Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Dear Diary

Hhhmm I'm gonna have to come up with better blog titles, I can't call
them all 'dear diary'.

Also, just realised I haven't sent the entry I did last night so these
two will prob be uploaded at the same time, not a problem at the
moment since I have no subscribers but something for me to ponder
(solution: get online every night)

It's nearly 8:30pm and I'm in bed. Mostly because it's been a long day
and im shattered and tomorrow will be another long day. Second reason
is because I've put a load of washing on and if my machine decides to
go kaput on me I can spend time in the middle of the night sorting it
out, drying up the inevitable flood, hand rinsing and hanging up my
clothes and still get a decent amount of sleep. Forward planning at
it's most pessimistic!!! (note to washing machine: pls don't break

So today: i didnt wake up particularly esrly but i got to work in
time :) Even managed to get sausage rolls for me and my boss. The
first day of workshop went beyond great, tiring but very rewarding. I
wish we could do this workshop for more people but....nevermind. One
step at a time and all that.

I had respectable hair; left it out and had the front in two plaits
pinned back, so it was neat and I didn't constantly flick it around
but it was more fun then a bun.

I don't think I mentioned it, but the great news is I got a random
letter from my solicitor and a cheque for £80!! No idea why but much
needed and appreciated :) It was scary when I got the letter though
cos it starts by saying,"there is an outstanding sum of £80..." and my
heart dropped "...owed to you" *PHEW*

Oh crap. I can hear my washing machine having a fit, gonna go
check...brb...erm...WOW!! good news, machine did a whole cycle :) I've
hung up some bits, the rest I'll do in the a.m. Very very happy. Well
done washer :)

Woo hoo it's 8.55pm and I can go to sleep knowing there won't be a
flood greeting me in the morning.

Night! X

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