Friday, 2 July 2010

Glued to my seat....

Hello :)

So I am sitting on my sofa with my laptop balanced on the arm (usual set up), my french windows are open and the curtains are open. Some skanky kids are trespassing on our propery, riding their bikes in our carpark. And I am glued to my seat because i'm in my nightie and can't go to the windows to shut them and draw the curtains. I think they are looking for someone, or more likely they are pretending to look for someone. I wish I had the guts to call the police. If you need to ride around a carpark for 15minutes asking your friends "which flat is he in?" then thats 14mins too many, f*ck off you hood rats.

Oh...just as I finished typing that it seems they have gone (i can't hear them or their bikes anymore). Thank god, hope they don't come back. I've already taken the opportunity to draw the curtains.

My new 'thing' is Pretty Little Liars, a new show, it's only on episode 4. I'm really enjoying it, a girly show that I can watch while I eat dinner. I might do a post on it soon.

Exciting news is that my darling SF said she read my blog post on the epilator ("hair today gone tomorrow if you haven't already checked it out) and she has amazingly kindly offered to give me hers!!!! I am blown away by her generousity. And funnily the epilator would be the first thing that I have received from blogging HAHA True say it's not a company sending me something but it's still an item that is being given to me after reading my blog! So hey, I've had one person buy something I've raved about, and now I have a freebie so I am not doing too badly hey!!! Still slowly counting my views - still a while to go til we reach the 1000 views giveaway but once I reach that milestone that will be 3 blog aims (or 4 actually - buy, get, views, giveaway) that I've accomplished, and hopefully that will be before my 1 year blog anniversary!!

Anyway, since I am no longer glued to my seat I'm going to tidy penny palace and hit the sack.

Wishing you all a great weekend :)

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