Hi blog people!
I just sent a Msg to V via facebook and then realised it's a suitable
blog post too so I copied and pasted (on my ipenny so I'm impressed
with myself!!)
Regular readers will know that I've been on a hunt for boots no7
beanie polish, a mushroomy colour is how I'd describe it. Can't find
it anywhere. V has it and I've been keeping her updated on the
situation because she's kindly offered to get me it if I can't get
hold of it but I'm being pretty patient I think...
So what I said was..."thought I'd update you on the beanie situation
cos I know ur life would be unsettled without a daily update...no. No
beanie as of yet. But fickle child that I am, I've fallen in love with
eyeko polish in 'posh polish', basically same colour, a close
relative. But the eyeko range in my local superdrugs has been
removed!!! Terrible terrible. So anyway my plan is to get whichever
one I can get my hands on!! Wish me luck :)"
And that's that's!!!
(eyeko is £3.50 btw. No7 is just under £6.25 thereabouts but I have a
boots £5 off voucher = £1.25 so it'd be great if i could get it)
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