Saturday, 29 June 2013

Mascara hi hi hi

I am having a mascara dilemma. I can't find one that I love. I recently went through a few periods of mucky eyes (infections and styes) so I threw out all my mascaras and picked up the 4 above.

I got: Benefit's They're Real (sample sized, magazine freebie); Bourjois's Volume Clubbing Waterproof; Collection's Big Fake and 2True's Wow waterproof.

To me a good mascara needs to be:

Waterproof - as a monolidder there's a lot of  transferring and smudging going on. It's only in the last couple of years that I discovered the joy of waterproof mascara. I can't believe I wasted nearly a decade of my life wearing non waterproof mascara.

Affordable - Prior to Penny Palace I used Clinique, Dior, YSL, Benefit and Lancome and they were good but a) they weren't that amazing and b) I can't afford that upkeep

Volume - Obviously if I could have length and volume I would - but if I have to choose, I definitely choose volume. 

I like to alternate mascara's or layer them, which is why I'm using so many at once.

 The thing I can't figure out is what brush (or do I mean wand?) is best for me. There's so many brush types to choose from nowadays and they often don't show you a sample brush in Superdrugs or Boots and the pictures are useless.

But anyway, let me stop waffling and tell you how I've gotten on with my new mascaras!

Benefit - They're Real: I got this blogger favourite free with a magazine. I've wanted to try it out but I think this retails for £18-19 and I couldn't justify this. It's not waterproof but it's not too smudgy. I actually really like this - it makes my lashes look much thicker, but it's not so life changing (can a mascara ever be life changing?) that I would pay full price. 

Bourjois - Volume Clubbing Waterproof: The tube says that this mascara has been tested at a foam party. I've never tried a Bourjois mascara before and I must say, I'm really impressed with this one. When I'm wearing this I don't need to constantly check for panda eyes. I'm tempted to repurchase as it's probably the most suitable I've recently tried but I think I will attempt to try more brands and styles before I start bulk buying lol

Collection (formally Collection 2000) -  Big Fake: I'm not sure what to say about this. I picked it up in Poundland (for £1 duh!!!). It's not waterproof and the brush is bigger than my eye so it's no shock that this didn't work great for me. However, I like layering different mascara so sometimes when I've finished with my main mascara I'll give them an extra swipe with this. 

 2True - Wow in waterproof: You might not be aware of this brand - 2True is available in Superdrug and is super affordable. They started off with their USP being 3 items for £5 (I guess the equivalent of Boot's Natural Collection range?) but they also have 'pro' items that aren't included. This mascara is part of the pro range (rrp £3.00) and I must say, I really like it. First I was worried that the brush would be toooo small but the brush and mascara give my lashes good volume and I'm not sure how waterproof it is but it's good enough to keep me smudge free-ish during the 9-5 day. 

Can you recommend me a good mascara?

Mini Boots Haul

Hi Guys :)

I had a quick dash through Boots the other day and here is my little haul.

Sally Hansen - I picked up Insta Dri (rrp £5.99) and Double Duty (rrp £5.29). I've made a conscious decision to be a bit kinder to my nails and also to my nail polish. I've always been a paint and go kind of girl and view top and base coats as a waste of time and money. But I figured that since my nails are my favourite asset I should shell out a few pound on them. I did have my eye on the infamous Seche Vitte but then Sally Hansen was buy one get one half price at Boots  (so I got both for £7.61)and they had decent enough reviews.. Really looking forward to doing my nails on Sunday.

Nivea Pure and Natural Day Cream - I've just realised that the Nivea Pure range is silicone free and am so excited to try this out. This was rrp 5.35 but I got it on promotion for £3.56, only to find out that in Wilkinsons it's £2.49 full price!! If this is good I know where I'll be stocking up from! I'm currently using Nivea Soft (white squeezy tube) and I've not had any problems so hopefully the Pure will be even better.

Garnier 2 in 1 make up and eye remover - I love this. I think this is my 4th or 5th bottle!!! It's amazing.

Boots are having a buy one get one half price on their make up so I picked up Bourjois volume clubbing mascara (rrp £7.99) and Maybelline 24 hour colour tattoo in timeless black (rrp £4.99) - reviews of both to come.

As a little extra - My friend N (nail polish fairy?) gifted me with this bad boy - nails inc's graffiti. I was so excited I quickly chucked it on over my NOTD (pink bubbles) and they were a perfect pairing. I can't wait to give this a proper try out. Thank you Unnie x

Saturday, 22 June 2013

(Fatshion) Rules are made to be broken

{Found this in my drafts, written in 2011 where I've since put on at least another 2 stone but I still feel the same, even if I look even bigger}


Bit of a random post but I've been meaning to write this for a while now.

It's about fashion and being fat. Fatshion.

I love clothes and for me it's a passion and a hobby. I like buying clothes, wearing clothes, talking and typing about clothes and all the rest of it. But for me, because of my size, it is not an easy passion to pursue. I'm like a blind man who enjoys silent films. Ok not quite, but you get my drift.

The fashion world is not meant to be inhabited by fatties. The high street doesn't want fatties either, especially young and short ones!

No matter what size (size 8 or 28) you are, there are fashion rules, but like any rules, some rules are meant to be broken.

A lot of rules are common sense, but rather then treat them as rules and letting them restrict you, you should treat them as guidelines and consider them when getting dressed but disregard them if you like what you see in the mirror.

I've been fat for a long time; I was a chubby kid, a fat teen, an obese adult. That is the truth. And a lot of people have a problem with it, I think I might be the only person who isn't really bothered. If I could wake up a size 8 then whoooppppeee I'd be happy, much happier then I am now I think (I could shop in Topshop!!!!) but in reality I am lazy and I am greedy and so I doubt I would ever lose enough weight to be even near a size 16 or under.

I have learned a long time ago to dress to embrace my shape and my size. I have to be a bit more generous and a cast a kinder eye over my reflection, I cannot afford to be too critical of myself as if I was, I'd probably never leave the house!!

It is true that I wear a lot (99.9% of my wardrobe) of black, but this is the way I was brought up. There is a school class picture of me from about 1994 and I'm wearing a black top, black skirt and a big fat black bow on my head. I haven't changed my wardrobe much since then!!!

The thing I hate most about fashion/fatshion rules is this notion that by wearing certain things other people will not notice your flaws. Let's use Beth Ditto as an example, she is a fatshionista who is known for breaking the rules - do you honestly think that if she wore black and avoid stripes and bold prints that we would be fooled and think she was a size 8? I don't think so somehow. And this is the mind set I use when I get dressed.

I hate my lardy lumps but I love my silhouette and so I wear leggings and skinny jeans and little skirts. I honestly don't think choosing bootcut jeans over skinny jeans is going to fool anyone. But saying that I hate my fatty arms and so I would not wear a spaghetti strap vest.

I hate Gok Wan's rhetoric- He often talks about "disguise", "create an illusion", "make you look slimmer" "you can't wear THAT because you don't have the right proportions" - I think he is extremely talented but I don't like the words he uses; the "who needs enemies when I have friends" approach.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I think that the only rule you have to follow and should never break is, love yourself.

TAG: 100 random questions

 Hello Guys!

Me and my bloody tags again! This tag is off youtube and is 100 random questions I go :)

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Doors have to be open. When I was younger and living back at my parents I had a built in wardrobe put into my bedroom (I miss it sooo much!). On the first night I was sleeping and there was an almighty crash and bang, and it was from INSIDE the wardrobe. Holy crap. Holy holy crap. I was so scared I couldn't scream. I couldn't move. And no way was I going to look inside the wardrobe. I swear I spent the whole night awake in the dark staring into the direction the bang came from, just waitng for a psycho murderer to jump out. In the morning I gathered my courage and went to face 'the psycho'; erm....the rail had buckled under the weight of all my clothes and broke, and that's what the noise was. But anyway, ever since then I sleep with the doors open so that if there is a noise or psycho I can just face it/them and then sleep.

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?

Hell yeah! If the hotel doesn't nail it down, I assume it's a gift.

3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?

Out. I do not like to feel restricted whilst sleeping. I like to bust out my break dancing moves when i'm sleeping and sometimes some kick boxing if I've had a restless day.

4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
No......but they don't nail them babies down so maybe I'll soon be the owner of a street sign. Actually, I think I am talking about the roadwork type signs.

5. Do you like to use post-it notes?
Yes!!!! Best thing ever. I am post it queen at work. Pink one's of course. But if I'm dealing with someone I'm not keen on I'll use blue one's.

6. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
I always cut out coupons (vouchers right?) and I do try my best to use them but sometimes I'll be digging around in my purse and find a coupon that expired 4 months ago. Gutted.

7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
A big bear. I'd be scared and I'd probably die but the one on one thing appeals to me much more. Thinking about a swarm of bees just makes me feel claustrophobic and what if one goes up my nose? YUCK!

8. Do you have freckles?

9. Do you always smile for pictures?
I do usually smile/grimace. I try to pout but then I always say 'cheese' if instructed to do so.

10. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Filing nails in public areas.

11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Quite often.  And I absolutely hate it if you don't end on a whole step (like, say you take 12 equal steps and then there one step left to take but its not as equal spaced as the other........yeah)

12. Have you ever peed in the woods?
13. What about pooped in the woods?
Answering Q12 and 13 together. I ve not 'gone potty' in the woods. I am really good at keeping that stuff in the toilet.

14. Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
More of a prancer than a dancer.

15. Do you chew your pens and pencils?
No. That's unhygienic and inconsiderate.

16. How many people have you slept with this week?

17. What size is your bed?
Double. But I don't understand how other people fit. I'm 5 feet 3 1/2 inches tall and there is about 2 inches spare at the foot of the bed. How do people, say 5 ft 8", sleep in a standard bed?

18. What is your Song of the week?
2pm's ADTOY (kpop song). The MV is funny (bad sexy funy) but the song is actually really decent.

19. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Of course it is.

20. Do you still watch cartoons?
No, but probably because I don't watch much TV at all.

21. Whats your least favorite movie?
Well, the only movie I've watched and walked out of a cinema for was George of the Jungle.

22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
 This is hard! I'm probably thinking too much into it but because the world us changing so quickly in this concrete land I'm scared I won't have access to my hidden treasure in a decade or so. Like, I was going to bury it in the park but that will probably be concreted over and turn into a shopping mall and then.....omg I'm stressed now!

23. What do you drink with dinner?
Dilute orange juice. Or blackcurrent dilute juice if I'm with A. Or diet coke if I'm having a takeaway.

24. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
At home, ketchup and mayonnaise. At Mc D's, sweet and sour and recently loving BBQ sauce. 

25. What is your favorite food?
Chicken wings!

26. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?

27. Last person you kissed/kissed you?
My mum.

28. Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
I was a Brownie.

29. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
I don't think I'd ever be asked. 

30. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
I write motivational post it notes to myself all the time. And they can get pretty long. Does that count?

31. Can you change the oil on a car?
No. I wouldn't know where to start.

32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
I don't drive, so no. 

33. Ran out of gas?

34. Favorite kind of sandwich?
Something with chicken in it. Chicken stuffing, black pepper and a posh salad mmmm

35 Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Pizza or chinese takeaway :) Or if that's not available - a skinny bacon, cheese, fried egg toastie.

36. What is your usual bedtime?
9pm ish

37. Are you lazy?
Yes I'm lazy, It's taken me 1 year to get to question 37! lol

38. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
I was a cat. Cat mask over my NHS glasses. Scary.

39. What is your Chinese astrological sign?

40. How many languages can you speak?
2 - Thai and English.

41. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?

42..Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
No idea what a lincoln log is so Lego.

43. Are you stubborn?
I'm not sure actually. I'm very.....set in my ways.

44. Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
No idea, I don't watch either.

45. Ever watch soap operas?
I watch Hollyoaks. I love it. And I'm not ashamed. Well, I'm a bit ashamed. Am I too old to watch Hollyoaks?

46. Afraid of heights?
A bit. Not terribly but if I was very very high up and there wasn't a substantial barrier of some kind my legs do turn to jelly but I think that level of fear is just common sense.

47. Sing in the car?
Hell yeah!

48. Dance in the shower?

49. Dance in the car?
Not really.

50. Ever used a gun?

51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
I dunno.

52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
No. Skilled.

53. Is Christmas stressful?
Mine isn't stressful as most. I only buy gifts for my family (mum, dad and brother) and SF's 2 kids and then Xmas dinner is just my family and is either at my parent's house or penny palace. And my mum isn't a great cook, especially with roast type food (my parents only eat roast once a year at xmas) so when it's my turn to cook it's not a stress at all.

54. Ever eat a pierogi?
I had to google this....never eaten one before but I guess I would. Looks a bit bland though.

55. Favorite type of fruit pie?

56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
A librarian or a teacher. Yeah I was a bundle of fun(!)

57. Do you believe in ghosts?
I guess so. I'm definitely scared of ghosts!

58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
All the time.

59. Take a vitamin daily?

60. Wear slippers?
Yes....but usually end up losing one and hobbling along with only one slipper

61. Wear a bath robe?
I don't often wear one; the joys of living alone. But my dad likes to buy me a pink one every christmas so I do wear them when it's chilly and I need a virtual robe hug from my dad :)

62. What do you wear to bed?
I wear a nightie. Cannot wear bottoms, make me feel suffocated.

63. First concert?
My one and only concert - kpop's Bigbang. It was amazing. One thing ticked off my bucket list.

64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
I'm English so no idea.

65. Nike or Adidas?
Nike! The brand of my youth.

66.Cheetos Or Fritos?
Again, I'm English, no idea.

67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Oooooh this is hard. Sunflower seeds, because they hold good memories for me. Me and my mum use to have sunflower seed opening contests. Random.

68. Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?

69. Ever take dance lessons?

70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?

71. Can you curl your tongue?

72. Ever won a spelling bee?

73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Yes, when I got my first promotion at Next.

74. Own any record albums?
Not technicallly.

75. Own a record player?

76. Regularly burn incense?

77. Ever been in love?

78. Who would you like to see in concert?
Someone pretty who can dance and doesn't like to wear too many clothes

79. What was the last concert you saw?
see 63

80.Hot tea or cold tea?
Hot english tea

81.Tea or coffee?

82. Sugar or snickerdoodles?

83.Can you swim well?

84.Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Yes...don't you just shut your mouth?

85. Are you patient?

86. DJ or band, at a wedding?

87.Ever won a contest?
I don't think I've ever won anything major. I have won random stuff but nothing that I'm goingto have mentioned on my tombstone.

88. Ever have plastic surgery?
I have never. I wonder if it was free and didn't hurt if I would get it done. I would want to change so much about myself, but then would I still be me?

89. Which are better black or green olives?
Tough...but I'll go for green.

90.Can you knit or crochet?
No, but I wanted to learn to knit so that I could make myself a blanket sized scarf.

91. Best room for a fireplace?
I'm not a fireplace person but I'll say bedroom.

92. Do you want to get married?
Not really. Which is a bit crap in my culture. But I have understanding parents so it's no biggie.

93. If married, how long have you been married?

94. Who was your HS crush?
HS? Is that high school? My first was called...ahemcoughryancoughiloveyouforevercoughahemwhat

95. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
YES. I can't control myself.

96. Do you have kids?

97. Do you want kids?

98. What's your favorite color?
Black. And if you won't accept that answer (is this being graded?!)

99. Do you miss anyone right now?
Yes. I miss so many people right now.

100. Did you watch, Next Great American Band on FOX?

Holy macaroni! This took me one year to finish lol

Shoes shoes shoes

Hey Guys!
Just a quick post on my new shoes :)
I attended a wedding at short notice and purchased these three pairs of shoes one day before the wedding.

[Above - Newlook £19.99]
These are the shoes I actually wore to the wedding but they were actually the pair I liked the least and I was going to return them. But after putting on my last outfit these shoes looked decent on, and they were comfortable. And the fact they were the cheapest out of the three was a bonus! These shoes don't photograph very well - suede, block heel, small platform, open toed and strappy. And there's the key word strappy. That was my aim when I was making my mad dash around Westfields - straps! 
[Above - Clarks £49.99]

Next up we have these shoes from Clarks. They look much less boring in real life (I promise!) These were the ones I was going to wear but I got into a fizzle and ended up with the wrong size. I started with size 7d. But then got home and remembered that Clarkes do a wider fit. So exchanged them for a 7e. But they were too big. So changed them for a 6.5e. But these were too small. But by then it was too late. Store closed. It was like a tiring bad game of pass the parcel. So I really wanted to wear these but due to my indecisiveness it was a no go. I was really tempted to squeeze my trotters into them but I didn't want to be stuck with a pair of £49.99 shoes that I would never wear again. Refunded. 
[Above - Marks and Spencers £29.99]

Just call me Grandma P!
Ok so these are some boring bog standard granny court shoes but they are exactly what my shoe wardrobe were missing and there is something special about them....

Look at the picture again....that's not just a court shoe you can see. The other pair is a mary jane. Yes!!!! 2 in 1 shoes!!! M&S call these their convertible shoes and I love the idea (you can push back or pull forward the strap - it's not one shoe in each style lmao). I am awful at walking in anything with a slight heel which is why I got so many strap shoes. But at the same time my chunky leg doesn't always suit a strap. With this shoe I can mary jane it when walking around and then court shoe it up when I'm just posing around.

I haven't worn this yet but I think it's a good price for a comfortable heel in a classic style. Perfect for work and funerals.  

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Still orange

So a few weeks after using the Wild Ombre Kit I wanted to tone down the orange slightly and ideally go a bit lighter so I used this Perfect 10 dye kit in Light Ash Blonde. And no, I was not hoping to be as blonde as the photo; I'm not that stupid.

Same old same old. Slapped the dye over the orange, wrapped it in foil. Perfect 10, 20, 30, washed it out at 40 minutes before all my hair broke off. Very excited at this point.

Nothing has happened. I am still orange. If you wanted to be generous  you might say it's a bit less brassy. But realistically there's no change to type about. I think that I might need to bleach one more time. It's risky though so I will definitely leave it for about 2 month and see how we go.

May and June favourites

Hello Kitty tissue box. Was bidding on this (eBay) and lost by 20p. I was not happy and ended up  buying it for £2.99, Waiting for it to come from Hong Kong. Extremely excited :)
June was Frappy Week aka Starbucks' Frappucino Happy Hour Week. I drank about 10 frappes that week. And yeah I drank 3 on the last day. And yeah I felt sick.
I am much more a savoury person than a sweet person - chicken wings over cake anyday but  totally loving this chocolate bar. The cookie bit is heaven and the crunchy bit is heaven too. If you like sweet stuff and haven't tried this - where have you been?! Go go go !
I want this. That's all that is to be said. I'm spending all my time googling for this Alexander McQueen leopard print envelop card holder. It's sold out everywhere. I want this. 

Girls gone wild (ombre)

I didn't learn my lesson the first time after having to chop off my hair last time I decided to ombre and I  purchased  Loreal's Wild Ombre (kit 1). 

So I parted my hair and slopped on the mixture making sure to comb it through  my hair. I tried hard to make it  straight since that was a major problem last time. In regards to the actual product - it is what it is - can't really complain for £6 ish and Asian hair. I wrapped my hair in foil because a) it's just less messy b) the heat supposedly helps the colour develop).

Left it in for about 90 mins (which is waaaaay longer than the instructions say but any Asian knows that this has to be done) and then washed out the day. 

The pony was done to show the contrast of colours. It's obviously  lighter - and in natural light it's bright  like woah. But it's no way near blonde and it is frankly, orange. 

Hair is still wet so you can't see that the ends are yellow from the bleach from  before. Within a few days the ends snapped straight off and that was about as close to blond that I think I will get. Happy that the 'ombre line' is pretty straight.  A million times better than last time that's for sure!!!

My hair was a mess so had to get it cut. The front is horrid (and not ombred at all as I clipped  the front bits up when I was dying it). Do you like my dressing gown? lol And can you see my greys?!?!?! Holy moose poo!

May and June - Nail of the Day

Holy crabsticks!!!!

Ahoy there blog readers!

Woah it's been a long time - how is everyone doing? Apologies apologies - I've lost my blogging mojo. I haven't really found it but I'm suppose to be doing something and so I've decided to procrastinate and blog. Makes sense to me!

Let's just keep it simple and talk nail polish. I love nail polish. I remember being in primary school and Mrs Flowers' saying to my mum that I had prostitute nails (my fav at the time were baby blue with rainbow glitter and a neon orange). Anyways, just wanted to share my nail of the days for May and June.

[Above - Claire's polishes]

I was walking past Claire's (formally Claire's Accessories) and there was a massive poster in the window proclaiming that the nail polishes were all £1. I felt very awkward (OLD) when I walked into the crapped and messy store but nothing will keep me away from £1 polishes!!! I've not tried Claire's polishes before but I am not fussy so was happy to pick up a few. Aren't I exciting and brave?! These polishes didn't have an official name or product number (that I can see) so I'm just going to call it as I see it... and please forgive my nasty naked nails; I was really excited to swatch (two coats).

[Above - nasty swatches ;)]
 First up we have a leather look polish in black (RRP £4). As you can see from the horrendous swatch, ,it's grainy. That's the best word I can think of. I don't know what sort of leather they were aiming for - a cow's bumhole?! Definitely not Chanel lambskin. It's black and matt and grainy. You wouldn't think it was an in-your-face nail look but a lot of people stopped and asked about my nasty nails. It probably didn't help that I was sporting talons when I decided to wear this look. It's very cool and I swayed back and forth between love and hate. At times I hated the texture; the graininess made me want to puke and sent shivers up my spine, but the 'on trend' look had me waking up at 2am googling for more leather look polishes. Overall? For £1 I am happy enough and glad I got to try it out.

Next we have blue (RRP £2.25). Blue isn't really a colour I like to incorporate into my clothes or nail wardrobe - but I am on a hunt for a dupe of Nails Inc's Baker Street. I've gotten to the point where I've purchased so much crap that I should have splashed out the £11 but that's easy to say in retrospect isn't it. I haven't worn this properly but the swatch impressed me. The first coat was horribly watery and sheer but as you can see the second coat made it beautifully deep and glossy, and true to the bottle colour. As a nail polish it's good - not great but not at all bad - but probably not something I needed for my collection at all.

Lastly we have...a nude with bits in it. I can't describe it but I love it. I wore this to a wedding and it was a perfect mix of lady like with an edge. The 'bits' are not glittery at all which for someone my age (OMG have I reached that age where I can say that?!) is great. RRP is only £2.50 and after using it I would be happy to pay the full price. This polish was definitely the bet out of the bunch and worth the trip into Claire's.

[Above - Leighton Denny in Just Perfect]
[Above - Leighton Denny in Zero Gravity]

The above two Leighton Denny polishes were gifted to me by my lovely buddy N (same N who gave me a shit load of BB creams which I posted about maybe 1-2 years ago!)). I got loads more of Leighton Denny goodies from her but there's only so many hours in a day to paint my nails lol

As I've said earlier, I am not fussy about nail polish - as long as I like the colour I'm happy - but OMG I have to say that Leighton Denny's polishes are on point. Colour-wise, love the two colours above but that's not what I am head over heels about. I am in love with the formula. I think these retail around the £11 price point which is the same as Nails Inc and Ciate but that's where the similarities end. Nails Inc chips like a bitch and Ciate is not as opaque after 2 coats that I would expect for the price. But LD? Wow wow wow. As soon as I painted my first nail my heart was doing back flips. It's thick but not gloopy. It's smooth and opaque. And it dries super duper fast. This is a lady's polish - all glossy and grown up. Just Perfect (a gorgeous pinky peachy apricot?) got me so many compliments. I wore it for about 2 weeks (I did have to touch up but 2 weeks?!) because I didn't want to take it off. I am in a horrible dilemma now (hash tag firstworldproblems) - the bottle of Just Perfect is a tiny 4.6ml (the full size zero gravity is 12ml) - do I seriously purchase a full sized? How could I not?

[Above - LA Colors in Pink Bubbles]
[Above - LA Colors in Summertime]
Back to Earth now. My Cinderella moment has come to an end and the coach is now a pumpkin again. Went out with Cee and ended up in Beauty Base (despite me begging her not to let me go inside). I said I was there to repurchase my fav shade Moody Red but I ended up with 4 polishes (at 99p each dude come on!!!). 

First one I tried out last week was Pink Bubbles and I love it. The picture does it absolutely no justice at all - this is a young and bright pink, almost neon, but not as neon as Lightning (Cee finds it funny that I know the names of polishes but these are my babies and parents remember their babies names). Pink bubbles got a lot of attention and compliments from random strangers but I think the fact that my nails were in a really good shape contributed to that. This is definitely one of my favs. 

The polish I am wearing right now was chosen by Cee and it's Summertime (bit of a slap in the face considering it's raining as I type) - its a pretty bubble gum pink; very similar to Rimmel's Urban Princess and ELF's bubble gum. I'm really glad with this purchase because the two aforementioned polishes are getting dry and gloopy so I found this at just the right time. My nails were getting so long that I couldn't do stuff (put in my contact lenses, type, open bottles or jars) so I had to cut them. Even though I like my nails long, shorter nails allow me to wear brighter colours and one of the other colours waiting to be tested out is a neon green so I look forward to sharing that with you all soon. 

Wishing everyone a great week xoxox
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