Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Girls gone wild (ombre)

I didn't learn my lesson the first time after having to chop off my hair last time I decided to ombre and I  purchased  Loreal's Wild Ombre (kit 1). 

So I parted my hair and slopped on the mixture making sure to comb it through  my hair. I tried hard to make it  straight since that was a major problem last time. In regards to the actual product - it is what it is - can't really complain for £6 ish and Asian hair. I wrapped my hair in foil because a) it's just less messy b) the heat supposedly helps the colour develop).

Left it in for about 90 mins (which is waaaaay longer than the instructions say but any Asian knows that this has to be done) and then washed out the day. 

The pony was done to show the contrast of colours. It's obviously  lighter - and in natural light it's bright  like woah. But it's no way near blonde and it is frankly, orange. 

Hair is still wet so you can't see that the ends are yellow from the bleach from  before. Within a few days the ends snapped straight off and that was about as close to blond that I think I will get. Happy that the 'ombre line' is pretty straight.  A million times better than last time that's for sure!!!

My hair was a mess so had to get it cut. The front is horrid (and not ombred at all as I clipped  the front bits up when I was dying it). Do you like my dressing gown? lol And can you see my greys?!?!?! Holy moose poo!

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