Sunday, 19 September 2010

Duffle do, duffle don't?

You know in life there's also a bunch of stuff you always want but for whatever reason you never get?

For me, one of those never-have items are dungarees and the other is a duffle coat.

The above is from Dorothy Perkins and is £65 before the discount. It's been in my shopping basket all day but I've decided to delete it. I love the idea of a duffle coat, and I love other people (like potentially SF!) in one but I just don't think it's for me. If I win the lottery I will definitely buy a duffle coat but for the amount of money this is it's not worth it for me. I can't wear it during the week to work (doesn't go with my work clothes) and so that leaves Saturday (since Sunday is pj day and I don't need to wear a coat with my pj's lol) and I doubt i'd wear it every Saturday so....yeah. Cost per wear would probably be £22.50 for Winter 2010!!

Oh well :(

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