Wednesday, 23 March 2011

DIY body scrub

Hi guys!

Part boredom and part hunger (but don't worry I did not eat it!!) - I made a simple body scrub for my legs.

As regular readers will be aware I epilate my legs. Love it but it does leave my legs a bit plucked chicken sometimes!

So I just epilated and thought to myself "wish I had a leg scrub"And then I thought, "hhhmm I do have caster sugar...wonder if I could mix it with olive oil" and I google it and yes you can!

Grabbed a empty Chinese takeaway box (cos its got a lid) poured in some caster sugar and olive oil, mixed it together (I used a chop stick in honour of my yellowness), added a bit more oil (whatever consistency works for you is fine, it's not rocket science), mixed again and booooom! Ready to rock and roll!

I would recommend doing it in the bath or something. I did it on a tea towel sitting on the sofa...after I post this I need to get the Hoover out!

Also, I would strongly advise you do not use this DIY stuf on your face as the sugar is abrasive. However, I also use a similar product (lush bubblegum lip scrub) on my lips. Amazing!

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