- Replace regular coat sleeves with leather sleeves - this will require specialist needle a
nd thread but the main problem is the sewing- I've never sewed anything other then a dropped hem , buttons or a small hole. I want this so bad though!!! (EDIT: OMG!!! I've been further researching DIY leather sleeves and came across a wicked post!! The blogger basically took leather sleeves off an old leather jacket and sewed it onto her trench/dress. Now all I need is a plus size leather jacket.....)
- T-shirts - I've just brought 3 plain t shirts off ebay (Black, white and ash grey). I hope to stud the shoulders of one, the collar of the other, and with the last one I hope to sew on pearls all over the t shirt. This will take time but is cheap and seems easy enough. Worse comes to worse I can stud all 3 t shirts.
- Have you seen those crazy Christian Louboutin flats? Studded with spikes all over. I could do this, but I'm worried I might hurt myself. Or hurt someone else (don't step on my shoes!!!)
- This next one seems straightforward enough but is giving me a headache. I want to stud a pair of leather gloves. The difficulty? I can't find any bargain leather gloves that fit me :( Googling how to stretch leather but a waste of time/money/effort if it didn't work...I'll keep you updated. I always want leather gloves every year.
Other things I am trying to do is just to use accessories to update my wardrobe. I've recently purchased a big fur collar to add onto coats because I really wanted a fur trim coat but this way I've only spent £15 instead of £80 for a coat and plus I can wear my collar with everything (not received yet, photo's will be posted).
I also had fur cuffs in my basket but at the last minute deleted them because a lot of my coats have short sleeves (bracelet sleeves or elbow) and so cuffs would probably be a bit pointless, plus I hate things around my hands and can only shudder at the thought of my germy furry cuffs.
Oooh! One more thing that goes into both updating with accessories/DIY is shoe clips! I've been looking into making my own but tbh I think it's more of a phase so can't afford/be bothered to buy all the bits and bobs needed.
If anyone has done any projects or has any cheap and fashionable ideas please let me know!