Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Germ warfare

Hello People!

Can't believe it's only Tuesday, I'm feeling blah already. Sickness/health wise I'm so-so, displaying less symptoms but still in pain. And I have now passed on my 'disease' to a total of 5 people. OOPS!! I feel really bad but what am i suppose to do; take a month off work?! A lot of pooping and puking happening in my office hahaha

This week is a crazy week, so much to do and wish I had more time. Tomorrow is a nerve racking day for me, I'm doing an awareness session (same as usual) but by myself and it's going to be a full house. Nervous and excited; just hoping I don't keep needing the loo. Also hoping I don't give it to the attendees cos that'll be 30 people off sick otherwise! I'm thinking of leaving anti bac hand sanitizer in the conference room and then spraying everyone with bleach before they leave the room. I think the bleach thing might be a sackable offense though(!)

Having a lot of time to blog since I've gone back to loosing my appetite, which sounds good but isn't good because I am starving but can't bring myself to eat cos not eating means i'm less pukey. Vicious cycle. Someone bring me some KFC.

Another problem with my germs is that yesterday and today my office was being used so we offered to vacate it and sit somewhere else. I found a new home but then had to move cos it's owner came in. So i found a 2nd home and the same thing happened. And then I found a 3rd home and the same thing happened. So what I ended up doing was gatecrashing a training session (which didn't have much relevance to me but was fun and educational nonetheless) but what all this desk hopping meant is that I've now spread my germs even further. I think that work should evacuate a floor and let me have it to myself. That way i can do my job, and so can everyone else without worrying they'll drop dead (slight exaggeration - you don't die from gastroenteritis unless you let yourself get too dehydrated - so drink loads of water and also wash your hands loooads to. and don't share food with me!).

Sorry that was a big old moan but i was feeling guilty.

Lucky germs can't travel through the internet!!!

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