Monday, 6 December 2010

Me and my blog

10minutes left to kill so i'm on a blog roll! (ps I did take pics of
Sutton but I'll probably stick em up on Sunday when I have the energy
to turny laptop on. Nothing excited though so don't get your hopes up.)

So people at work think it's funny I keep a blog and are asking what
it's about.

Answer? I don't know. It's not really about anything. Just me and
stuff. I find it theraputic and I enjoy it. I guess blogging is a
hobby (apart from when doing a challenge and then admittedly it's a
bit of a chore).

I'm not too bothered if noone reads it, though I'm very grateful to my
readers and hope people do enjoy it. It's more for me and I like that
one day I can look back at this and laugh at my vain overdramatic self.

Sometime (most times) it's embarrassing to say I am a blogger. It
seems very self involved and pretentious at times (though some people
may say that describes me well!) but oh well!

So what do I blog about? ...everything and anything! I blog about how
I feel, my experiences, clothes and shoes and nail varnish. I blog
about celebrity crushes and the crap movies I watch. I blog about
food I ate and want to eat. I blog about dreams and disappointments.

[edited: some contents had to be deleted]

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