Friday, 12 March 2010

Shopping list

Shopping list; list of shopping needed. Nuff said!

Sweetener - really bad for me because where I'd usually have 1
teaspoon of sugar in my tea I'll have 50 tablespoons of sweetener. But
I like the fizzy noise it makes when I add hot water fffiiiiiiiizzzzzz

Card and present for mothers day!!! Argh! I'm a bad person. I was
going to say that I haven't had the time but that's a blatant lie. I
just haven't made it a priority and now I'm in panic mode. An I can't
afford panic present buying. Argh!!!!!

Knickers and tights - elastic gone, knickers and tights round my
ankles. Fanbloodytastic(!) Hopefully seeing V on Wednesday so might be
popping into primarni. I'll be excited buying something even of it's
granny pants. As long as it's isn't 99p store or sainsburys I consider
it a luxury lol

Purse thing - I say 'thing' not due to retardation but lack of a
word...I don't need a purse but I need something small that I can put
a bunch of cards and coins in that will fit in my tiny handbag...I've
got a gorgeous LV coin purse but it's a funny shape (cards won't fit).
At the moment I've got my cards and cash running around loose in my
handbag so this 'thing' is a must before I lose everything. Hopefully
primarni can rescue me!

Food!! I've had toast for dinner two days in a row now :( I'm sad,
cold and hungry. But still fat. Life is crap lol

Oh bloody he'll that's already more then I can afford. Someone send me
a cheque please!

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