Thursday, 18 February 2010

Day in the life of

Hello blog reader and welcome :)

I've just been watching a relatively new youtuber who seems to have a similiar approach to blogging/vlogging as i do. She has videos on everything and nothing. And it's not too awful.
I know my blogs in the last 2 weeks or so have been terrible and have no objective whatsoever and i apologise. But I aint stopping. I'm gonna keep reeling out the crap til i find my 'flow'. So happy reading!! ;)

Today was a blah day. Blah weather. Only one 'exciting' thing at work and one angry thing on te way home (stories to follow). Blah dinner. And now i've missed my bedtime so i'll be having a blah sleep too!

So at work it's been decided by the powers that be that my team (all 3 of us) are to be moved. Both of bosses aren't there so its up to me to go househunting with the biiiig boss. Find a home. Not loving it but staying calm. Get back to my nest/desk and start picturing myself at my new home (i find thinking through scenarios calming and it helps me to adapt and settle quicker). So im all ready to go, ive decided who's having which desk and where im going to park the extra pedestal and i've emailed A and A telling them of my move. And then i find out we're moving somewhere else. argh. i dont hate change but i dont love it. especially when i'd spent the whooooooooole morning trying to get into the right frame of mind. and now i dont even know where my new home will be :(

Fast forward a lot of hours. Been to sainsbury and bought 235252 big bags of crisps for S's birthday party. Walking home in the drizzle. And then some d!ckhead purposely drives through a big puddle at the side of the road and drenches me head to toe. My hair is wet. There's puddle water in my mouth. My bags of crisps are wet. I was so angry. I wish i had a brick in my hand, if i did i would have thrown it through his windscreen. friggin asswipe. some people are so...mean. the only good thing about the situation is that i did not scream and stamp my feet like a little woman. i was not going to give the fucker the satisfaction. like i said on twitter, i hope one day the pr!ck drowns to death in a puddle.

on that happy note, goodnight! x

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