Sunday, 31 January 2010

What's in my handbag?

I know I said I was going to bed but I couldn't wait to do this so:

Diary - A5 pink 'leather'. I use it for both work and personal stuff.
Whenever someone wants to do something I always say "I need to check
my diary", at the beginnig everyone just thought I was a rude pompous
cow but now they realise it's cos I'm as ditzy as a plum.

Purse - I'm using my black lv epi at the moment. It's a purse, what do
u think is in it?


Gloves - brown leather from gap. Odd colour choice but it was super
duper bargainous!

Baby wipes


Pumps - need to take them out actually but I had them in my bag to
wear at my Saturday job (did the journey in boots, there was snow on
the ground).

And then I've got my 'make up' bag which has in it:

Work lanyard and cards - to access internal and external doors and a
card to use my pc

3 packs of tissue
2 tins of vaseline
Hand cream
2 Lipsticks
2 face powders
Powder brush
3 packs of gum
Polar bear bar (fake penguin chocolate!)
2 tubes of mint
Hair clips
Hair ties
Anti bac gel
Stick foundation
Dental floss

(and then when I'm leaving I'll be adding my house keys, ipenny and

I think that's it...I'm not with my bag at the moment. Got the feeling
I've left something off the list but oh well.

So....what do u carry in ur bag? What's the most random thing? What
can't u leave the house without?

Comment below xoxo


Just a quick blog before bed. Well I hope it's quick cos I got a big
day tomorrow which I totally forgot til about an hour ago and just
trying not to panic ever since.

Massive VIP visit tomorrow, will e spending the whole day with us.
Can't remember where my heels are. Wish i'd gone to bed at 8pm.
Praying I'm not late (gonna try get in early to clear up mess,
remember leaving desk looking like a bomb hit it).

Also a bit argh cos british gas were gonna call me at 11am but just
realised I'm not going to be able to take the call and I've been
trying to sort this out since June 09!! Since I move in I haven't paid
a single gas bill!!!!

I've rearranged my bag and new make up bag. I seriously need to sort
something out before I dislocate my elbow. Ooooh! Next blog entry is
going to be a what's in my bag!

I've got a new reader (shout out to vikki!!) :) it got me thinking
though, WHY am I blogging?! I really enjoy it though, it's like
therapy and I guess a human being's vanity prefers blogging then a bog
standard diary. And also, because you are in virtue writing to an
audience you u can blog more stuff rather then diary type stuff. I
mean, I wouldn't be writing about make up in a proper diary! Even I
don't love myself that much!!

But to whoever is readig, many thanks :) feel free to leave an
anonymous comment and/or subscribe x

(Beauty) Products I Regret Buying

You know I don't like to use the word 'regret' but let's just say I
won't be purchasing these products again.

I don't actually have anything that springs up to mind so I'm just
going to go through all my stuff and I'll try to do a combo of price

Please bear in mind that the following are my personal views and
experiences. If u love a product I didn't, good for you, you got your
moneys worth!

Ok first up is Cliniques make up brush cleanser. It was about £11-12
for 8floz. Don't get me wrong, this is a good product. It does exactly
what it says on the tin; the reason why I regret buying it (3 bottles
in one go, still on 1st bottle and it's been 8months) is because I can
get the same effect using baby shampoo. Personally I won't ever buy
any sort of official make up brush cleanser again because using baby
shampoo is just as good.

Next up is collection 2000's volume sensation mascara. Again, it's not
an awful product but it's not for me. The brush is tooooo big for my
lil lashes. Obviously the brush is suppose to be big, that's it's USP
but I won't be repurchasing that particular one. (there's a whole
range of these volume sensations and they differ in brush size, I went
for the biggest one so maybe I'll get the next size down cos the
formulation was nice).

This is a weird one. I actually love it now but when I got it in June
2009 I hated it and I've only just been using it for the last 2 weeks!
It's cliniques redness solution instant relief mineral powder. It's
basically a yellow powder to hide redness. I didn't like it because
basically it totally screwed up my foundation and made me look like a
simpson aka more yellow then I am. BUT I was using the crap little
brush that comes with the pot. Now I put it on with my beloved mac
kabuki and it works. It lessens the yellow but I still look the same
(u know what I mean!).

Next is another clinique product (it's
My fav brand, but it's a bit worrying so many products are regret
buys!!! But in terms of ratio it makes sense, since u mostly own
clinique it is gonna mostly be clinique that I love or
hate.)....anyway, it's the line smoothing concealer in 04 medium. It's
too thick. If ur a concealer wearer u know what I mean. Nuff said!

Collection 2000 shimmer and shade in 'pink me up'. I imagine that this
is a lively product. But for me it makes me look like I've got acid on
my face. The shimmer bit is nice but the shade colour is bad. Makes me
looked sunburned. This would be better for a girl with nice acne free
skin :(

Pussycat cheek&lip tint by mememe. I bought this thinking it was a dup
for benefits benetint but Its more like toilet water with red food
colouring in it. It tastes awful. And the colour pay off is shite.
It's a third cheaper then benetint but it'd still a waste of money.

Ok that's it I think. Comment below, what do u regret buying and why?
Do u agree or disagree with my choices?

My Sunday

Been a really nice day so far (despite banging headache and tummy
ache). My mum phoned me (and woke me up) at about 9:30 (they were
returning from the airport) and said that she, my bro and cousin were
going to lakeside and would I like to join them. I said no. Then I
called back and invited them to have breakfast at mine before they go
shopping, they said no and we hang up cos the breakfast option was
mouldy bread and tap water, or mouldy toast and tap water. Then I call
my mum back again and say I'm join them. So quickly get ready and off
we go yaaay! We stop off at savacentre and have a biiiiig English
breakfast (cos those poor guys have been up since 5am bless em!)

By now it's about 12:30 and they need to get home by 3pm cos man
united versus arsenal so we go off in pairs (boys / girls). Me and my
mum get some goodies from clarins in house of Fraser. She gets a face
beauty balm that she read about in magazine an I het a powder compact
and we got a free gift. I love the free gift (it's the only reason why
we bought anything in the first place). It's a really big peach make
up bag with ruffles down the front. The only thing I'm worried about
is that it's nearly bigger then my handbag. For a normal person it IS
bigger then their handbag. We also got to pick 4 trial size things but
nothing exciting there.

To be honest I'm not a clarins fan, their creams are really good but
makeup wise very basic and it's pricey so I'd rather stick to clinique
which is also very basic and a bit pricey but overall range is much
bigger and I like buying things like that (skincare) from the same

I'm thinking of starting a project 10 pan (where u can't buy anything
new til u totally use up 10 products) but I'm hesitant cos it would
take ages with skincare products (I mean, a tub of cream or tube of
foundation lasts for approx 3 months!!!). At the moment I'm doing
project 1 pan lol can't buy the same sort of product til I'm nearly
finished. Very hard when ur a bulk buyer!

Very hungry. I've got bacon so I'm thinking of making a toasted
sandwich. But I'm more concerned about dinner time, don't want to end
up eating toast per usual! I'm thinking of throwing together a crab
fried rice..I've or rice, crab stick, eggs and onions. Trying to call
my mum for some sort of recipe but she's not picking up. Probably sick
of my face!

Well I'm goin to wath loads of glee online (was going to watch heroes
but think I need something a bit more light and fluffly)

Hope you've had a great weekend x

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Film ramble

Hello :) this started as a general update/ramble but has turned into a
bit of a raondom film review...
I did compose a few 'proper' entries ready to be uploaded but came to
realise they were full of even more poop then usual so they were

Anyway, just finished watching 'employee of the month' starring Dane
cook and jessica Simpson. I really enjoyed it!! If u haven't seen it
then I def recommend. Questions to those who have seen it: has jessica
Simpson had a boob job or are those bad boys real? What's wrong with
her jaw? Isn't vince gay? Is it wrong to think Dane cook is attractive
(I think he's a poor mans Ryan Reynolds; while we're talking about rr
why is he soooooo orange)? Is the semi comment at the end a rude thing?

Saw III was on next and I want to watch it but them I wouldn't be able
to sleep for the next few months so I gave that a miss. I hate scary
films. I don't mind the gore so much but it's the suspense that gets
to me. I'm a mega scary cat and plus I hate not knowing things.
Usually before I watch a film I will read up on the entire plot first
or talk to someone who's seen it. I find it strange that people don't
like to give the plot away even though ur asking them to. If I'm
begging for info then you are not spoiling the plot for me!

One film I really want to watch is 'valentines day'. From the trailer
I saw it seems very similar to 'she's just not that into you'- but
that's not a bad thing cos I thought it was a really good movie. I'm
not too certain what it's about, I think it's valentines day through
the lives of a bunch of people (jennifer garner, taylor lautner and
swift, emma Roberts, Bradley what's his name and more). Problem is: I
don't go cinema. Hate being in that kind of space, have an attention
span of a goldfish, waste of my life. So I will either try to watch it
online *slap on the wrist* or wait for it to be released on DVD and
then for my brother to buy it amdthen plot ways to steal it from
parents home. Wish me luck for both!! (oh crap, now that I've put it
into writing I really really super duper want to watch it now argh!)

Before I go, quick update: I'm well :) Hope you are too! X

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Easy access

This is a little blog about 'naughty' words/phrases. As you know I
went to a 'masterclass'' today about 'controlling risks' and voice of
the customer (voc)'. Usually I'm well behaved and frankly quite
prudish but today I kept giggling everytime anyone said "easy access",
so I thought I'd make a little list of all the naughty things people
on general say since I don't have any music to listen to on the tube
journey home.

"I'm really anal"
"I love a good spitroast"
"nothing better then munching cake for breakfast" (I never knew what
this meant til last week)
I love it when people say orgasmic instead of organic.
"big stick"
"do it harder"

Erm I cant think anymore cos making my list is making me giggle cos I
just realised that I'm sitting on the tube mouthing out the word
orgastic and the perv opp me is staring.

Are these any words/phrases that put a smile on ur face?

A world with no music.

Argh I told u iTunes is crap. On the way to embankment and ta dah
there's no songs on ipenny!! Wiped out. Fan-fucking-tastic! :( and the
lame thing? I've still got my headphones in out of habit haha

The tube is approaching whitechapel and I need to be there in u think the driver would skip a few stops if I ask nicely?

My hair looks amazing today, gone is the witch hair (for today at
least!) I did something skanky (but admittedly I do it quite often); I
only washed the top half of my hair. Usually I'm worst and I just wash
the front/fringe area but today I did round the crown too. The reason
why I do this is because as I explained in an earlier blog, I don't
want to wash my hair everyday and the bottom half is very dry whereas
the top is kore greasy. And the plus thing is that cos it's less
crispy whn I use my straighteners it really straightens.

I'm 6 stops away (actually 5 cos blackfriars is closed) and have 2
mins left. But I'll let u into a secret. I have terrible time
management. The saying 'you'd be late to your own funeral' was made
with me in mind. So I asked my managers to lie to me about the event
starting time and the meeting time. So logically I know I'm ok, if I'm
10mins late we won't be late for the event. But of course id love to
be there early/on time to show I'm not a total loser!

Uh oh train delay :( I hate tunnel traffic jams. On that subject,
what's up with air traffic? I say, if u can't see a airplane in front
of u zoom zoom away! (3 mins late)

We're gettiing free lunch today which is what I'm most looking forward
too lol I wish we had time/I had money to but breakfast :( ps omg
what's up with everyones baaaaad morning breath?! I nearly died on the

Time to do a mirror check. Wish me well people and may u all have a
fantastic day x

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Dear Bob

Hello! Do u like my new version of dear diary? I must say, I don't
know a single bob, but I love the way bob sounds. It's so round, do u
understand what I mean, say 'bob' slowly out loud...

Ok got a bit distracted there. Let me zoom through the day since it's
ultra late for me.

Work was great. Last day of workshop. Not as 'fun' as yesterdays but
there was still a buzz going on and the people who attended said we
should do more so that's good :) I'm a bit embarassed cos when I
handed out the evaluation forms I shouted out 'rate me 5 stars' (and I
held up my hand)...someone watches too much YouTube!!! lol

Today was a fresh hair day but for some reason it looked like I had a
witches wig on; it was all black and straw-like. Really need a haircut
but a) I'm poor and b) I hate having my hair cut. Can't put it off
much longer though.

In the morning I used a trick I learned from michelle phan YouTube
beauty guru to apply my mascara. Basically, I always get ton of
product on my eyelid and have to babywipe it off and reapply my
foundation and powder around the eye area and it's such a hassle in
the morning. So what I do now is place a customised business card on
my eyelid and apply the mascara. Rather then messing up ur lids it
goes onto the card! (to find out what i mean by customise just YouTube
or google mascara business card).

I'm a bit p*ssed that I'm not asleep cos tomorrow I've got a
'masterclass' in embankment and I need to meet my boss there at 9:20
and usually I can't even make it to work for 10am when I sleep at 8pm
to do the 10min journey. Plus I want to wash my hair cos this witch
hair is annoying.

Not sure what to where tomorrow. The guestlist was full of VIPs and
plus I'm reppin' so need to dress up but what do I do shoe wise?
Should I risk the whole journey in heels? Or do I put them in my
handbag? I don't want to be caught out as an underaged skank. If it
doesn't rain tomorrow I can put my shoes in my bag instead of a brolly
so that I don't look like a bag lady.

Argh nearly 11:30 so g'night!!!!

iPod update version 3.0

Hello :)

Well the most shocking thing is that it is 11:01pm! Really should of
had an early night but argh was having iPod trouble and wouldn't get
off line til I had it sorted.

Basically I'm a massive sims fan (wicked pc simulation game) and have
been trying to get it on iPod apps for weeks now but everytime I try
it says I need a different version! Finally figured that I
needed to update and not buy a brand new iPod and then took me hours
to figure out how to update. Basically I paid £3.99 for the game and
it wasn't on my iPod though it took the money. Was not impressed.
Ended up paying another £2.99 to get update 3.0 THIEF!!!!!!! At least
I got my bloody sims game now. It better be good!!!!

I am not a fan of iPod and iTunes though, I don't find it very user
friendly. All the iPods I've had I've only updated the songs once (the
first time) and then that's it, I just been listening to the same
songs for the past 5 years!! (not too bad since I lurve old songs).
It's not iTunes fault that I'm a techie-moron but then shouldn't they
cater for the morons too?

Anyhoo, I've had version 3.0 for about 10minutes and I'm hating it.
Don't like what it's done to my mail first of all, don't like my icons
and I was really pissed off that it messed my apps about. And it's a
cheek to charge me to upgrade, and it's not really a matte of choice
since a lot of the apps (eg facebook that I already had) needed
version 3.0 to work.


Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Dry cleaning

Can anyone explain to me the concept and purpose of dry cleaning?

Why in 2010 are we using materials that can't be machine washed? Apart
from being a monetary rip off I don't understand why we still have dry
clean only garments. I've paid big bucks for my coat, and I paid big
bucks for my washing machine, so why do I need to spend relatively big
bucks at the drycleaners? It's so against my principles that what I
do, to the great chargrin of my mum (and probably the local dry
cleaners if they knew) is just buy a new whatever. I refuse to give my
hard earned cash over.

But I've got a problem. I'm in love with my current stash of coats. I
want to keep waitig them. And they need a clean. My friend told me to
frebreeze them but that's a bit skanky I think for a long term
measure. Let's see how long I can hold out before I go crawling to the

Whilst we're on this fascinating (!) subject, let's give a mention to
the reheeling people. That's another rip off in my eyes. Especially if
u buy ur shoes in primark!!! I'd reheel jimmy choos, but why would u
pay £6 to reheel a pair of shoes that either cost less, or £10
maximum?! Again, just bulk buy!!!

Dear Diary

Hhhmm I'm gonna have to come up with better blog titles, I can't call
them all 'dear diary'.

Also, just realised I haven't sent the entry I did last night so these
two will prob be uploaded at the same time, not a problem at the
moment since I have no subscribers but something for me to ponder
(solution: get online every night)

It's nearly 8:30pm and I'm in bed. Mostly because it's been a long day
and im shattered and tomorrow will be another long day. Second reason
is because I've put a load of washing on and if my machine decides to
go kaput on me I can spend time in the middle of the night sorting it
out, drying up the inevitable flood, hand rinsing and hanging up my
clothes and still get a decent amount of sleep. Forward planning at
it's most pessimistic!!! (note to washing machine: pls don't break

So today: i didnt wake up particularly esrly but i got to work in
time :) Even managed to get sausage rolls for me and my boss. The
first day of workshop went beyond great, tiring but very rewarding. I
wish we could do this workshop for more people but....nevermind. One
step at a time and all that.

I had respectable hair; left it out and had the front in two plaits
pinned back, so it was neat and I didn't constantly flick it around
but it was more fun then a bun.

I don't think I mentioned it, but the great news is I got a random
letter from my solicitor and a cheque for £80!! No idea why but much
needed and appreciated :) It was scary when I got the letter though
cos it starts by saying,"there is an outstanding sum of £80..." and my
heart dropped "...owed to you" *PHEW*

Oh crap. I can hear my washing machine having a fit, gonna go
check...brb...erm...WOW!! good news, machine did a whole cycle :) I've
hung up some bits, the rest I'll do in the a.m. Very very happy. Well
done washer :)

Woo hoo it's 8.55pm and I can go to sleep knowing there won't be a
flood greeting me in the morning.

Night! X

Monday, 25 January 2010

Dear Diary


Hope you had a great Monday.

Just winding down for bedtime and I'm going to try to do a diary style
sum up of my day. I say 'try' cos I've actually tried to do this a few
times already and then dwell tooooo much on one subject. I said last night, today was an important day at work. Was
looong but very productive preparing for a two day workshop. I do get
super nervous but at the same time I love public speaking.

Today was a good outfit day. I wore my new pearl set my auntie bought
me from Thailand. I love pearls cos a) they're super girly and b) I'm
allergic to everything else. I wear the necklace with the silver clasp
at the front; I wear my bracelet over my cardigan sleeve (u gotta do
what u gotta do!) and shockingly the earrings were fine (I only wore
them when in the presense of VIPs), kept them in my purse in between

I got home late (about 7:30pm...take into account I live a 10min walk
from work!) and had been looking forward to my chicken thighs that I
had left to defrost in the fridge. Unfortunately the chicken was still
semi frozen and after a quick facebook survey I decided to not eat it
and let it defrost longer. But now I'm worried that by tomorrow it
would have gone off cos aren't u suppose to eat defrosted food within

Trying to relax cos I started diy project yesterday at 4pm and it's
not completed. Missing a tool called a diy shops in the
area. Living room full of pieces of wood. Argh. Deeeeep breath.

Wondering what to do with my hair tomorrow. Don't really want to wash
it (trying to do it only once every two days otherwise mega dry) but
then hot mess not really suitable for the workshops ( but it's a in-
house thing so everyone is already used to my hair....). Guess it
depends on what time I wake up!!

On that note, I need to get in early to set up the conference room and
do any last min prep so goodnight
blog people, thank you for reading :)

P x

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Work look

...I am just blogging before bed while my nail varnish dries. I've
already got two smudges but nm.

I spent most of last week with mint green nails but just remembered
while I was brushing my teeth that I've got a lot of very important
meetings this coming week so off came the mint green and on goes the
clear. What colour polish is a reasonable work colour? Usually I wear
pink, red, grey or coral. My personal work no's are black and mint cos
I think its too trend led. I'm not at work to make a fashion statement.

Saying that, I cringe at some of the stuff I was wearing in my
previous post. We're in a non public office so even though we're
suppose to dress smart most people in my old section dressed super
casual; I use to wear leggings and gladiator sandals!! Whereas is my
current post it's still I'm the same building but I mingle with the
big wigs and have a lot of meet and greets, and we hold a lot of
presentation type stuff so I dress much more smart now. My typical
look is a tulip skirt (black or grey) and a short sleeve top/blouse
and a merino cardigan. On the way to work I wear whatever footwear is
appropriate for the weather and then at my desk I kept a pair of smart
pumps (cream and black quilt) and a pair of heels (black suede, medium
cone heel, almond head) and I chuck these on an off depending on what/
who is on the agenda.

My biggest bane for work is my hair. I don't have good work (office)
hair. Sleek and smart aren't words associate with my hair. My mums fav
phrase to me is "it's not illegal to brush ur hair more then once a
day you know!" - that says it all really. When my hair is at it's best
it goes from biggest bane to biggest mane and still inapprioriate. The
amount of hairflicking I do is outrageous. Oh well.

I'll stop there cos I've become aware of another 'problem' with my
email updates: it just looks really wrong, and really long on a normal
screen. For some reason on the blog my sentences are 4 words long and
so even a paragraph looks like an essay. So sorry if it makes it hard
to read, I'll try see if that can be amended.

Hope you all have a great week, goodnight xxx

Jan 2010 Ins and Outs

Just a quick what's In and what's Out in my life:


DIY - I got a shoe storage cupboard for my birthday (it was on my
wishlist) and been putting off the assembly process but today is the
day to tackle it (it's been nearly 2 months and the box is in the
way). Plus generally, I love diy, I like the sense of achievement that
I built that with my two hands, flaws and all.

Inspiration/feeling inspired - I've been feeling a bit more peppy then
of past so I'm trying to harness my get up and go and make it last as
long as I can. I've decided to undertake a little fun art project.
Basically a giant mood type board full of images I like, want and
aspire to. Nothing serious, a lot of handbags mainly LOL but it will
be fun for me and keep me focused. Idle minds meet the devil quicker.
I was inspired to do this by a whatstyleistonickle video on personal

Salmon - yes, the fish. I don't know if it's healthy as it could be
(drown it in olive oil) but it's easy peasy to cook and lessens the
possibility of food poisoning, which is always good!

Jodi Picoult - she is one of my favourite authors but was a bit
disappointed (ALL the books are great, but not all equally great) with
the last few I read, but 1/4 of a way through reading 'songs of the
humpback whale' and I'm happy so far.


Bling - a few weeks ago I was all into blinging my phone, my pod, my
bloody fridge. I loved it but too high maintenance for everyday
gadgets. I end up with lil dimante gems in my hair, bottom of my
handbag, stuck on my cheek, in my washing machine...which leads me
nicely to my next out....

Washing machine - broken/making weird noises. My washer/dryer broke
down a while ago big time and it was a major hassle getting whirlpool
to sort it out (about one whole month!!) plus all that flooding can't
be good! But they did sort it out but now it's dying on me again. I
wish it just had a fat neon light that just says 'send me to the
scrapyard' - mine is amking all sorts of noises an I can't wok out if
it's normal or not and it's just sending my blood pressure up up up.

Winter footwear - I'm happy snow is out cos I hate wearing boots. I
like my feet to be as naked as possible, and am a massive fan of it
own foot cleavage. I'm still wearing boots, but more fashion this week
rather then chunky ugly things with a grippy sole.

...just learned a blog lesson...much easier to do list type blogs on
the laptop and use this email update for some of my essays. (would
have thought it would have been the other way round but oh well, can't
argue with real life experience)

Anyway, takecare xxx

What to blog?

Nearly the end of January, can you believe it?! I hope 2010 has been a
good year for you and your loved ones so far.

I had 2 new years resolutions:
1) enter gmtv competition on line when it's a money prize (as opposed
to a holiday or car).
2) update blog minimum once a week
....I'm happy to say that I'm keeping my resolutions so far. Did u
guys make any resolutions? Were they as deep and meaningful as mine? Lol

So anyway, the topic that has been on my mind (esp since I learned how
to update via email) is my blog; namely, what do I want this blog to be?

I'm not an expert on anything; I don't hve a target audience I am
trying to reach; I dont have an important message to convey.

I was watching vlogs on YouTube trying to get tips...the main thing
'they' say is to just to discuss what you enjoy discussing! Thanks,
great tip(!)

So...would be grateful for any suggestions on topics or input on what
you think so far. At the moment I'll keep doing what the pros suggest
and keep on talking about me, my life, my loves and my hates.

Coming ins and outs of jan.

Ciao x

I'll love you 4eva

It's 3.32am. Internet is off. I've just realised that I can compose my
blogs offline and update when I'm online! So be ready for random blogs
when I'm using mcdonalds or yates' free wfi!

I can't remember the last time I slept this late. And I'm gonna soooo
regret it when I wake up. And I can't even just wake up at 4pm like
I'd love to do cos it'll mess up my bodyclock. *sighs* being an adult
is tough.

Was talking to R about missing college (she bought it up, and we did
mean sixth form). First I thought she was a bit doolally but actually
I feel the same, I miss school and sixth form too (only on hindsight
though, I don't want to relive it or anything, fuck no!)

I miss the hanging around. And the cheap rat meat and chips (I heart
balti house!!!) and I miss the joys of massive drama. When you're that
age everything is so massive and all bad things feel like the end of
the world. College girls must keep Kleenex in business with all the
tears they shed - boys and bitch slaps and bad hair days boo hoo hoo!

Boys!!! I miss being a teenage girl cos I miss teenage boys!! I miss
having crushes and the joy it bought to my laugh if I caught a glimpse
of someone I liked (loved!)

I miss having friends that you think are your world and whose opinions
mean everything. Obviously I love my true friends at this age but I
wouldn't jump off a bridge for any of them if they told me to (I so
would have when I was 15 though LOL)

Back to 2nd crush (i usually say he's my 1st but someone did
beat him to the post but he was def my most massive crush ever) was
when I was 11 or 12, he was an older boy, a man in my eyes (15). Wow
that was hardcore (onesided) love. I still have my diary for that year
and the entry I made the first time I saw him (yes it was love at
first sight) makes me laugh so much. "HE IS SO BUFF!!!!!!!!!! And he
is 15!!!!!" bless my cotton socks it was 2 whole pages of how nice his
ears were and stuff like that (yup, his ears).

Incase you're wondering he did know my name! (good enough for me!!)
not sure if he knew I wanted to marry him. Omg how embarassing I use
to get my mum to walk me past his street and god bless my mum but she
use to take me most evenings!!! How lame am I?! But seeing his roof
bought a joy to my heart I haven't felt since.

And I have seen him quite a few times since (big crush, lasted for
about 5-6years, that's true love for ya!) and I act cool and grown up.

And lord anyone who knew me at that age probably knows who I'm talking
about. But I'm 25 which I think is old
Enough to step back and have a laugh.

Omg saying that, if he read this and knew it was him I'd squeak and
then pass out (I lent him 20p once and when he paid me back I kept it
in a little box for a few months and then my mother STOLE it and
replaced it with £1 cos she needed change. Bad day in our household!!!)

I think when I'm 30 I'll declare my undying love...I better google his
name and see if he's married or anything! Lol

Aw Penny you are such a loser!

Saturday, 23 January 2010


Holy moly it worked!!!!!!
Apologies for typo, you should have crossed your fingers not your

On that note apologies in advance for aaaalllll the fat finger typos
and auto correct shite that will be a common occurance from now on!!

And I'll try my best to not make 10 2 line blogs a day ;) but no
promises. I feel like is found a new toy!

Blogging from ipenny

Wow I'm pretty excited. In a previous blog I mentioned that I couldn't
blog from my ipenny which was a bit crap but been been bored and lazy
today and decided to do a bit of online research and it says to do
this (whatever it is I'm doing now) so fibers crossed......


Thank you to The Guardian for the questions..

When were you happiest?
This is shite, but i can't think of a period. Obviously I have had (many) happy times in my life but not a chunk so i'll kinda bail out and say that....erm, i'm happiest when i am going to bed really early. (thinking about going to bed makes me happy too).

What is your greatest fear?
Feeling pinned. I know it's a weird way to put it, but that's literally how i see it. I don't want to be confined by space or by a person/people, or a situation. I get really scared thinking i can't do something, whether it be get and leave the room, or telling someone to "eff off".

Which living person do you most admire and why?
Well, i'll say my parents to be nice and respectful, and i do admire them for managing to bring me up without giving me away or drowning me in a sack.
Someone i really admire, who shall remain nameless (but we'll call her X), is someone i work with (actually i don't really work with X, but she works in the government too (that narrows it down! - not famous at all). Anyways! I admire her because generally speaking she has a disability, no discussion needed, and it is a serious one, but she goes on with life as though it wasn't there. and she doesnt do it like heather mills, where she talks about it all the time and pats herself on the back for being 'normal', more people make a fuss out of chipped nail polish then she does about her disability (is that the pc word - i can't remember, sorry). Recently X had a 'scare' and its the first time (in the 2 years i've known her) that i thought of her as someone with a disability. sorry its so rambly and generic, i dont want to go into someone elses details, but in my hearts of hearts i admire this person soooooooooooo much, and wish her well.

What is the trait you most deplore in youself?
The inability to just let go, "relax". New people i meet are always telling me to relax but people who know me know that i am simply a really highly strung human being. I am part Hitler and part George from Rainbow (the pink gay hippo). And i really wish i could just 'relax'. Cos it's bloody tiring worrying all the time.

What is the trait you most deplore in others?
The inability to take control! It goes hand in hand with what i hate in myself. I hate people who can't make up their minds, who can't form a plan, who can't even follow a friggin plan. *deep breath* simply because, the more useless you are, the more worried i (feel i) need to be.

What was your most embarrassing moment?
Loads. But blsuh moment was when i was at school basically covertly stalking a sixth former and i fell into some bushes. the bad bit is that i got totally stuck (friggin thorns) and rather then just get up and 'act normal' i was just laying there in a bush. and yes he turned around and witnessed it.

Property aside, what's the most expensive thing you've bought?
I was going to say my TV but it was reasonable actually (god bless bank holiday deals!) - erm, my laptop was a bit of a rip off but my most expensive thing was my miu miu bag (this was pre-penny palace obviously!)

What is your most treasured possession?
my baby blankets. i can't sleep without my blankie. and after 25years they are literally ribbons now, and i still sleep with them.

Where would you like to live?
several answers - the uncool answer would be, at work, so that i wouldnt have to travel and stuff, cos i am that lazy! the still uncool answer, in london, cos london is home and it rocks. and then my coolish answer, assuming that i had a lot of money, new york.

What would your super power be?
invisability. that would give me control of my own space, and in turn my own power. you can't control me if you can't see me.

What makes you unhappy?
dead people. literally. when someone dies, i feel sorry for them. unless they killed themselves cos then they wanted to die.

What do you most dislike about your appearance?
spots!!!! i was going to say flab but i've always been fat and its me now, but spots is just terrible. i never had spots til...mid-uni age, like 20. how shite is that!? maybe i'll go back to how i was by the time i'm 30, that would be good.

If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose?
it's not 'bring back to life' per se, but i'd like to bring back the art and joy of queuing. when i was young people would queue aka stand in a straight uniform line with respect for personal space and the person at the front would be first, the person behind them second, the person behind that person would be third etc and whatever they were waiting for, when the time came, the first person would go first, then the second person would be next etc etc. Nowadays, people just stand in a huddle, and it is survival of the fittest. doesn't matter if you are pregnant and you've been standing there for 3 hours, get out the frigging way., 'ive got bigger elbows then you, i'm getting on that bus before you.'

What is your most unappealing habit?
unappealing to others - my nose blowing/sniffing. i'm loud and constant.
to myself - hand washing. its not unappealing, good hygiene is good, but for me its annoying cos i have to be able to do it alllllll the time, anytime anyplace and if i cant i get major panicy. can't breathe gonna die type ARGH plus, it makes things so long. touch a pen gotta wash my hand. switch on a light gotta wash my hand. type this blog gotta wash my hand. wash my dishes gotta wash my hand. wash my hand gotta wash my hand. seriously.

What is the worst thing anyone's ever said to you?
too many things. and it's stuff that makes me feel embarrassed (cos its so mean) so i can't even say. but let me take this opportunity to say "HAH!!! you are a shitty scumbag, my life is better then yours. I AM BETTER THEN YOU so HAH again, and shame on your shitty self, may you rot in hell. MOFO". (I don't believe in 'forgive and forget').

What is your guiltiest pleasure?
i do everything with a lot of guilt. reading i guess, co si read when i should be doing so many other things.

What does love feel like?
loving someone who loves you feels nice, fulfilling warm.
loving someone who doesn't love you/doesn't know you exist feels like you are empty and like you are drowning in nothingness, which is bad, because if it was something you could take action, but because it is nothing, all you can do is hurt.

Which living person do you most despise, and why?
the man who lives in my building and who is a dickhead. its been nearly 8 months and he just won't smile back. we're neighbours for fucks sake, he better not ever run out of sugar!

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

What has been your biggest disappointment?
Genesis Housing Group. Named and shamed. Your customer service is beyond shite. If i could return my house and get a refund i would, just to spite you. Reason for return? YOU ARE SHITE.

If you could go back in time where would you go?
1996. i dont want to say.

How do you relax?
sleeeeeeeep. feed my fish on my pennypod. play some bloons tower defense on easy mode.

What single thing would improve the quality of your life?
waking up tomorrow at least 5 stone lighter but with no excess skin. that would make my life better, healthier, hopefully longer.

What song would you like played at your funeral?
Tears in heaven by eric clapton, or one sweet day, boyz II men and mariah carey or its so hard to say goodbye to yesterday by boyz II men.

"And I'll take with me the memories

To be my sunshine after the rain
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday."

I want people in floods of tears.

What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
Don't assume people are as nice as you/have the same moral compass. Some people are animals.

Where would you most like to be right now?
I'm happy where i am (sitting on the floor of my flat, using my pouffe as a table)

Tell us a joke.
I am a joke :(

Tell us a secret.
I'm really really good at climbing things.

The End!

If you read that, thanks :)

*Taken from a Q&A done with Perez Hilton in The Guardian.

Fly me to the moon


Well firstly, there was no shopping trip the other day. And it was sad beyond the 'i didn't get to buy anything' reason. It was my mums birthday and on our birthdays we (mum, me and brother) always take a day off work and just hang out, eat, argue. Nice quality time. I ended up sitting in my frozen shoe box (when i could have been warm at work - i love work, yes i am sad) just waaaaaaaaaaaiting, while my mum cleaned the house and bought stuff in preparation for relatives visiting from Thailand the next day. Noone should have to do house stuff on their birthday. Poor mummy. We had dinner at nearly 9pm that night together, which was yummy but lame cos everyone was tired and grumpy.

I also took off today from my other job to hang with my mum but then she is working, so then i said i'd go do tourist stuff with my relatives then i ended up sick.

so just sitting at home, washing machine broke. had a tantrum and mini flood. then fixed washing machine. need to eat lunch soon (its 4pm) but waiting for the kitchen floor to get a bit more dry.

very angry that i 'wasted' annual leave. i am so bad at using annual leave, last year out of the 22 days we had i had 13 days left, they only let me carry over 10 days, so i lost 3 days (i did ask for it off before my cut off date but they said i couldnt cos of business requirements - major p*ssed off), so then this time round i have 25 days (cos i've been there a year now) plus my 10 = 35days annual leave and minus the days i've taken from today til july 31st i have 30 days left!!!!!!!! technically, i could take 5 days off every month - how amazing would that be!? it would be major amazing if i had a holiday planned this year. might go thailand in june, but thats usually a last minute thing, and realistically i cant imagine having money to go/if i did have enough money i could spend it on something much more practical. well, who knows, come summer something amazing may have happened and i could fly to the moon!

another reason for my vast annual leave is simply, i hate going away. i am a homebody and very much a comfort girl. i hate being in a place where i don't know where the cleanest toilet cubicle is or what brand of bleach is being used. my mum is always wanting to go places and after a lot of uming and aaahhhing i end up 'left' behinf while she goes with my brother. it is a bit crap cos it restricts thing and the family really want a family holiday type thing but argh goosebumps no thanks!!!

i really like my own space and my own company, which also doesnt make for a good holiday-lover/traveller. ~(Actually, in my defense, i travel really well, you have to when you are a comfort obsessed control freak - ask stephen and ruth) And actually the travelling bit is my favourite bit (apart from when there was a liquid ban).

but enough of no-holiday talk.

next blog is a Q&A taken from The Guardian x

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

2010 'Must Haves'

I'm planning to go (window) shopping with my mum tomorrow so thought i'd googled '2010 must haves' and ended up on and so I'd thought I'd give my view on's picks:

1. A Digital Print

Me no likey. I think prints date clothes, and also truthfully I am the plainest, most boring dresser ever so digital prints really don't rock my boat. (is that the right saying?)

2. Something Sporty

Haha sporty? I can't utilise my Davina exercise DVD cos i don't have trainers or sports clothes so sport fashion is just a no.

3. A Touch of Military

This is a look I would be interested to play with. A do-able colour palette (I'm thinking khaki, caramels, slate greys) is great. However, a big no for me is too structured (wrong body shape, too much flab) so I would be rocking this look with lux fabrics, so silks(ish) and soft wools, drapey cottons. Or I could rock like most of East London's 'yoof' and carry a big gun.

4. Spring Leather

This thought process is based on me being able to afford leathers in the first place ok? I would definitely not do leather t shirts. I couldn't even do last seasons silk t shirts. And even a leather skirt throws up bad bad images. I'm not sure if this counts towards the trend but I'd really want a soft leather jacket, the type all saints churn out season after season.

5. Innerwear as Outerwear

Despite the aforementioned flab I'm really looking forward to this trend. This was around a few years ago and I really embraced it (my mum wasn't impressed though). And with the right pieces I can wear it to the office too, but generally speaking I'd wear innerwear as outerwear casually, so maybe a silk and lace cami with a boyfriend cardigan over the top with skinny jeans and then a pair of chunky army boots (there you go! - a touch of military mixed in there!).

6. Makeup Colors

I've heard this for ages and I am ready (even GMTV go on about it) - if you don't know what make up colours mean, it means nudes and pastels, the golden globes had a lot great examples (I loved emily blunt and drew barrymore's dresses).

I've got an array of nudey shoes waiting for a ray of sunshine. The latest is primark nude ballet pumps studded with gold. Tres good, i bought 6 pairs.

7. Something Wild

I was actually thinking about this today. Loooooooads of people in the office are wearing various prints. I would really like to have maybe a print cardi, but not sure if it works with my lard arse? I think an animal print will be my focus on tomorrows shopping trip.

8. A Scuba Look

Basically this seasons version on bodycon. Erm, NO.

9. Denim

I never realised denim was out! I will be sticking to skinny jeans. My focus will be to get a denim dress shirt or denim/linen mix oversized shirt (just realised I already have one but the colour is odd......denim is too blue for me). I remember when I was younger I always wanted a denim jacket but i was chunky and nothing was ever right. Then one day I found one that (i thought) was right, and it had a sequin union jack sewn on the waist bit and i was so happy. And I loved it and wore it with everything. I cringe looking back. But i cringe a lot when i think about my clothes. Gosh, i'm cringing about what i wore to work today!

10. Clogs

NO!! (Edit: I've changed my mind....I'm ready to embrace clogs and that will be on my shopping list tomorrow too....the reason why i've changed my mind is cos i am in love with the clunky shoe at the moment and it really works with my tree trunk legs so i think clogs will be good).

like a tree

I am pining. Really really bad. I feel like I am 15. I wish I was 15 again but with my current brain. But then I'd always be living in regret and always trying to right myself which would be a waste of my life. ARGH So i'm stuck frigging pining.

*deep breath*

Tomorrow I am annual leave, my mum's birthday. I got her a card but no present....I'm planning to just get her whatever she wants tomorrow (thanks credit card/I hope she doesnt pick anything over £5!!!!!).

The money situation with the parents is hard. They know I'm poor but they don't realise how much of a pickle I am in, I don't want them to worry (even more then they do) and I don't want money from them (free groceries is a gift, that's fine!), i want to do it on my own. I don't see them much so they don't see how bare my fridge is. The other day I saw my dad for a bit and he said I was shrinking, and i wanted to say "DUH I'm starving!!!!!" but I just said that I must be missing his cooking. Isn't it weird how we treat our parents with kiddie gloves? And vice versa. Honesty and openess is overrated. Trumped by respect and a tiny bit of pride. a tree I am strong and I stand alone. But too much wind, rain and crap can break me down. So take it easy on me please!

Sunday, 17 January 2010

One more blog!

I know so far my entries have been mainly beauty/fashion related but I want this blog to be just everything but unfortunately my life of late has been shockingly lame so all i can talk about is lipstick....but i'm trying my best. Please subscribe, read, comment etc.

Saying that, here's one more listy thing:

Hot Hang-outs
I'm not a hot hang-out sort of person. I don't really go anywhere let alone anywhere 'hot' so I'll just interpret this as 'fav place'. This is lame but I love hanging out in my flat. Even if I'm cleaning the bathroom floor I feel like I am on holiday. It's a dream. Otherwise, er, I like hanging out in Nando's!!! There's nothing better then that refill drink machine. LOVE!

Guilty Pleasures
Cheeseeeeeese. It's a guilty pleasure cos I'm lactose intolerant and it makes me sick but it is truly a taste sensationthat is worth the agony.
My other guilty pleasure is stalking people on facebook lmao come on, we all do it!!!
I never really understood the lure before but I have become a youtube addict. I love watching beauty vloggers (Lollipop26, Gossmakeupartist, hollymae20, xteeener, whatstyleistonickle, andreaschoice), funny people (spricket24/karenalloy, kevjumba, happyslip, communitychannel) and people singing (lunazian, and i watched esmee denters prior to the fame which is amazing).

Ipod playlist
Lord, this is going to be even more embaraasing then 'hot hang-outs' if I'm honest. The songs on my ipod are laaaaaame. Really really lame. I love Ne-Yo's 'Get Down Like That' - sloppy but I can play it loud without being ashamed what I'm listening to (unlike when I'm listening to the backstreet boys *blushes*). Alicia Keys 'Wreckless Love' - I've had it for ages but never listened to it till a few months ago cos I was only listening to the obvious 'No one' and 'Like you'll never see me again' - yeah I am a lame lemming. But now WL is my fav and i can warble along. Beyonce 'Sweet Dreams; yay wake me up song. Ok that's enough.

Top TV
Come Dine with Me. Fav ever. I enjoy the food aspect, and mega love the bitching. And I love getting to see their homes. I find it soooo fascinating.
I love Gilmore Girls which was a 7 season American programme but i only know one other person who knows about it (though they recently were showing it on e4).
Gossip Girl - I fancy the girls and the guys. I would say that I am most like Blair: I love alice bands and am a queen bitch. I find it a bit sad that she gets a bit more human each season, i feel let down. Saying that, i hate jenny and it's nothing to do with her being a right cow. She is just plain annoying.
Heroes - Mainly cos I love Milo Ventimiglia (Peter).

Tour-bus reading
I'm not good at picking books for journeys, not because I don't read, but because I love reading and can read a normal size novel in just under 4 hours in average, which means if I spent a whole day reading taking toilet and food breaks I can read 4 books. Which means if i am book packing for a plane journey, or for an actual holiday I would need to take at least 50 books for a 2 week trip which sucks if you need to pack underwear and stuff. But basically, i will read anything. Hi brow, low brow, bible, cereal packet. Not fussy at all.

Hairspray, the Rikki Lake version. If they ever need a Thai Tracy Turnbald I would be the one!!!!
City of God, I was baffled for a bit but then BAM best film ever.
Once a time in american. i think it took me a week to watch this but it is intense and well done.
Film section is short cos frankly i have an attention span of a goldfish, so watching films is quite a torture qnd a bore for me.

Shopping Destination
MBK Thailand pre-makeover. Cheesy crap. Glitzy crap. General crap. I love crap!
Primark - same reason as why i love MBK lol
Oxford Street, London, cos I am a londoner and it would be awful if i didn't say it. Long live Oxford Street, may internet shopping never be the death of you.


I heart petroleum jelly

I'm gonna just bang out more lists of what I love in the format of "Affordable Treat, Luxury Spree, Latest Buy and Can't Live Without and I Want Want Want", and I'll do 1) beauty 2) fashion....let's go:

Affordable Treat

1) Cheapy lipsticks. A pretty pink or nude for under £6 is such a nice treat. Rimmel, GOSH or Barry M are def my pick me up cheap treat. And if it's cheap enough red, hot pink or even orangey (pinky corals to be fair!!) lipsticks have been know to be hiding in my make up drawer.

2) Alice bands. I like wearing an aliceband, reminds me of when I was a little girl and had a million hairbands complete with ribbon, bells, little satin pillows and the like. Nowadays my alice bands are much more modest but still get that happy feeling. And I usually stock up at Primark or Claire's so thats only a few quid to put a smile on my face.

Luxury Spree

1) Toss up between Origins Mega Mushroom face serum (£50 a bottle, stinks, but is fantastic) or my beloved MAC kabuki brush which was $51 but I use it every single day.

2) Louis Vuitton. I know it is such a chavvy brand now but I've been rocking this forever. I even carried an LV at primary school (for a few weeks til my mum threw a fit - my dad use to walk us to and from school and never noticed). I would rather buy a bag then spend that money on a holiday. A holiday might be a week or 10 months but an LV bag lasts for life and can be passed on (as my lovely mother did for me). If I've only got a few hundred to totally spare (which i sadly can't imagine having for the next few years!) then I'd buy a purse. Giant zip around is my favourite kind, and I have the epi, canvas and a red vernis (which is tacky beyond belief actually but i love it).

Latest Buy

1)Er..I got some tea tree facewash for 98p in Wilkinsons on Friday. But 'proper' beauty wise I haven't bought anything since Xmas, and that was only a Collection 2000 volumising mascara and 'blush' rimmel lipstick. Boring :(

2) Yesterday I bought a stripy cream and navy cotton cardi, no idea what i am going to wear it with, saving it for the spring. I got a dark navy silk mix shawl neck cardi, wanted it in grey but my friend Cara got the last big size, gutted, but loving the navy too. I got a dress....I can't even say what colour it is.....I guess simply it is a light silvery blue/denimy is smart, high round neck, gathered waist, cutest big pockets. If i was a bit more tech savvy I'd post a pic. Maybe one day! Erm, I also got 2 light grey merino cardis (I told you i love cardigans!!!!!!), one in a normal fitting and one is a mens, so it's jsut big and baggy and great. So those are my latest fashion buys. (courtesty of credit card btw!)

Can't Live Without

1) Vaseline!!!!!!!!!! My lips love it. So do my eyebrows. So do my dry eyelids. Great for static hair. A lifesaver if you've not got any handcream. I've even been known to eat a bit when i'm really hungry (true fact!)

2) Cardigans. I can't live without my cardigans, especially my Gap merino cardigans. One of the best things about living by myself is that my mum no longer shrinks my cardigans in the wash!!! Many tears and tantrums.

I want want want
(Golly gosh i want so much I could name 139144 things!)

1) I want the whole MAC make up brush collection. And I want one of those little apron/rolly things to keep them in. And then I want all the bronzer/blusher thingys from Benefit (Hula etc).

2)I want a Miu Miu Vitello leather tote in any colour (£750 for the medium, wouldn't mind the large either for £795 if you are feeling generous lol), the Chloe Paraty Pylon (£1895) in either black or tan (or both!!) and the Alexa Mulberry (don't know how much, probably more then the £5 I can afford). I'll stop there otherwise we'll be here forever!!!! Ooooh actually, one more slightly more realistic want - a pair of Hunters wellies, any colour.

i wanna shag eva mendes and the guy from the twingo advert


Sorry for being m.i.a.....just too lazy to log onto my laptop and unfortunately i can't type on on my penny pod (very odd actually).

Hope everyone (a.k.a Stephen!) is having a very happy 2010 so far :)

My 2010 is good. Well, to be honest it's just the same as always with the addition of snow. The main difference is that I've suddenly become piss poor. Since buying my flat obviously I have been much shorter of cash then usual, but I've never been this bloody broke!!! On Friday my freezer housed 2 ice trays and a tub of ice cream (chocolate) and my fridge had cans of diet coke and 7-up, a opened bottle of lambrini (yeah i am a skank), a lemon, strawberry jelly and soya butter. And i still refused to go grocery shopping, i was poooooooor :( and i was friggin hungry. and that was my fridge/freezer for over 3 weeks!!!!!!!! I wa sliving off spam, tuna and pasta. Thinking about tuna pasta makes me wanna hurl. The other day i went to bed at 7pm cos what was the point of staying up?! Luckily, i met my dad on friday after work and he took me to morrisons, paid for some groceries and helped me take it home :) Thank you Daddy x (The only thing dad is a bit of a food snob. What I really wanted was a freezer full of fish fingers and bernard matthew stuff but he doesn't 'beleive' in that stuff so I have ended up with pears, grapes, tomatoes, salad, potatoes, a million oranges and the only freezer thing i got was a bag of frozen country vegetables and i begged and begged for a bag of frozen chips (it's a veg kinda!!!!), yay!!!)

My aim with this blog is to update at least once a week. I would say every day but I'm trying not to become addicted to the net so need to stay away.

So, hopefully it won't be so long between blogs, til next time, Byeeeeeeeee!
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