Sunday, 7 February 2010

Smile with your eyes!

Going to sleep now. I managed to complete my only goal of the day
(super clean kitchen) but I started that task at 9.10pm.

Spent my entire sunday aimlessly online. Bliss!!! Watched up to
episode 5 of Americas next top model cycle 13 and the gimmick for this
'cycle' is short girls (under 5'7). Haven't watched any cycle of antm
for donkey years, forgot how much I enjoy it! And the joy of YouTube
means I can just overdose on loads of eps every Sunday. Ps I'm sooooo
in love with nigel barker.

Didn't get to finish watching the gok wan fatty documentary as the
volumn in my laptop just suddenly disappeared, easily rectified by
restarting the laptop but by then I couldn't be bothered to load the
show again.

I managed to stay away from the elf cosmetics sites and I know it
doesn't seem a big deal but I'm proud of myself nonetheless :)

Via Twitter I know it's superbowl sunday in the states; I wish I was
living in a state where it's Sunday cos I could so use another day of
doing nothing!!!!

Nothing mega planned for work this week but we're having a team
meeting tomorrow so who knows what lies a head! I've got to plan two
visits outside the office (going by myself) I know one is prob next
week and fingers crossed the other one is next week too, I could
really do with staying in my building and at my desk!

I 'discovered' a new hair style off YouTube courtesy of bubzbeauty.
It's just a high up messy bun. I've practised on my uncombed day old
hair and it looks cool but will be interesting to see how it is on
'nice' hair, I don't think mine will stay put and I can't not brush my
hair for work (saying that it's not as though ie never done that
before oops lol). The reason why I'm hoping this style works is cos I
really need to give my hair a rest from heat (ie straighteners) cos
it's super crispy. I'm planning a hair cut soon but I'm sure that will
be a whole looooong blog ;)

Speaking of blogs, I've been catching up on my blog reading and at the
same time checking out on other peoples style, tone, content etc and
jeez louise I really really need to shorten my entries!!! Other people
are writing less frequently and much shorter blogs whereas I'm
blogging nearly everyday and writing essays. But it's a bit hard for
me to shorten my entries because I'm just rambling and usually don't
have a topic matter and the nature of a ramble is that it goes on and
on and on....right?! Argh I'm having blog insecurities :( Also, I love
it so much I don't even realise how much I'm typing. It might seem
long to you but if I didn't sleep so much/early then I would
definitely type even more!!!!! (haha I just wrote an essay on not
writing an essay -I'm beyond help!)

Well anyway, may the lord bless us and our loved ones and may we all
have a fantastic week ahead!

Night comrades xxx

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