Sunday, 8 September 2013

Carboot Sale

Hi Guys!

On Sunday 1st September I did a carboot sale!
Been wanting to do one for absolutely ages, years and years, but the lack of a car has been an obvious obstacle.
However, finally just went for it and Saturday 31st my friend AY came round and put my stuff [pictured above]into her car and I slept over at her house. We woke up Sunday morning and added her stuff into the car (poor car!) and drove to the carboot sale near her: Pedhsam Place, Swanley, Kent.
That's me selling our junk! [above] Please forgive the face and hair; getting up at 4.30am isn't really my thing!
OOTD was flat pumps, black skinnies, and denim shirt over at shirt. The lovely across body handbag is my money bag in lieu of a bumbag. Sunglasses are literally there to keep my hair up!
We had a clothes rail, ground sheet, crates and a table to display our bits and bobs. We sold clothes, shoes, bags, books and knick knacks. 
It was £12 in total entrance fee and we made (in profit) £80 and £110!!!! And that's with only half a car worth of stuff each. Imagine how much we could have made with a car each!!! I really liked Pedham Place, it was really big and there were loads and loads of people. I would definitely recommend this site and will return once I've got more stuff to sell. I didn't eat anything but there were the usual hotdog and burger places around. Toilets (portaloos) were good considering the amount of people using them.  

Initially I found it quite hard selling my stuff for such low prices - a carboot sale is not the place to go to make a lot of money; that's what eBay is for - but once I got use to saying bye bye to my  babies it was great just thinking about all the space I would have in my home. And all the new things I could buy to fill up the empty spaces lol

Do you enjoy going to carboot sales to buy or sell? Any recommendations of great places to go? 

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