Monday, 13 September 2010

I heart mondays!

Hello :)

I wanted to just do a quick post before bedtime but then realised i
turned off my internet connection a while ago so guess this will 'go
live' tomorrow...

Anyway, how are we all today? As you can probably guess, i had a
lovely day.

My first day back at work was nice; it was nice to see all my friends
again :) It doesnt seem as though anything super exciting happened
whilst i was away but i was busy catching up on emails and i wrote a
super long report about my trip to cambridge; on paper (or even just
talking about it) - i cant explain how crazy it was.

Anyway, was very happy to be reunited with my skanky chicken shop at
lunchtime. Ive never ever been so happy to shovel down a box of grease
in my life!!! Lol People say living in london is expensive; it isnt if
you know where to go (and you've got a stomach lined with steel!!!)

Had a long day at work but it was a pleasure. After work A and i did a
bit of (window) shopping and i got some essentials from poundland. It
was so funny; when i was paying for my stuff A asked for the cashier
to pass her a can of 7up instead of bagging it. I dont think he spoke
much english or something but he gave her a blank look an kept
bagging, after unsuccessfully doing a few hand gestures she had to
erm, raise her voice a bit and got her drink. Before we left she said
to him something along the lines of, " ...and you smell. Go and buy
some deodorant, its only '1!" and then we left. I couldnt help
laughing. It doesnt seem that funny now but boy you had to be there!!!

I think that was the most exciting thing that happened to me today...

For dinner i made...something. I called my mum for help and i swear
that for the first bit of conversation she didnt know it was her
daughter. KMT lol Got plenty of left overs and though it was nice im
not looking forward to eating it for dinner for the rest of the week :(

Well, i hope we all have a great day tomorrow, sweetdreams blog babies

1 comment:

  1. Can't you freeze some for another time so you don't have to eat it immediately?

    I usually hate eating the same thing les than a couple of days later.


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