Monday, 5 July 2010

Review of ASOS and ASOS Curve range

Hi Guys,

I said I would do this post and amazingly I actually am! Pat on the back for Penny :)

This blog is going to be about 2 things, but possibly a bit mixed up as they go hand in hand so please forgive me if I seem to ramble on and on and on and on and on and .... lol

I'm going to talk about ASOS in general and also about it's range for fat (or plus size if you want to be politically correct) girls 'Curve'.

What do I think of Asos?

I've only ordered from ASOS twice and I must say, I've been really happy both times. I was lucky enough to get next day free delivery both times because I spent over £100 (f*ck) per shop. But they also do free delivery on everything if you are willing to wait up to 6 working days, which I think is great because apart from outfits for last minute special occassions 6 days is not an eternity to wait.

I also love the site itself. I really enjoy 'window shopping' at because it's easy to navigate and it's well laid out. I wouldn't appreciate it so much (I'm not good with computer stuff so usually I wouldn't notice) if I didn't spend so much time online browsing. Two sites I can think of that would take much more money from me if they changed their sites are Marks and Spencers, and Dorothy Perkins.

With M&S there's sometimes a lack of flow, for want of a better word. It's not great for a girl like me who likes to add a million things to her basket and then weed out the crap just before checking out. It's a 'long ting' (brap brap lol) choosing an item and adding it to the basket and to continue shopping from where you left off, more often than not finding that it's taken you back to the beginning of the category you were looking at. I've abandoned my 'shopping basket' many a times on the M&S site cos I just can't be bothered any longer.

I also sometimes find the garment information a bit lacking in information on the M&S site - for some stuff they give you the washing instructions and about how long the item is (for e.g.) but on other things it doesn't. It's understandable that ASOS would be much better with this stuff as it's purely an online sho pbut M&S need to fix up!

DP is another bad un'. It gives me a headache to go on that site. At least the M&S site is 'clean'. I don't like that you can't really narrow down what you are looking for. For example, with the sale category you can wither choose to look 'by size' or you can choose by 'category' but this means that I cannot search purely for size 10 casual tops. I can either choose to look at all clothes in the sale that are size 10 or I can look through all the casual tops and not know if it is available in my size until I try to add it to my basket. Again, 'long ting'!!!!!

With Asos you can really narrow things down; using the same example I would be able to select 'sale' 'casual tops' 'size 10' and even then I could narrow it down by colour, sleeve length, price and also brand if applicable. DP have recently really started to annoy me because now that they stock items from other labels when you look at stuff all brands show up - which is a waste of my eyesight since those brands don't go up to the same size as DP does. I would like to be able to tick a box saying 'DP only' or something like that. FFS.

Asos also has a really good search bar. The other day I was trying to see if my cream kimono dress was still in stock and rather than going through loads of pages I just typed in 'kimono' and wham bam thank you bam. No headache no tears. Just a hefty credit card bill ;)

This might be more of a pet peeve than anything else but I also hate the way that for some shopping sites you can only view 3 bloody items at a time. "Show all" are two of my favourite online shopping words. Come on peopl eit's 2010 sort yourselves out. NOW!

The other thing I liked about my Asos shopping experience was the communication side of things. I know this might sound a bit silly/fussy but I appreciate the automated email's I'm sent confirming that my order has gone through and also what I ordered and I really like the delivery service/company they use. I was able to track my order effectively, and on the day of delivery I'd get an email from either Asos or on the tracking site an hour time slot of when the delivery man will arrive at mine. Simple but great. Even though there are no sales assistants online (duh!) when I buy from Asos I feel like I am getting the full shopping experience. Anyone who knows me well knows that I am a sucker for good customer service. I reward good service with my custom, and even though there's no face to face comms involved Asos defintely has my custom (at least until my credit card gets chopped up lol).

Ok so wow that was my impromptu rant and rave!!! Here come's my thoughts on Curve:

I love it! I admit, when the Curve range (size 20-26) was first launched I hated it. Was not impressed at all; was dissappointed enough to tweet and facebook about it, and actually I might even have briefly mentioned it on my blog.

I hated it because there were just a handful of items and everything was just so plain and boring and a bit fat lady tent style (the big girls will know what I'm talking about!). Vests and t shirts in white, black and grey (sometimes also available in navy blue). To be honest, I was really looking forward to the Curve collection and it felt a bit like I'd been slapped in the face (hey - don't judge me, clothes are important to me /slash/ I am shallow, and what?!). Asos 'normal' range have so so so so many gorgeous stuff, and even the maternity section is yummy and all they do for the Curve range is make big vests- are you kidding me?!

Well thank goodness they were kidding me. Those vests and t shirts were just the beginning. Now we have maxi dresses, ruffles, bright colours, jeggings, harem pants, luxe fabrics, denim cut offs, leather jackets, embellishment, prints, flowers, bows, skater skirts and much much more. Oh Asos is gooooooooood.

(And btw I've got nothing against plain vests or t shirts haha!)

Apart from 2 pairs of skinny jeans from Evans I've never brought anything from a 'plus size' store before. I have gone into Evans to try and get stuff but everything is either too frumpy, or strangely enough, too big. I am round, there's no denying that, but I'm not an amazonian! Frankly, i am fat, not big!!

With ASOS clothes (ps the 'normal' range goes up to a 18/20 as well) seems to me to literally be just bigger sized versions of their 'normal' clothes, as opposed to changing the whole shape and style.....argh what am I trying to say?

.......I was on a community site for ASOS Curve and a lot of ladies were complaining about the fit and style of some of the clothes. They say things like "straps need to be bigger to cover our gigantic 58GGG ugly bra's). And that's the difference between those fat girls and this fat girl. I'm shaped to wear normal clothes but in a bigger size whilst they need 'special' clothes.

Uh oh I think I need to go eat dinner. I'm hungry so I am being a b*tch ;)

One last thing though, I heart you Asos Curves!

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