Sunday, 24 January 2010

Jan 2010 Ins and Outs

Just a quick what's In and what's Out in my life:


DIY - I got a shoe storage cupboard for my birthday (it was on my
wishlist) and been putting off the assembly process but today is the
day to tackle it (it's been nearly 2 months and the box is in the
way). Plus generally, I love diy, I like the sense of achievement that
I built that with my two hands, flaws and all.

Inspiration/feeling inspired - I've been feeling a bit more peppy then
of past so I'm trying to harness my get up and go and make it last as
long as I can. I've decided to undertake a little fun art project.
Basically a giant mood type board full of images I like, want and
aspire to. Nothing serious, a lot of handbags mainly LOL but it will
be fun for me and keep me focused. Idle minds meet the devil quicker.
I was inspired to do this by a whatstyleistonickle video on personal

Salmon - yes, the fish. I don't know if it's healthy as it could be
(drown it in olive oil) but it's easy peasy to cook and lessens the
possibility of food poisoning, which is always good!

Jodi Picoult - she is one of my favourite authors but was a bit
disappointed (ALL the books are great, but not all equally great) with
the last few I read, but 1/4 of a way through reading 'songs of the
humpback whale' and I'm happy so far.


Bling - a few weeks ago I was all into blinging my phone, my pod, my
bloody fridge. I loved it but too high maintenance for everyday
gadgets. I end up with lil dimante gems in my hair, bottom of my
handbag, stuck on my cheek, in my washing machine...which leads me
nicely to my next out....

Washing machine - broken/making weird noises. My washer/dryer broke
down a while ago big time and it was a major hassle getting whirlpool
to sort it out (about one whole month!!) plus all that flooding can't
be good! But they did sort it out but now it's dying on me again. I
wish it just had a fat neon light that just says 'send me to the
scrapyard' - mine is amking all sorts of noises an I can't wok out if
it's normal or not and it's just sending my blood pressure up up up.

Winter footwear - I'm happy snow is out cos I hate wearing boots. I
like my feet to be as naked as possible, and am a massive fan of it
own foot cleavage. I'm still wearing boots, but more fashion this week
rather then chunky ugly things with a grippy sole.

...just learned a blog lesson...much easier to do list type blogs on
the laptop and use this email update for some of my essays. (would
have thought it would have been the other way round but oh well, can't
argue with real life experience)

Anyway, takecare xxx

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