Sunday, 2 January 2011

New Year Resolutions

2010 overall was a really good year for me. I didnt spending the last
week curled up in a ball crying and praying that the new year would be
better so thats definitely an improvement on a few past years!!

I dont really make new year resolutions - my approach is that every
day is a new day and an opportunity to improve yourself or your
situation or whatever, plus, teamed with lack of get go my main aim is
to just keep on going and try to smile as much as i can.

However, its time to grow up a bit and i think this year i do feel
more grown up and stronger in mental state so...

I think this year my main aim is to sort myself out financially and to
spending on useless stuff and to make the most of what i have. Bulk
buying babywipes is ok and is practical for me but bulk buying flat
pumps is a stupidity and totally unneccesary for me.

My other aim is to sort out my time keeping. Ive gotten much better in
the last few months which is an obvious result frome being in a better
frame of mind but i so still have lapses where i just zone out and
boom i'm late. I might be having a 'freeze moment' but the world is
still spinning so my aim is to keep spinning with it.

My last aim is to improve on my tidiness at home. Im not a rock star
living in a hotel; i dont have my parents or a cleaner and i just need
to just learn to be tidier rather then let everything build up and
have to dedicate a day/week putting my beloved crap away. 'Do as you
go' is my 2011 motto!

I think slash hope these are doable and realistic for me and hey,
theres no harm in trying is there!

What are your new year resolutions? Share below!


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