One more blog!
I know so far my entries have been mainly beauty/fashion related but I want this blog to be just everything but unfortunately my life of late has been shockingly lame so all i can talk about is lipstick....but i'm trying my best. Please subscribe, read, comment etc.
Saying that, here's one more listy thing:
Hot Hang-outs
I'm not a hot hang-out sort of person. I don't really go anywhere let alone anywhere 'hot' so I'll just interpret this as 'fav place'. This is lame but I love hanging out in my flat. Even if I'm cleaning the bathroom floor I feel like I am on holiday. It's a dream. Otherwise, er, I like hanging out in Nando's!!! There's nothing better then that refill drink machine. LOVE!
Guilty Pleasures
Cheeseeeeeese. It's a guilty pleasure cos I'm lactose intolerant and it makes me sick but it is truly a taste sensationthat is worth the agony.
My other guilty pleasure is stalking people on facebook lmao come on, we all do it!!!
I never really understood the lure before but I have become a youtube addict. I love watching beauty vloggers (Lollipop26, Gossmakeupartist, hollymae20, xteeener, whatstyleistonickle, andreaschoice), funny people (spricket24/karenalloy, kevjumba, happyslip, communitychannel) and people singing (lunazian, and i watched esmee denters prior to the fame which is amazing).
Ipod playlist
Lord, this is going to be even more embaraasing then 'hot hang-outs' if I'm honest. The songs on my ipod are laaaaaame. Really really lame. I love Ne-Yo's 'Get Down Like That' - sloppy but I can play it loud without being ashamed what I'm listening to (unlike when I'm listening to the backstreet boys *blushes*). Alicia Keys 'Wreckless Love' - I've had it for ages but never listened to it till a few months ago cos I was only listening to the obvious 'No one' and 'Like you'll never see me again' - yeah I am a lame lemming. But now WL is my fav and i can warble along. Beyonce 'Sweet Dreams; yay wake me up song. Ok that's enough.
Top TV
Come Dine with Me. Fav ever. I enjoy the food aspect, and mega love the bitching. And I love getting to see their homes. I find it soooo fascinating.
I love Gilmore Girls which was a 7 season American programme but i only know one other person who knows about it (though they recently were showing it on e4).
Gossip Girl - I fancy the girls and the guys. I would say that I am most like Blair: I love alice bands and am a queen bitch. I find it a bit sad that she gets a bit more human each season, i feel let down. Saying that, i hate jenny and it's nothing to do with her being a right cow. She is just plain annoying.
Heroes - Mainly cos I love Milo Ventimiglia (Peter).
Tour-bus reading
I'm not good at picking books for journeys, not because I don't read, but because I love reading and can read a normal size novel in just under 4 hours in average, which means if I spent a whole day reading taking toilet and food breaks I can read 4 books. Which means if i am book packing for a plane journey, or for an actual holiday I would need to take at least 50 books for a 2 week trip which sucks if you need to pack underwear and stuff. But basically, i will read anything. Hi brow, low brow, bible, cereal packet. Not fussy at all.
Hairspray, the Rikki Lake version. If they ever need a Thai Tracy Turnbald I would be the one!!!!
City of God, I was baffled for a bit but then BAM best film ever.
Once a time in american. i think it took me a week to watch this but it is intense and well done.
Film section is short cos frankly i have an attention span of a goldfish, so watching films is quite a torture qnd a bore for me.
Shopping Destination
MBK Thailand pre-makeover. Cheesy crap. Glitzy crap. General crap. I love crap!
Primark - same reason as why i love MBK lol
Oxford Street, London, cos I am a londoner and it would be awful if i didn't say it. Long live Oxford Street, may internet shopping never be the death of you.
pen you need to get Alicia keys new album, love love love.. purchase now!!
you forgot to add fafinettex3 :(