days (Monday and Tuesday) off and want to get my arms, toes and legs out). I actually faked tanned a month or two ago when i thought summer was here but then stopped after a few days since it was obvious that it wasn't summer. Truth be told i did turn orange then but since i was still in cardigans and my 80denier tights noone noticed.
This time.....people will notice. I feel ashamed of my vanity. And the sad thing is that being orange is not going to put me off applying more fake tan tonight lol I'd rather be orange than pinky white!! Like L says "Fat looks better brown".
Below we have a lovely pic of my tan hands. It doesnt look so bad in the photo but trust me both palms are orange. I did wash my hands after i applied but....oh well. My nails are currently beige style but i might do them bright pink to draw attention away from my palms :)
The next to photo's (below) are absolutely hilarious. Again, much worse in the flesh :S Basically after i applied my tan I waited for it to dry (for ages actually, watched a whole episode of Doctor who). And then once Doctor Who was over (literally until Xmas 2010 - I heart Matt Smith!!) I went to do the dishes....and had some water run down my arms and obviously leave streak marks. I'm thinking of colouring in the streaks with bronzer.....
How am i suppose to go out into the street, in bloody east london with feet like this!? I'm going to have to wear boots or something :( And the thing is I barely tanned my feet and afterwards i ran a wet wipes down them (and my knees and elbows) but it didn't work. Obviously. My mum is going to have a fit when she sees me tomorrow.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
I've written about this dude before (WHERE U AT) and I am NOT obsessed but this song is great - actually, it's the video which should get an award because even though I can't understand hardly anything (I can make out 'baby', 'lady' and 'wedding dress'!!) I totally get the story and the emotion is intense. Watch it til the end. IF you're a cry baby this will pull at your heart strings!!
TAG: Would you rather...Beauty Edition
1.Would you rather go out with messy hair and nice make-up or Nice hair and no make-up?
I would rather go out with messy hair and nice make up. In fact, I would say this is me everyday lol I often don't brush my hair unless it's out, I just clip it up like a crazy lady.
2.Would you rather shave your eyebrows or have your eyelashes fall out?
I'd rather shave my eyebrows because they grow back, and plus I can always draw them in like a lot of people do.
3.Would you rather be forced to shop at only MAC or Sephora for the rest of your life?
Well....I don't shop at MAC but there's no Sephora in the Uk anymore so I guess I'd chose to shop at MAC for the rest of my life.
4.Would you rather wear lipgloss/lipliner look or 80's perm?
Lipgloss and lipliner overload! At least i can wash it off!
5.Would you rather leave the house with an obvious foundation line or overdone blush?
Haha I always have an obvious foundation line so I choose this!
6.Would you rather wear MC Hammer pants or biker shorts in public?
No one needs to see my crotch or knees so I chose MC Hammer pants.
7.Would you rather have a bad orange-y spray tan or really weird tan lines that can't be covered?
Erm...this is difficult.....kinda the same problem. I guess I'll go for weird tan lines because a lot of people suffer from this problem. But in truth, I often have a dodgy fake orange tan (bottle not spray).
8.Would you rather have a bad haircut or bad hair color?
What do you mean by bad hair colour? Dodgy highlights or bogey green!? Actually, I'd chose a bad hair cut, easier to hide!
9.Would you rather have youtube or twitter taken away forever?
Twitter! I like reading other people's tweets but i'm not so great at tweeting myself. Feel a bit weird doing it because not many people are reading my lil lonely tweets :(
10. Would you rather give up using makeup brushes or mascara?
Easy! I'd give up make up brushes. I love buying them because they make me feel grown up but in reality i just stick them in a pot and use my fingers anyway. And i don't think i could leave the hosue without mascara on!
As always, I TAG YOU!!!
Flashforward no more?!
And then I checked for episode 23 (because I was a bit behind) but there was nothing. I then assumed that the season had come to an end, which was a bummer because it was getting exciting and I was just getting into it again, so I google flashforward to find out when season 2 will be aired and how gutted was I to find out that the show had been cancelled?!
This is exactly why I don't like to watch tv series such as these. There is no real ending. No sense of satisfaction, only frustration and a million questions!!! When I say 'series such as these' I mean series which follow a rigid storyline that needs to be followed as opposed to a relatively self contained storyline that you can just pick up whenever. An example of 'that' type would be Doctor Who. True say, if you watch all the episodes it makes a bit more sense and you can follow it a bit easier, but you can also just watch the odd show here and there and enjoy it, you can't do that with a show like Flashforward. And now I don't have to :(
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
25 Random Questions Tag
1. Do you have any pets?
2. Name 3 things that are physically close to you.
3. What's the weather like right now?
Well, its 9:30pm so it's not sunny but we've had a really hot day so it's mild and nice.
4. Do you drive? If so have you crashed?
No drive no crash.
5. What time did you wake up this morning?
About 8am...
6. When was the last time you showered?
About 8:05am...
7. What was the last movie you saw?
Er....I can't remember! Need to flick through my old blog posts lol
8. What does your last text message say?
It starsts: "Hey Penny..." and ends"Mwahs xxx" I'll let you imagine what the middle consists off.
9. What's your ringtone?
Just a normal standard ringtone.
10. Have you ever been to a different country?
Yes. Even though I don't like going on holiday I do enjoy travelling. I'd hate to be one of those people who have never left the country/got on a plane or don't even own a passport. It's 2010 people, get with it!!
11. Do you like sushi?
I love sushi. But nothing tooooo fishy ek. And no sushi from the supermarket. Yuck.
12. Where do you buy your groceries?
I do my food shopping at either Morrisons or Sainsburys because they are closest to me. If my brother drives me then I go stock up in Asda or Tesco.
13. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster?
14. How many siblings do you have?
1 brother.
15. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
A laptop. That I would never put on my lap, it'd burn through my skin!
16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
I will be 26!
17. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
Both...but in the day contacts. A nightmare would be having to wear my glasses outside.
18. Do you color your hair?
I don't....but I have.
19. Tell me something you are planning to do today.
Well at this moment I am planning to go to bed! For tomorrow I plan to go to work, do my laundry and.....yeah, that's as exciting as it gets for me!
20. When was the last time you cried?
Shamefully it was yesterday. And what made it worse was that I was in the middle of the goddamn street.
21. What is your perfect pizza topping?
Any dead animal. yum yum yum !
22. Which do you prefer-hamburgers or cheeseburgers? a cheeseburger a hamburger with cheese? I don't mind...
23. Have you ever had an all-nighter?
YES!!! You can't do 3424 years of uni and not have an all-nighter. I've even gone to uni in my pyjama's.
24. What is your eye color?
I'm yellow and so my eyes are brown.
25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
Not And even though I always ask for diet pepsi/coke I can't tell the difference between fat/diet either.
In and Out
I haven't done *insert appropriate month* favourites for a while so I'm just going to do a general In and Out blog:
I love seeing England flags on the back of people's cars. Makes me feel all squishy inside.
Cereal - I'm really loving cereal at the moment. Just finished a whole box of cocopops and currently eating my way through Frosties (yeah i like the healthy cereals lol). Cereal use to ake me puke (well, the milk) but I find if I eat it at 10am and take my lactase pills then I'm usually ok. And I've so jinxed myself now!!
Walking to work in the morning - this is an in and out. Love the money i'm saving and like getting my heart pumping but it's so bad for my hair and makeup! Get to work with my mask sliding down my sweaty face.
I hate being abandoned when an English match is on. I say this with tomorrow's 3pm kick off in mind. I have the feeling I will be the only person at my desk by 2:45pm :(
I hate my corn beef legs. Time to get some tan girlfriend!!!
T-mobile - piss me off, terrible everything. Join my facebook group 'theif mobile.
Hate being an angry cow - these past fews weeks i've been either angry, sad or sick. Where has all the joy gone!?
You know what? I'm really sorry for the last 3 blog posts - how half hearted, random and moany are they!? Standards are slipping but i promise my next post (whatever and whenever that may be) will be much much better!! (Can't get worse can it?!)
Sorry about the pic but as you know i'm a dozy cow when it comes to this technology malarkey - lucky I know how to type!!!
This is me and my raspberry and lychee martini. It was absolutely yummy - though i couldn't really make out the raspberry. My brother had a 'mangotini' (I assume that's a mango martini) which was also yummy but tasted strongly of alcohol so glad I didn't have that (probably the barman's fault though -he was a right tosser).
We were in All Bar One and really the service and the place was shite. Slow, rude, didn't have any drinks knowledge (lucky i got my martini in a martini glass and not a pint glass). The tables and glasses were dirty and I'd understand if it was after work on a weekday but canary wharf is dead on a sunday evening.
I want to go again (without my parents) and puke over the bar. I am such a lady.
Can someone take the knife out of my back please?
Sorry for the extremely unimaginative blog title....a bit brain dead :s
Just gonna post a quick update Saturday-Today:
Erm, Saturday I went to my Saturday job (on time!!) and it was good. I felt a bit ill in the morning, the main problem being the pain my body was in (made worst by 8 hours of standing) but like I predicted, it was good for me to get back to work and getting back on my feet. The day didn't start off well: I woke up at 5:30am because my sleeping pattern is all dodgy; it was super sunny when i was getting dressed but freezing when i got to the bus stop, I was worried my toes would drop off and then despite leaving extra early i missed my bus (it didn't stop at my stop!!!!) and had to wait 13 mins (in the cold) for the next bus. But like I said i made it in on time and that's what matters.
Work was great, really really busy. My appetite was still blah so for lunch i had a bread roll (lame!) and spent most of my hour shopping for a fathers day present (also looked at shoes, handbags and make up for myself). I got my dad 2 shirts and 2 pair of jeans and i got myself a clutch bag....i'm not in love with it but in case i don't find anything better it will do.
Sunday I woke up at 5ish am again pottered around the flat and had breakfast then went back to sleep til 12pm, spoke to my mum, surfed the net and then back to bed (told you my sleep is effed) and then woke around 4pm and got showered and dressed for fathers day dinner.
Family came to pick me up and we went for cocktails and food in Canary Wharf. It was nice to just all be together again, it's been absolutely ages since we've all met up. Got home pretty late (for me), got to bed around 12-1am.
Monday didn't want to go to work. A bit tearful and shakey. Really need to pull myself together before I fall into a black hole I can't get out of. The actual day was fine, nothing exiciting, nothing scary.
Today was a much better day. A really long day but all positive and gung ho and the smile is back on my face. We had a meeting with people who came to visit us from another site and it was a very welcomed injection of energy and enthusiasm which i lost since last week.
I must grow up and i must be stronger. I will never let anyone wipe the smile off my face for a long period of time. Let it be known here that I will never mope for longer than a week unless I am physically injured. Sticks and stones and all that jazz right?
Friday, 18 June 2010
Come on England!
Despite my patriotic post title I am not watching the 2nd England footie match. And from my facebook friends update's I must be the only person, but I am supporting in my head....
Anyways! Aiming for a 8:30pm bedtime so must type really fast! As you can see from all the exclaimation marks I am pretty buzz buzz buzzy!!!!!! Just happy that it's Friday. Looking forward to going to my weekend job tomorrow, it'll be nice to get back into a routine, and to see happy smiley faces. Bit worried how I'll make it through the day but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Only pissy thing at the moment is that my 'favourite' route to work is undergoing weekend work so I'll have to take a different route. Combine that with my fatigue and I'm going to have to leave extra early. Please pray I will be early/on time!!!!!!
Was too tired today to go anywhere after work so i have to have to get my fathers day present tomorrow. I did go to the supermarket after work for some groceries and the only father day cards that were left were the expensive ones. I don't think so somehow.
I have £36 in my account, a much bigger credit card bill to pay and my dad's present. How long til pay day?!
But it's all good.
Smile smile smile keeps the doctor away :)
Hope England win, and hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Uh-oh, 2 mins past my bedtime ;)
Sweetdreams xxx
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Rant and Holidays part 2 + ramble
But for some reason I am so tired. Don't know if it's my sickness or just stress.
Last night I went to bed at 8pm as planned (well 8:15 to be exact) but I couldn't sleep. Was in the worst/weird random pain ever. My shoulders were so tensed, I ended up having to sleep on the floor without a pillow, it was the only way I could ease the pain (and even then it wasn't gone). Woke up feeling ok but not feeling like I had a long sleep.
Been tired all day, and it didn't help that all I had to eat by 4pm was a bowl of cocopops!!! We had 'an event' today and even though a long lunch was scheduled I ended up spending an hour printing out 330 pages and stapling it together. So i had 15mins for my cocopops and a wee (TMI?)
But yay I am home now and on the way I popped in the chicken shop and got myself chips and wings :)
The holiday part of this post is to basically say: no morocco. I went into work to check my work schedule (Cos I'd checked my diary and I didn't have any big events coming up) and the period I need off has been taken (its the first week of the summer holidays duh) and only 1 person off at a time, especially if its a whole week, which is fair considering my team consists of 3 people.
I am a bit sad. Because I was weighing up all the pro's and con's and the only real con was money and I was thinking of robbing a bank (or maybe just spending a bit less on my credit card) and I am a bit miffed that my decision has been made for me. In fact, because the decision not to go isn't mine it makes me really really really want to go now!!! *sighs*
Tomorrow (TGIF) I'm debating whether to pop down to oxford street after work, I need to buy my dad something for fathers day (i was thinking of a Gap giftcard) but if I'm feeling how I am now tomorrow then that's definitely a no. I could always pop to oxford street after work on Saturday but am worried I'm cutting it a bit fine.....and what if I'm feeling dodgy on saturday and need to go straight home for a lie down? Then I am screwed. I was actually planning to go today becasue an event usually = a relatively early finish, plus thursday is late night shopping but I was all wobbly from stress, fatigue, sickness and hunger so had to speed it home.
All my ramble type posts have been just moan moan moan recently and i do apologise. Hopefully next week will be a better week for me!
One last moan: i painted my toes with Barry M's lemon ice cream...horrible!! It looks like my toenails are rotten or something equally as bad :( In fact, it probably looked better on my finger nails which isn't saying much!
I think now would be a good time for me to do my 3 blessings before the wind changes and turns me into a miserable old hag forever!!!
1) Finally got to eat chicken wings, first time this week :)
2) No longer vomitting which is always a good thing (hope I haven't jinxed my chicken wings!!!)
3) Will get to see the family on sunday cos its fathers day :)
So you tell me, what's been p*ssing you off?!
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
New blog design...likey?
Do you like the 'new' blog design? I hope it makes it easier to read, i just used an existing template and then applied pink as the main colour - had to be done!!
Also, I'm at 491 views. Don't forget there'll be a giveaway once I reach 1000 views so please keep coming to visit, every view is much appreciated!
Argh! Rant and holidays
Feeling fragile and just totally drained out. It's nearly 7pm and I'm thinking of skipping dinner and going straight to bed.......but then I'm worried I'll get out of bed at 10pm and end up eating sweetcorn out of the tin (after you drain the liquid it's the best thing ever!!!)
On a more positive and out-of-the-blue note, A invited me to join her in Fez (Morocco). She is going anyway for 4 weeks, and invited me to join her for the first week/few days, whatever up to me. It would be free accommodation since we'd stay at her mum's house and it would just be me and her. I'd be able to get a tan and finally ditch my opaque tights! So the only proper expense would be the plane tickets (courtesy of ryan air) and even though it's a bargain price it's still not really justifiable for me to go, I could definitely use that money to you know, pay bills and boring stuff like that. But then again it's a great opportunity, and she is really laid back which complements my slight Hitler qualities you can see, I'm not sure whether to go or not. I really want to, but I have boring adult responsibilities to think of......what should i do what should i do?!
The other thing is that I'm going to New York in March 2011 and I've already worked out how much i need to save etc and if I go to Morocco it's going to throw everything off kilter. I know it's only a bit of money but every penny counts when you're on the breadline! And I was also planning to go to Thailand August 2011 (my brothers idea) to celebrate my dad's bday..I think it's his 60th.
I knew that when i brought my flat luxuries such as holidays wouldn't be featuring in my life. Plus we know how I feel about holidays, blah blah blah, it is not a neccesity in my mind. And to make my head spin just a bit more I got my bloody credit card bill today. Bad timing lol
So argh argh argh.
Should i go or should stay!?
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
I want it for the articles I promise!!

So I got a text from L saying "Buy July's GQ" and I was wondering why. 'GQ...that's a men's mag isn't it? They're not going to be giving out lipstick or eyeliner with that...I wonder what she's thinking'.
Well, I get home and checking my twitter and Perez Hilton has posted a tweet saying "TayTay!!!!!! Sweet Jesus, those abs! Taylor Lautner looking AMAZING in the new GQ" - and thank you Perez for including a link to pics. They are truly amazing.
Tomorrow I am going to leave my house at 5am to go buy GQ in case there are a lot of 'Taylor Tots' in East London and GQ sells out LOL I'm kidding, i'm kidding. I cheekily facebooked my brother to buy GQ and then to give it to me to frame once he is done. Cee is jealous because she was thinking the same thing. I hope my brother doesn't let me down!!!!! I feel a hissy fit coming on otherwise!!!
GQ had Taylor in a shirt article last year so I'm happy for him that he has made it onto the front cover. And I'm happy for myself too lol
Nude nails: Review of Mushroom and Beige Style
(EDIT: In the phto Beige style and London look the same but they are not. London has a slight lilac tinge to it once on, esp with just one or two coats, Beige style is pretty much beige)
Basically I went in Superdrugs and it was the last day of the Barry M nail paint 2 for £5 promotion and amazingly they had mushroom in stock which I've been wanting for ages, and so I picked up lemon ice cream (which i was also mini lusting over for a short while) - never turn down a bargain! Got home very excited and put on lemon ice cream first, and we all know how i felt about that. Then I put on mushroom on my toes......
....what do i think? Well....I haven't tried it on my finger nails yet and I find that what works (or doesn't work) on toes might not work on fingers and vice versa but at the moment I'm so-so. Colour wise its much darker on application than in the bottle and it's a very 'on trend' colour and personally it goes with my skin tone well. I was a bit disappointed in the consistency of the nail paint because it seemed a bit watery but I can't really pass judgement until I put it on my hands. I don't regret picking up mushroom but I am not over the moon about it either. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, only the crazy nail polish people like myself.
Rimmel's Beige Style: I LOVE IT!!! It is not the colour I thought it would be but it's a colour that I have always wanted in the back of my mind. This is a true true nude, absolutely gorgeous. HOWEVER, this enthusiasm comes from a nail polish junkie. For some it may clash with their skintone and for others I fear it may be a bit too bland and blaaah. But for me I think it's beautiful and consistency wise it's worth the money (not absolutely fantastic but its under a fiver so *shrugs*).
I think the fact it comes with Rimmel's new maxi brush really helps the application too. With one coat you have a nice clean look. Two coats you have a nice nude, everyday sort of colour and with 3 coats you have a on trend sexy nude. Below I've taken a picture of the regular Barry M brush (on the left) and the Rimmel maxi brush (on the right).
I think that because I am such a plain jane when it comes to colour in my wardrobe having a pop of colour is important and shows that I've made a thought...or maybe I'm thinking about this too much! lol
For me, buying and wearing a pretty nail colour is a easy and relatively cheap way to brighten my mood. People ask me why I am so smiley: well, you can't be miserable if you have nails the colour of cupcake icing!!!
Germ warfare
Can't believe it's only Tuesday, I'm feeling blah already. Sickness/health wise I'm so-so, displaying less symptoms but still in pain. And I have now passed on my 'disease' to a total of 5 people. OOPS!! I feel really bad but what am i suppose to do; take a month off work?! A lot of pooping and puking happening in my office hahaha
This week is a crazy week, so much to do and wish I had more time. Tomorrow is a nerve racking day for me, I'm doing an awareness session (same as usual) but by myself and it's going to be a full house. Nervous and excited; just hoping I don't keep needing the loo. Also hoping I don't give it to the attendees cos that'll be 30 people off sick otherwise! I'm thinking of leaving anti bac hand sanitizer in the conference room and then spraying everyone with bleach before they leave the room. I think the bleach thing might be a sackable offense though(!)
Having a lot of time to blog since I've gone back to loosing my appetite, which sounds good but isn't good because I am starving but can't bring myself to eat cos not eating means i'm less pukey. Vicious cycle. Someone bring me some KFC.
Another problem with my germs is that yesterday and today my office was being used so we offered to vacate it and sit somewhere else. I found a new home but then had to move cos it's owner came in. So i found a 2nd home and the same thing happened. And then I found a 3rd home and the same thing happened. So what I ended up doing was gatecrashing a training session (which didn't have much relevance to me but was fun and educational nonetheless) but what all this desk hopping meant is that I've now spread my germs even further. I think that work should evacuate a floor and let me have it to myself. That way i can do my job, and so can everyone else without worrying they'll drop dead (slight exaggeration - you don't die from gastroenteritis unless you let yourself get too dehydrated - so drink loads of water and also wash your hands loooads to. and don't share food with me!).
Sorry that was a big old moan but i was feeling guilty.
Lucky germs can't travel through the internet!!!
Monday, 14 June 2010
Nail Polish: Rant and Rave
So the first two pics (below) are just pictures of colours I've reviewd before, namely....erm i can't remember the names!! (Barry M mint patty dupe, sorry! and Collection 2000 BMX Bandit?! Brain has gone blank...too lazy to go and check)
This also promises up to 10 days wear....but I don't wear one colour that long anyway, so not bothered about that.
Lastly and randomly I want to rave about my new favourite handcream. Below is the amazingness that is Wilkinson's own brand Skin Therapy Ultra Intensive Hand and Nail Cream. This product is a) under 60p!!!!!! and b) when you use it, even after you wash your hands your hands still feel moisturised!!!! What else is this good and is under 60p!? If you live near a wilkinsons I really recommend you get hold of this. I suffer from contact dermetitis and this is a life saver!
Primark Haul
As promised (and i kept my promise for once!) here are some pics of some of the stuff I got at Primark the other day.
For any (East) Londoners out there I just have to say a quick thing; if you haven't been to the East Ham branch since the refurbishment then you need to go! It's much bigger (double the old floor space, maybe even bigger?) and it's stocking much better stuff; more copycat items and less fleece!
I apologise that the pictures are a bit more snazzy but hey, better then nothing right?!
Glamour Goodies!! Benefit freebie review
Hi Everyone!
So a few days ago i was tweeting and facebooking about my desire to get my hands on July's edition of Glamour magazine. Why? Because for £2 you get a free Benefit gift. There were 3 different gifts (1 per copy): Bad Gal rrp £14, It Stick rrp £17 and Eye Bright rrp £14. So what did I do? I purchased all 3 of course!!!!!!
It is a bargain because for a grand total of £6 I got £45 worth of product!!
At first I made a hasty decision saying that I regretted buying all 3 magazines since i only liked Bad gal but now that I've had a few days using the products I take back what I said; I LOVE ALL 3 PRODUCTS!!! I am even thinking of getting another 3 copies so i can stock up on a bargain. I have a feeling this won't be possible though because the only copies of Glamour left have had the gifts stolen :(
This blog is also exciting for me becasue it's my first 'proper' swatch (not counting the nail polish), and I feel like a bloging pro lol
Above pic is the swatches of all 3 products. I am surprised the colour pay off shows quite well. The only thing I'd say is that eye bright is a tiny bit pinker in real life. I am not doing a full review on Bad Gal because it's just a big fat black eye liner pencil. Nuff Said!! ;)
The thing that I didn't like about it was the colour. As you can see from the photo it doesn't really quite match my skin tone does it?! The packaging describes it as a "conceal it all stick" and when i first put it on I looked like I had left my sunglasses on whilst going in a tanning bed. Not a good look. But then i tried it properly when i was doing my make up the next morning and what i did was draw under my eye (not where i'd put my eyeliner but wear you'd put your normal eye concealer - where your eyebags are if you have any!!!) and then i drew another line (big and thick) on my eyelid, again, not quite where you'd put your eyeliner but just above) and then i blended both lines (gently) using my middle finger and my foundation brush.
(N.B. The reason why i use my middle finger and not my ring finger is because you apply less pressure with your middle finger and that is important when touching your delicate eye skin area - no wrinkles please!).
And then ta-da, i went on with the rest of my face as usual. In terms of when you use this product it's up to you. i assume most people would use this prior to applying eye make up but becasue i am a messy tart I apply my eyeliner and mascara first, then clean up the mess with cotton buds, vaseline, baby wipes and more vaseline, I apply the It stick after the clean up and then apply a tiny bit more foundation on top (and that way i also get away from the too light colour problem).
Love this product!!!
Lastly we have Eye bright. This is another product that I use in a different way to the way that is suggested. The instructions (i love make up that comes with instructions!) says you can wear this on your waterline and in the outer corners of your eyes to brighten up your eyes and make them bigger but when i do this it makes me look like a) i've been crying b) I have pink eye/conjunctivitus aka not good!
So what do i use it for? I use it as a highlighter!! After I've done my face i draw a line under each eyebrow/on my brow bone and then blend with my middle fingers. I then draw basically a window down my face!! A swipe across my forehead, a line down my nose right down to my chin and including my lips! and a thick line across each 'cheekbone' (i don't think i have cheekbones but i draw the line where i imagine them to be haha) and then again blend blend blend using my middle finger.
I actually think this is my favourite product because i am a fan of highlighter. Colour wise it's similiar to high beam (another benefit product) but obviously with a lot less 'beam' since it's on;y a fat pencil.
So overall, I love these freebies!!!!!! I really do hope I can get my hand on another 3 magazines lol
Did you manage to get your greedy little mitts on anything? Were you greedy enough to get 3 copies? What did you get? What do you think?
Comment below x